CEC MINUTES 3-29-2021 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TEXAS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: March 29th, 2021 LOCATION: VIA VIRTUAL MEETING TIME: 6:00 P.M. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Place 1 — Sherry Berman, Chair Place 2 — Vandana Tanneru Place 4 — Vamsi Alla Place 6 — Shayne Forsyth Place 7 — Muhammad lqbal COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Place 3 — Vacant Place 5 — Roja Kasarla STAFF PRESENT: Jerod Potts, Policy & Strategic Initiative Principal Planner CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: N/A OTHERS PRESENT: N/A REGULAR AGENDA 1. Call to order. Meeting called to order at 6:02 by Sherry Berman, Chair. 2. Approve March 1, 2021 CEC meeting minutes. Muhammad made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Vandana provided a second. Approved (4-0). Vamsi arrived after the vote. 3. Discussion: a. May 2021 Election Candidate Forums. Jerod provided an update that a moderator had been selected for each of the two forums. Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting— March 29`h, 2021 Page 1 of 2 b. CEC Questions for Candidate Forums. The Committee reviewed the results of the CEC question forced ranking surveys for the City of Southlake City Council Candidate Forum, and the CISD Board of Trustees Candidate Forum. The CEC also reviewed the questions submitted online by members of the community. The prioritization of questions for each of the two forums was discussed. 4. Reports: a. Development Update. The Committee asked for a status update on the construction of the fountain in Park Village near Town Square. An update will be provided at the April 5th meeting. 5. Discuss future agenda items. The next CEC meeting is scheduled for April 5th 6. Adjournment. Sherry adjourned the meeting at 7:14. ATTEST:0Lr iel(A1 ` /val 9 amsi Alla, Secretary Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting— March 29w, 2021 Page 2 of 2