1992-040T _ RESOLUTION NO. / ` / 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING FEES FOR PERMITS, LABORATORY ANALYSES, INDUSTRIAL INSPECTIONS, AND INDUSTRIAL SAMPLING UNDER THE SOUTHLAKE._ WASTEWATER ORDINANCE; AND, PROVIDING lirP.L'.5:.':Jv'i/IlfT a-.-+.r w '::TL^'" `•.- r WHEREAS;. the- city, council: adopted.. Ordinances No.. 5&7,_.oh., September 15, 1992, regulating the discharge, of wastes into, sanitary sewer of the city; and WHEREAS, Section 6 of Ordinance No. 567, the Southlake Wastewater Ordinance, provides that the city council will approve a schedule of fees to be charged by the city for the costs of implementation of the ordinance: and WHEREAS, the city has received a schedule of fees for technical services provided to customer cities by the Trinity River Authority; and WHEREAS, the city will obtain many of the necessary regulatory services from the Trinity River Authority: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That in accordance with Section 6 of the Southlake Wastewater Ordinance, the city council approves the following fees: Application and Issuance of Wastewater Discharge Permit . . . . .$250 Laboratory Analysis, Fees listed on EXHIBIT Industrial Inspections, A as established by the and Industrial Sampling . . . . . . . Trinity River Authority Reviewing Accidental Discharge Procedures and Construction; Corrective Actions Taken by City to Mitigate or Halt Discharges in Violation of the Wastewater Ordinance; Monitoring User's who Have Been in Violation . . . . . Actual cost to the City Section 2. When the regulatory services listed above are performed by the Trinity River Authority, a ten percent administrative charge shall be added to the fee. 1 Section 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage, and it is so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 1992. O-' T H L q _ v ..•:'` _. CITY OF.._.. 71e TEXfiB -- w - - ti By: ro /Gary ayo ATTEft- Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary 2 w ' f -- Section 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage, and it is so resolved. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 1992. O-' T H L q _ v ..•:'` _. CITY OF.._.. 71e TEXfiB -- w - - ti By: ro /Gary ayo ATTEft- Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary 2 Trinity River Xrthority of Te Central Regional Wastewater System ATTACHMENT A T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S F E E S C H E D U L E F 0 R L A B O R A T O R Y A N A L Y S E S I N D U S T R I A L I N S P E C T I O N S AND I N D U S T R I A L S A M P L I N G F I S C A L Y E A R 1 9 9 3 December 1, 1992 through November 30, 1993 P.O. Box 531196 Grand Prairie. Texas 75053 214) Metro 263-2251. 1 H E M I C A L A N A L Y S E S T A T E R lkalinity, Total S 5.25 pH S 3.15 ity, Phenolphthalein S 5.00 pH Sediment S 6.00 bonate S 5.00 Phenols: ovate S 4.75 High Level S 33.00 iochemical Oxygen Demand (BODS) S 13.65 Low Level S 53.00 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (C -BODS) 14.25 Phosphorus: iiochemical Oxygen Demand (C-BOD20) S 14.85 Ortho S 6.00 tiochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD20) S 14.85 Total S 9.45 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD -7) S 13.65 Solids: 3lemical Oxygen Demand 8.00 Total (TS) S 4.62 loride 5.25 Total Dissolved (TDS) S 8.40 tromium Hexavalent 11.00 Total Suspended (TSS) S 7.70 onductance. Specific S 3.70 Volatile Suspended (VSS) After TSS S 4.10 onductance, Diluted S 6.30 Sulfate S 12.60 yanide S 28.50 Sulfide 5.25 yanide (Amendable to Chlorination) S 33.00 Surfactants - MBAS S 28.35 Fluoride, Dissolved S 9.50 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 48.00 Fluoride, Total S 9.00 Total Organic Carbon S 11.75 iardness 6.50 Turbidity S 3.00 Ignitability Pensky-Martens Closed Cup) S 31.50 Nitrogen: S E D I M E N T Ammonia S 6.20 Kjeldahl, Total S 15.00 Chemical Oxygen Demand 23.75 Nitrate 6.00 Cyanide S 31.50 Nitrite S 6.00 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total 18.00 Organic 32.00 Oil and Grease 24.75 Oil and Grease S 27.00 Phosphorus, Total S 11.50 Solids, Total Volatile S 8.90 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons S 42.00 I C P/ A A M E T A L A N A L Y S E S S 8 7 5 E A C H P R I O R I T Y P O L L U T A N T M E T A L S S 1 2 8. 2 0 T 0 T A L 4 '- any Iron Thallium I Lead Tin Antimony Mercury I ium Manganese Uranium Arsenic Nickel Cadmium Molybdenum Vanadium Beryllium Selenium Chromium Nickel Zinc Cadmium Silver Cobalt Silver Chromium Thallium Copper Tellurium Copper Zinc Lead 5 7. 0 0 E A C H. S A H P L E P R E P A R A T I O N Aluminum Potassium Boron Silica Sediment and Oils S 15.00 Calcium Sodium EP Toxicity Leachate S 63.00 Magnesium TCLP Toxicity Leachate S 78.75 TWC Leachate S 36.00 5 1 4. 0 0 E A C H Arsenic Selenium Lead - Low Level Copper - Low Level Cadmium - Low Level Chromium Hexavalent - Low Level Thallium - Low Level 5 1 2. 7 0 E A C H Mercury I N D U S T R I A L P R E T R E A T M E N T S E R V I C E S I N D U S T R I A L S A M P L I N G I N D U S T R I A L o ite Sample ki nal Composite Sample r uple kddi,ional Grab Sample f 60.00 Inspection/On Site f 20.00 f 30.00 S 7.00 Installation of Automatic Composite Samplers Grab Sampling Delivery to TRA Laboratory Field Testing Available Sample Preservation Proper Chain of Custody G E N E R A L S E R V I C E I N F O R M A T I O N I N S P E C T I O N 1 70.00 Permit Application Review Chemical Inventory Review Verification of Application Data Consultation with Industries on Industrial Pretreatment 1. Effective Date: December 1, 1992, all prices listed are per sample and subject to review. 2. All analyses are run in accordance with "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," 17th Edition, 1989 and/or EPA 'Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes," 1983 and 41 the 3rd Edition of Solid Waste Manual SW 846. 3. TRA will add a 10% charge, at the same rate as submitted laboratory samples, on the monthly billing to maintain the normal quality assurance program. 4. Customer required priority laboratory samples completed and reported within 50% of the normal time will be billed at one and one-half times the routine rate. Emergency samples run immediately or ASAP will be billed at two times the routine rate. 5. Sample preparations, if required, are charged additionally as listed. 6. Sample containers, preservatives, and supplies will be provided upon request at a reasonable charge. Bacte- riological sampling supplies are included in the cost of the analyses. 7. Samples* should be delivered to the laboratory before 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Samples cannot be accepted on eekends or holidays unless special arrangements are made in advance. *(Bacteriological samples should -be livered prior to 2:00 p.m. unless special arrangements are made in advance. After -hour samples may be left cold storage vault with analyses request form.) 8. Average completion time for standard tests (BOD, TSS, etc.) is two weeks and metals are three weeks, with the analyses results normally mailed within two days of completion. Billing statements for completed monthly analyses are mailed by the 15th of the following month. i 9. Laboratory hours are weekdays 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and weekends 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 10. Environmental Field, Pretreatment and Engineering services office hours are Monday through Fridav 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For after -hour emergencies, leave message with computer operator. 11. Environmental Field and Engineering services are requested to be scheduled a minimum of 72 hours in advance. F O R M 0 R E I N F O R M A T I O N, C O N T A C T METRO: (214)263-2251 FAX: (214)262-0619 Patricia Cleveland Manager, Technical Services Bill Cyrus Randy McIntyre Robert J. Roth Ellen Ward, Quality Laboratory Division Chief Pretreatment Coordinator Technical Services Engineer Assurance Coordinator A S C H R O M A T O G R A P H Y A N A L Y S E S 7.70 Chlorophyll "a" and Pheophytin "a" I• R I 0 R I T Y P O L L U T A N T S G C/ M S) P E S T I C I D E S/ P C B' S o es Quoted Upon Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, 90.04autralsRequestOrganophosphatePesticides, and ticroscopic General Examination ci tractables 9.00 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Sample esticides/PCB's Streptococcus, Fecal (MF) preparation, extraction, and clean- 8:00 Heterotrophic Plate Count S up per sample) R G A N I C D E T E R M I N A T I O N ( G C) ADD for Chlorinated Hydrocarbon 45.00ivdrocarbon/ S o l v e n t s Confirmation and quantification per sample) eneral Hydrocarbon/Solvent 105.00 ADD for Organosphosphate Pesticide 47.00Scan (VOA) (One column); Confirmation and quantification Five or less components; per sample) including quantification ADD for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)- S 47.00eneralHydrocarbon\Solvent 160.00 Water (Confirmation and quantification Scan (VOA) (Two column); per sample) Five or less components; ADD for PCB - Oil (Confirmation and 32.00 including quantification quantification per sample) folatile Organic Constituents S 58.00 EPA regulated - method 601/602) T R I H A L 0 M E T H A N E S Add fifteen dollars ($15) Er each extra component Trihalomethanes 40,04 scanned and quantified i E R B I C I D E S S A M P L E P R E P A R A T I O N hlorinated Phenoxy AcidS115.04 ADD for Special Treatment/Per Sample S 18.00Herbicides (Confirmed and (Sediment, Oil) quantified) ADD for Special Treatment/Per Sample $ 63.00 EP Toxicity Leachate) ADD for Special Treatment/Per Sample S 78.75 TCLP Toxicity Leachate) S P E C I A L A N A L Y S E S T- "P / E P T O X I C I T Y P R I O R I T Y P O L L U T A N T S E to Extraction Procedure S 78.75 Cyanides S 28.50tetals: Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium Metals $128.20 Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Selenium Organics QuoteSilver $ 84.45 Organics: Endrin; Lindane; Methoxychlor; Toxaphene; 2, 4, D; 2, 4, 5 -TP Silvex $250.00 4 I C R 0 B I 0 L 0 G I C A L A N A L Y S E S Chlorophyll "a" S 7.70 Chlorophyll "a" and Pheophytin "a" S 7.70 Coliform, Fecal (MF) 8.00 Coliform, 'total (MF) S 7.50 Coliforms, Total (MMO/MUG) 7.50 ticroscopic General Examination 9.00 Microtox, Bacterial Bioassay 43.50 Streptococcus, Fecal (MF) S 8:00 Heterotrophic Plate Count S 8.15