1997-036i EXHIPI ' OFFICIAL RECORD RESOLUTION NO. 1.1 r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS INITIATING ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS; DIRECTING STAFF TO SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND PROVIDE FOR NOTICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAW; DIRECTING THAT A SERVICE PLAN FOR THE PROPERTY BE PREPARED; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the city has received a request by the owner of the property described below requesting that the city annex the tracts into the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, the tracts to be annexed are located in the exclusive extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Southlake; and WHEREAS, Chapter 43 of the Local Government Code requires that public hearings be held and a service plan be prepared prior to annexation of property by a municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. ANNEXATION INITIATED By this Resolution, the City of Southlake hereby initiates annexation proceedings to enlarge and extend the boundary limits of the territory depicted and described on Exhibit A", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. f:\files\slake\res\annex-1 (5-8-97) Page 1 SECTION 2. PUBLIC BEARINGS City staff is directed to schedule public hearings to be held before the city council where all interested persons will have the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation. SECTION 3. NOTICE City staff is directed to publish notice of the public hearings at least once on or after the twentieth but before the tenth day before the date of the public hearings. SECTION 4. SERVICE PLAN City staff is directed to prepare a service plan that will provide for the provision of services to the above referenced property in compliance with Section 43.056 of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This resolution shall be effective from and after its passage and adoption by the city council. RESOLVED AND ENTERED this the 8th day of May, 1997. ATTEST: Mj't4 City Secretary f:\fi1es\s1ake\res\annex-1 (5-8-97) Mrayv+ oee SOUTy Page 2 05/08/97 THU 17:49 FAX 817 4330 8750 MasuirePartners IZ020 11: 05/08/97 THU 17:49 FAX 917 430 875.0 PR AN 3088 Va, 1I9IM 0021 T. W. 01C. 05/08/97 THU 17:50 FAX 317 430 8750 _ Mat;uirePartners Z023 LAND DESCRIPTION FOR THE PORTION OF SOLANA FOR DISANNEXATION FROM THF. 'TOWN OF WESTL.AKE, TEXAS Reing all that Property, commonly known as. Solana and more particularly described as Parcels A". 13" and "C" as follows: Parcel "&: Being all that 251.757 acre tract of land situated in the J.B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134, the T.W. Mana Survey, Abstract No. 1107, the U.P. Martin Survey, Abstract 1015, the W. Mrcllin Survey, Abstrwt No, 1958, and the C. M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510, 'Tarrant Couuty, Texas and more particularly described as the WcstlawSot>ihlake Park, Addition No. 1 to the Town of Westlake as recorded in Volume 388-214, Pages 7R and 79, Map $ Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, including the ruplat of Lots 1R and ZR, Block 2 of the Wesdake /Southlctkc Parr Addition No. I to the 'Town of Westlake as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide No. 283, Map and Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas. PARCEL "B" Being a acre tract of hued situated in the William Pea Survey, Abstract Number 2025, Tarrant County. Texas, the same being Abstract Number 1045, Denton County, Texas; the 1. Henry Survcy, Abstract Number 724, Tarrant Coumy, Texas, the same being Abstract Number 528, Denton County, Texas; the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract Number 1958. Tarrant, County, Texas and the C. M. Throop Survey, Abstract Number 1510, Tarrant County, Texas, all located in northern Tarrant County and southem Denton County, Texas. This tract of land embmccs all of those tracts described in deeds to Tnternational Business Machines Corporation, hereinafter referred to as IDM, as recorded in Volume 7376, Page 1725; Volume 7373, Page 2080; Volume 7351, Pagc 1940: Volume 7864, Page 142; Voltune 7926, Paige 1452; Volume 7940, Paye 171; Volume 7940, Page 167, and also being a portion of those tracts of land described in deeds to IBM as recorded is Volume 7376, Page 1737; Volume 7376. Page 2087; and Volume: 7376, Puge 1765, Dccd Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Said tract is more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 518 inch iron rod in the southerly right-of-way of State Highway No. 114 (variable width), being the most northerly northwestern corner of said tract of Inud recorded in Volume 7376, Page 1728, said Deed Records, and the northeast comer of that certain tract of land convevcd to R Chandler as recorded in Volume 1139, Page 580, !ked Records, Denton Cuunry, Texas; TTTFN, C1= along the southerly right-of-way line of said Stalc Highway 113, the following courses and distances: S 710 03121" E, 3458.57 feet for the beginning of a curve to the right; Alone said curve an arc distance of 888.33 feet, through a central angle of 270 21' 59", having a radius of 1859.86 feet, and a long chord of S 570 22' 21" E, 879.91 feet; aAn=i9"on i %oaEva:saVas7a.t;t:.0g Page 1 of 5 05/08/97 THU 17:50 FAX 817 430 8750 Ma8ulrePartners S 250 37' 35" W, 108.86 feet to the beginning of a nun -tangent curve to the right; Along said non -tangent curve and arc distance of 196.55 feet, through a central angle of 06° 15' 25", having a radius of 1799.86 feet, and a long chord of S 390 40' 08" L. 196.46 fret to a concrete Texas Highway Department monumem S 36° 32' 25" E, 215.14 feet; THENCE leaving said right-of-way, West 2.141.45 feet; HENCE S 520 00" 00" W, 1000.00 feet; THENCE South, 1882.23 feet to the north line or that certain tract of land conveyed to Howard Dudley et ux as recorded in volume 4888, Page 622, said Deed Rccords; THENCE. N 990 57' 44" W, 200.93 feet to the northwest corner of said Dudley tract, also being in the south Linc of said IBM tract a -c Morded in Volume 7376, Page 1765; THENCE N 000 20' 49" E. 45.01 feet; 114ENCF N 890 39' 10" W, along the north line of Roanoke Dove Road (variable width), 1346.51 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE along the easterly right -of --way line of Pracinct [Dine Road (a variable width right-of-way the following courses and distances: Along said curve to the right on arc distan.c;e of 241.85 feet, through a central angle of 89* 45' 10". having a radius of 154.38 fact, and a long chord of N 44° 46' 35" W, 217.86 feet, N 00° 06' 00" F., 977.90 feet, N 00° 08' 31" W, 394.37 feet, N 00* 10' 13" W, 551.67 feet, N 020 20' 32" E, 554.17 feet, N 28° 49' 02" E, 164.89 feet, N 230 30' 55" F, 99.16 feet, N 12" 46' 54" E. 100.00 f=r, N 000 16' 18" W, 993.50 fret to the southwest con= of the afbjc cntioncd R Chandler tract; NM 05/08/97 THt, 17:50 FAX 817 430 8750 MagulrePartners THENCE N 990 47' 00" E along the southerly Iine of said R. Chandler tract, 258.02 feet THRNCL N 000 30' 28" W along, the easterly line of said R Chandler tract, 505.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGEgNING and containing 232.921 acres of land moat or lam, save and except approximately 20 acres dedicated to the State of Texas for State Highway No. 114 right- of-way. PARCU "Cot Being all that cmtiin tract of Iand in the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract 1958, and the C -M. Tbroop Survey, Ahstrao t 1510, both in Tarrant County, Texas. This tract of land embrace- the tracts described in deC& tea International Business Machines, hereinafter referred to as IBM, and re=ordcd in Volume 8795, Page 553, Dead Records of Tarrant County, Texas. Said tract is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly right-of-way of County /toad No. 3089 (also knumi as West T.W. King Road), a variable width roadway, said point also being on the northeasterly right-of-way of S.H. 114, a variable width roadway; Theacc along the northeasterly right-of-way of S.H. 114, N 36° 32' 30" W, 587.00 feet; Thence leaving the northcasterly right-of-way of S.H. 114 as follows: N 53* 29' 00" E, 546.74 feet, S 030 07' 00" W, 344.50 feet to a point in the cea'terlitie of County Road 3088, N 89° 28' 00" W, 25.00 feet to the westerly right-of-way of County Road No. 3088, said right- of-way also being the westerly limits of the City of Southlakc. Thcnce along the westerly right-nf-way of County Road No. 3088 and the westerly limits of the City of Southlake, S 00° 33' 00" W, 514.80 feet, Thence S 72° 03' 00" W. 47.70 feet to the Point Of Beginning and containing 3.9419 acres. more or less, save and excerpt any right-of-way dedications to the State of Texas for State Highway No. 114. EXCLUSIONS ,CR,(,MI)ISANNEXATION Save and except those portions of said P=cls "A" and "B" more particularly described as Strips No. 1 and No. 2 as follows: STRIP Being a portion of said Parccl "B" a, described above, said portion being a strip of land 50 feet wide?, the westerly line of said 50 foot strip described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said tract of land described by deal recorded in Lltltti7r01D4vv01Yy['F1n ci.,.,• -• •.•... Ii 025 05/08/97 THt, 1;:51 F;j 817 190 8750 MaguirePartners Volume 7376, Page 1728, said northwest comer also being the southwest corner of the R Chandler tract dcserihe d by dced recorded in Volume 1139. Page 580, Deed Resorcin of Denton County, Texas, Said comer also being in the easterly right-of-way of Precinct Line Road. Themes southerly along the easterly right-of-way of Precinct Linc Road approximately 1250 feat to a point approximately 50 feet south of the intersection of the westerly riAvaf way of Precinct Line Road and the north line of the Scott Bradley Tmct as described by deed recorded in Volume 6395, Page 67, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said 50 fodt strip containing 1.4 acres, more or less. STRIP NO -2 Being a portion of Parcels "A" and "B" as described above, also being a strip of land 50 fact wide the southerly Linc of said strip described as follows: Beginning at the northeast comer of the Alvin F. Chen Jr. tract described by deed as recorded in Volume 4181, Pagc 644, Decd Reccsrdb; of Tarrant County, Texas, said corner also being in the south line of Lot 1, Block 3 of the WestlakelSouthlake Park. Addition No. 1 to the Town of Westlakc as recorded in Volume~ 388-214, Pages 78 and 79, County Records, Tarrant County. Trxac; Thence westerly along the south line of said Lot 1, Block 3 approximately 1466.76 feet to a Point in the east line of the Iloward Dudley tract described by deed as recorded in Volume 4888, Page 622. Deed Records of Tarrant County; Texas; hews northerly along the cast line of said Dudley trait. said line also being the westerly line of said Luz 1, Block 3 approximately 460.91 feet to a point in the nordwastt corner of aid Dudley tract. said comer also being in the south line of said Lot 1, Block 3; Them.: westerly along the south line of said Lot 1. Block 3, said line also being the north line of said Dudley tract, approximately 1774.98 feet to the southwestern corner of said Lot 1, Block 3. said corner also being in the north line of said Dudley tract; Thence gcnerally westerly along the north line of said Dudley vacs, said line also being the south line of Parcel "B" as described above, approximately 100.93 feet; Thence generally northerly leaving the north line of said Dudley tract approximately 95 feet, Fence generally westerly, parallel to the north right-of-way of Dovc; Road (a variable width roadway), approximately 1396.51 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, Thence along; the arc of said curve a distance of 241.85 Cent, having a central angle of 690 45' 10", a radius of 154.38 feet and whose long chord bears N 44 46' 35" W, Thcace generally northerly, parallel to the cast right -of way of Precinct Linc Road approximately 50 feet, r:v xo.cty +olocsevvsn,snEc.0 Page 4 of 5 2028 05/08/97 THU 17:51 FAX 817 400 8750 MaeuirePartners Z 0: Thence generaliy westerly approximately SO ket to a point in the cast right -Of -way of Precinct Linc Road; THENCF Kencraily northerly approximately 600 feet along the east right.of way of Precinct Liao Road to a point approximately 50 feet north of the intersection of the westerly right-of-way of Prc anct Line Road cued the northerly line of the Hillwood11088 tract as described by deed as recorded in Volumc 12260, Page 1948, Dcod Records of Turrunt County. TcxasL said 50 foot strip containing approximately 7.1 ecres, more or less. t:VIOMINVINVESIN2,a7L1nDM Page 5 of 5 lreparcners WJ .' ' NO'S 2F th oa/(Jl e3 aN V i Y OF N 306dOFO 4 i dam r • A• SM1 WA low or As QR tl8 1 I 05/08/97 -HU 17:52 F.kX 817 430 8750 !JasuirePartners LAND DESCRIPTION FOR THE, PORTTON OF SOLANA FOR BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT r BEING a tract of land in the T.W. MANN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1107 and the C.M. THR.00P SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 1510, the JAMES B. MARTIN SURVL-Y, ABSTRACT NO. 1134, the U.P. MARTIN SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 1015, and the W. MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1958, Tarrant County, 'Texas. and being more particularly described as follows: •. BEGINNING at the northwest corner of the J.H. MARTIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1134, Tarrant County, Texas, a 112 inch iron rod in the northeasicrly tight -of -way of State Highway Nu. 114 (a 220 four wide right-of-way); THENCF. along the said northeasterly right -of --way of start Highway No. 114 N 36' 32' 00" W, continuing along a projection of said ILO.W. to a point for a corner in the centerline of County Road #3089 (Sum School Road), said point being in the common boundary line betwoon Westlake and Southlake and described in the City of Westlakc Urdina= X181; TIM 'CE South with the proiected center Iine of County Road #3t198 (Sant School Road) Heywnvale Road) to a point for a corner in the southwest R.U.W. line of S.H. 114; 1'14F.NCE Southeast along the southwest RO.W. of S.II. 114 a distance of approximately 2,796.55 feet to a point for a confer, said point being the southeast comcr of a tract by deed to I.B.M. recorded in V. 7422 P. 2157, DRI'C;'I' as described in ordinance 4447 city limits of the City of Westlake, said point also being the southeast corner of Lot 1R Block 2 of the Wcstlakc/Southtake Park. Addiiiem No. I to the Town of Westlake as recorded in Volume 399- 214, Pages 7R and 79, County Records, TarrAnt County. Tuxa+; TI NCE N 880 29' 50" W along the south lint of said T.B.M. tract 907.75 feet to a point for a corner, said coram being the N.L. corner of a tract by deed to I.B.M V. 7924 P. 2033 DRI'CT; THENCE S 00' 17' 58" W along the cast fine of said I.B.M. tract a diatanoe of 197.59 feet to an iron pin in its S.L•. corner; TBENCE S $6° 22' 05" W a distance of 518.25 feet to the S.W. corner of said I.B.M. truer, THENCE N Rel' 09' 01" W along the cast R.O.W. of Sara Sehot,l Road a distance of 393.02 feet to an iron put being the S.W. cxorner of a tract by deed to I.B.M. V. 7376 P. 1779 13R'I'CT and being in the east R.O.W. of Sam School Road (County R Rad .93088); fHENCF. S'RR° 44' 45" W appr+oximawly 51 fleet crowing Sam School Road (County .!toed No_ 3088) to a point in the westerly right-of-way of %aum School Road, THENCE S 190 09' 01" E. approximately 500 feet along the westerly right-of-way of Sam School Roast to a galvanised iron pipe by a comer of a ti"= in the west line of Sam School Roud: i.Wsr r4i9"901%k .:isvgST%21s71axr, (WR C-7Q 2 43 o5b08i97M - FTU 17:52 FAX 817 430 8750 KasulrePartners THENCE in a southeasterly direction croysiug County Road #13088 (Sam School Rudd) to a point for a corner, said point beim; the southwest corner of Lot 7 and the northwest corner of Lot 6 of the R.P. Estes Subdivision as recorded in Vol. 1957, P. 324. URTCT; THENCE easterly along the common south line of Lot 7 and north line of Lot 6 by deed a distance of 1349 fact to a point for a corner in the east line of the T. Mann Survey, said line alsn being the city limits of the City of Southlake; H1:NCE in a northerly direction along the east line of the T. Mann Survey Ind the west Linc of the J. Martin Survcy A-1134 to a point for a corner, said point being by deed South 5110.51 fret from the northwe:rt cornu of the J. Marin Survcy and being the southwest corner of the tract of land annexed into the City of Southlrke by Ordinance 0319; THI:NC.E N 89° 27' 49" E to a point for u comer in the southwesterly R.Q.W. of State Hdghway 114 TTIENCE northeasterly at a right an is to S.H. 114 centerline, crossing S.H. 114 to a point for a comer in its northeasterly R.O.W., said point being in the southwest line of a tract of lane amcx=l into the City of Southla,ke by Ordinance #126: THENCE northwesterly along the northeasterly R.O.W. of S.H. 114 and said Ordinance 11126 tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 27 acres of land, more or less.