1996-059City of Southlake, Texas RESOLUTION 96-59 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING NEIGHBORHOOD REPRESENTATIVES TO THE STANDING COMMITTEE FOR THE SOUTHLAKE PROGRAM FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF NEIGHBORHOODS (SPIN); PROVIDING FOR TERMS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that a citizen advisory committee would be of assistance to the City Council and City staff by providing a more available form of citizen participation in the affairs of the City and to create a forum for neighbor to neighbor communication; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has created such a committee by ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is to appoint one youth representative, as well as one representative for each of the designated neighborhoods from recommendations provided by the neighborhoods; and, WHEREAS, resignations occasionally occur requiring appointment of new representatives; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. The following are hereby appointed as neighborhood representatives for the terms specified: Neighborhood #10 Al Morin 1998 Neighborhood #14 Doug McKelvey 1998 Section 3. This resolution is hereby effective upon passage by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE /7 DAY OF 46" - CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS off go U TH<q',''$ 16 V y r Rick Macyr ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary City of Southlake, Texas August 29, 1996 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: SPIN Representative Selection Process As SPIN continues to mature, we continue to refine our procedures for accomplishing the mission of the program. One of the challenges we have had, as you are well aware, is filling vacancies on the Standing Committee. Filling the vacancies in SPIN Neighborhood #10 and Neighborhood #14 has been the most current effort. The process worked very well — we had more people involved than in efforts past -- and it seems that this is a good opportunity to illustrate how the selection process has worked. 1) When a vacancy occurs, a letter is sent from the SPIN Chair to every resident of the SPIN neighborhood, describing the program and its accomplishments and soliciting volunteers, 2) A database is developed of the names of individuals who respond to the letter. The responses include those who are interested in serving SPIN in some capacity, or those who are interested in participating in the selection process. 3) Once the calls begin to taper off, a meeting date is set to give residents the opportunity to select their representative. 4) This meeting date is publicized extensively. A press release is sent to area papers, notice is placed on the cable channel, a copy of the press release is sent to the homeowners associations in the SPIN neighborhood, Neighborhood Council representatives are notified. Personal phone calls are also placed by staff and the current SPIN representatives inviting residents to the meeting. 5) The meeting consists of a brief orientation of SPIN, a description of the duties and obligations (including the Ordinance requirements and the Code of Conduct), and a description of the support provided by City staff. The residents are then asked to discuss who they would like to recommend to Council for appointment. NOTE: SPIN representatives and staff attending the meeting do not participate in this portion of the discussion and in no way attempt to influence the outcome. 6) The name of the selected resident is then forwarded to the City Council via staff for appointment. Just so you are aware, the meeting held with SPIN Neighborhoods #10 and #14 had attendance which was fairly representative of each neighborhood, as noted below: Name Subdivision Rita Pancake Summerplace 10 Susan Henry Summerplace 10 Thomas Essig Summer place 10 Candace Harris Southview 10 Melody Windrow Summer place 10 Tamara McMillan Mission Hills 10 Chris Williamee Diamond Circle 10 Nora Coon Oak Hill Estates 10 Al Morin Diamond Circle 10 Terri Hitchcock Hills of Monticello 14 Doug McKelvey Princeton Park 14 Bill Flaherty Monticello Estates 14 Lisa Alexander Timberlakes 14 Ted Robbins Southlake Hills 14 Pam Gagnon Southlake Hills 14 Dina Upton Hills of Monticello 14 Ultimately, the groups selected Al Morin (#10) and Doug McKelvey (#14). These recommendations will be coming to you at your September 17 meeting. Please note that other participants at the meeting have agreed to participate in SPIN at the Neighborhood Council level. S Committee ..a Y, reps to -be chosen soon News and Times A brief meeting will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 27, to select SPIN standing committee represents- tives for SPIN neighborhoods 10 and#14.. The meeting, will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held in the White's Chapel Room at the Community Center at Bicenten- nial Park. All, residents of these SPIN neighborhoods are invited to attend and participate in the selection of their respective rep- resentatives. Neighborhood #10 includes the area roughly bounded by High- land to the north, Carroll to the east, and tracts located just west of White's Chapel. It includes the subdivisions of SummerplaceJhChapelDowns, Oak Hill Mission Hill Estates, LakAcres, Southview, DiCircleEstates, White Chadition, Adams addition aers. Neighborhood # 14 incluarearoughlybounded 1709 to the north, White's to the east, the city limit south, and tracts of prop the west side of South Peyton- ville. It includes the subdivisions of Lake Crest, Timberlakes, see "Group,"page 3) i 9,-"q,S -q from poge I Princeton- Park, Monticello Es- tates, the -Hills of _Monticello, Southlake Hills, Chimney Hill, 11' Air Park Estates, Country Walk, I Continental Park Estates and oth- ers. All residents of these neighbor- hoods are encouraged to attend the meeting to learn more about SPIN and to take an active role in the selection of the standing committee representatives. For more information, call Shana Yelverton at 481-5581, Ext. 705. 9--C s -..?4 SPIN Standing Committee... Representatives To Be Selectd Residents of SPINS (Southlake the Adams Addition' and others. Program for the Involvement of Please see map.) Neighborhoods) 10 and 14 are en- SPIN 14 is located within the couraged to attend a meeting to area roughly bounded by 1709 to select their respective Standing the north, White's Chapel to the Committee representatives. The east, the city limits to the south, and meeting will be held tracts°ofptoperty'on thew' est side gust 27 at 7grti at the Community of South Ptytonvillei. `1 includes Center at Bicentennial Park. the subdivision of Lake Crest, SPIN 10 is located within the Timberlakes, Princeton Park, area roughly bounded by Highland . Monticello Estates, the Hills of to the north, Carroll to the east, and t Monticello, Southlake Hills, Chim- tracts located just west of White's , ney Hill, Air Park, Estates, Coun- Chapel. It includes the subdivi- try Walk, Continental Park Estates, sions of Summerplace Addition, etc. Chapel Downs, Oak Hill Estates, For more information contact Mission Hill Estates, Lake Wood Shana Yelverton at 481-5581, ext. Acres, Southview, Diamond Circle 705., Estates, White's Chapel Addition, Tly 19, 1991 SPIN 14 Needs Rep by Terry Fox The city announced recently that a representative will be needed for SPIN # 14, located (roughly) north and adjacent to Continental Blvd., between Peytonville Ave. and White's Chapel Rd. SPIN, a program to involve Southlake neighborhoods, relies upon representatives who are re- sponsible for coordinating commu- nication between City Hall and Southlake's 16 neighborhoods. Each representative serves on the SPIN Standing Committee, which meets monthly with city staff to discuss current issues and to man- age the SPIN program by develop- ing policies and procedures for SPIN administration. Four of the monthly meetings are joint meet- ings with the City Council, which arc designed to promote dialogue between elected officials and SPIN neighborhoods by providing infor- mation to residents through meet- ings, producing newsletters, or by other methods effective in the par- ticular neighborhood. It's hard work, but it's ex- tremely satisfying," said Laura Miklosko, vice chair of the SPIN Standing Commiuee. "We are pro- vided with all the information we need to fully understand what is going on with the City; we are in- troduced to and work with all of the players and more importantly, we have an opportunity to make a real difference in our community. I would encourage all Southlake residents to seriously consider get- ting involved with the program." Anyone wishing to swerve as a SPIN representative, or wanting more information about the pro- gram should contact Shana Yelverton at 481-5581, ext. 705. KSB Trash -Off 'Saturday Keep Southlake Beautiful mem- bers and volunteers throughout the city will be out Saturday morning, July 20 picking up litter along adopted roadways. The quarterly trash -off will be followed by a thank you picnic with free food and door prizes from 12 to 2pm at the Lodge in Bicenten- nial Park, sponsored by KSB, Southlake Parks and Recreation, and the City of Southlake. There are still many roads or specific areas that have not been adopted in Southlake; for more in- formation on how you can help, call Tom Sandurlin at 488-7965 or Ed Mcroy at City Hall at 481-5581. City of Southlake, Texas d O'Neal John Blackburn h. Apel Downs HOA Chimney Hills HOA l Trail 1003 Chimney Hill Trail u :.. Texas 76092 Southlake, Texas 76092 e Tepper Susan Craney ike Crest HOA Mission Hills HOA 5 Canyon Lakes 1020 Alamo u hlake, Texas 76092 Southlake, Texas 76092 icl c Waltke Rich Klena Hill Estates HOA Southlake Hills HOA 0 Truelove Trail 1305 Meadow Ridge Court u Make, Texas 76092 Southlake, Texas 76092 chard McMichael u hview HOA 0 Binkley urhlake, Texas 76092 Cole McDowell, President Heatherwood Custom Homes 3624 Long Prairie Road Flower Mound, Texas 76092 Terry Wilkinson Monticello Estates HOA 930 Parkview Southlake, Texas 76092 Tom Chapman Southlake Hills East HOA 64 NAME (please print) SIGN-UP SHEET Tuesday, August 27, 1996 Recruitment Meeting -- Neighborhoods #10 & #14 ADDRESS 5D8 IIC_K,'j6ur&;, Way 6i(6-0K1nfnw-4AC!'!,6 )F r W63 `Calc 'L •rvt Sao b a.) b t 0So9 6u- LO-kG '*t 9- i ai rlfe•o= PHONE NO. 3a4^oa a Oat-oaair 3 -al OILI LKI -Zo*B asp-19a"ib z'F—SA6o Jf SPIN Neighborhood Z 3 r - e, 'o s - 3aq- 3133 -, v 1. - '1?D ieKi la /Z r,4 t.%; t v 2 w 4 5 6 7 W 10 12 13 1 15 SIGN-UP SHEET Tuesday, August 27, 1996 Recruitment Meeting -- Neighborhoods #10 & #14 PHONE I NAME (pit us print) ADDRESS NO. aa 6g -q, nc.. 1, a, loc V_,.hc.,,.. 4-ni,.c c'- SPIN Neighborhood V4 W City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM September 11, 1996 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods Standing Committee Appointments As you know, Karen Cienki has served as the Standing Committee representative for Neighborhood #14 for some time. She has decided to step down since she was recently appointed to the Board of Adjustment. Also, Betty Springer who represented SPIN Neighborhood #10 since the beginning of the program will not be continuing as the representative. She chose not to seek reappointment. As such, replacements will need to be appointed. The attached resolution provides for the appointment of Al Morin (SPIN #10) and Doug McKelvey (SPIN #14). You will recall that these individuals were selected by those in their neighborhoods that attended a meeting held last month. See the attached memo submitted with last meeting's packet for details on the selection process. Recent changes in the ordinance will result in "extended" terms for these individuals. Each will serve until December 1998. Please place the appointment of these two gentlemen on the Council's agenda for review. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about SPIN and/or this appointment. PK1Y