1992-003City ofi Southlake, Texas ' RESOLUTION NO. 92-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE LOCATION OF A PORTABLE BUILDING ON A TRACT OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, BEING DESCRIBED AS BLOCK A, LOT 1, ST. LAURENCE EPISCOPAL CHURCH ADDITION, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A"; GRANTING A VARIANCE TO THE MASONRY REQUIREMENT FOR SUCH PORTABLE BUILDING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for the location of a Portable Building has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, the applicant has further requested a variance from the masonry requirement set forth in Ordinance No. 311, as amended by Ordinance No. 415; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 45 of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and Section 3 of Ordinance No. 311, as amended, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such specific use permit and variance is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1 A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for the location of a Portable Building on the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions shall be applicable to the granting of -this Specific Use Permit: 1. deleting requirements for bufferyard and permanent foundation in Summary Review Letter dated January 3, 1992; 2. three (3) year time limit. Resolution No. 92-03 Page 2 SECTION 2 A variance is hereby granted to the Masonry Ordinance No. 311, as amended, subject to the provisions contained in the aforesaid ordinances and subject to the specific requirements and special conditions set forth in Section 1 above. The specific grounds or reasons upon which this variance is granted are: 1. dense foliage, restricted view 2. adjacent building (old church) is a non -masonry material SECTION 3 This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval of the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE r,2I Sandra L. LeGr City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: JIG o /"— City Attorney City of Southlake, Texas 9203.RES/ORD/kb f DAY OF 9/ftU_Ytt44_, 1992. CITY=' or By: G S JSAIE2 Ae33B2 30K i7 - JAM-- suo. 7T FOU ZK 30 All 2 RSG 1 3A HZA , -2 3A.DI 5— A-, 7A. , — HEE 2A2_1 BIWA 2A-.A 2 A3 73 Al: rza. a94 Ac 2 27-2iz jA A H 15 7 A 2C 2 2EI, 2C IE IB I IC 2iE -.010 0-0-40 5c 1768K2 i;97 IC I 1AI ' 5C)2C I ' ! i , , ' - 6\ 4 B1 A. I AL SZJAC Si a - KI 8L. Bm I - AC 2j 213 :5 5cIj By BDI BE II A ON! GP; In 36 Ac S-TY-A-C 5CIG2 A4 5 52 18RI OR li 251 2 11T 6A5 0,1, -r BOA tft450 3c 5A2; 5523A815CIA a ADS BAB W5C& I F I 5N Spit I OP45 Il > lug N 4481-- -- 5DIB 5 5L !SNI 5k, BIG 5K D! IE -THOMAS M A H) 5A4 1 tel 94222 i 2612 2W.-A 286 2 A lcl SURVEY AB ST W 2 1049 1. 04 c 1 yR EY RBST N 5 2B2 2 223 2 58. f5c _-50 2D, 2G 2C 25CI2B4A2c1 5DI 5w li. 51 2K 2 2 20. 2R. 2M 2C A2 )3AI 502 5BZ IZA? Yu 4 It TIJfU o m 29 SuRv. 2A is 18[ A NORTHWEST PARKWAY EAST 2" 2E3;7 Ace ru Ai FAST —2MDiWF Fill VO 3F 382 B?A 182 BA 20 2 t Ale 5 6 7— 3 !E Sze UJTZ I EB Su 2A7 60go . j 2E 2A2 MA, I I All r15kc II7 r_ 91 2 'Al 7' 2AJ c Is TRACT LOCATION MAP.AJSI ll Y AB T N24- w 5A 474 11 0 at 11LAC .— A85T N4 529--}— B -3 Rodgers, Lela T. TR 38 16.86 AC TR 5A4 AG" 8.05 AC TR 3A2 11.91 AC 3 2 1 3 116 q TR 501 1.2B AC TR 5B48i 86 AC TR 5848 1.05 AC SOP E5N1NIR A5 Sl..irke y, Walter L. 1 3565 z TR 5A4A 2cc J I AC "AG" } 0 zQla zas Perry, D. A. U) Cu mings, Sue T•. TR 5B4C TR 5851.05 AC 2.19 AC ' ixrcjl k "AG'. AG„ T R S B 4 G 30, Pete n, Qbt . G ti K tt AG" 1.057Bc TR 5840 53 Ac ITR SB4F Izu _ h I u 5c `-Dove Rd. Water As. oc. Ii Mesco Metal Building Co. TR 3A 1 9.2.}JA AG" Ivesux, Emory O = Marlene TR 5B6 TR 584E 4 AC 2.1 AC AG„ Raney, Newel H. 11 1 1 lccl tasc Ac.' I TR 582 TR 5820 1.42 AC TR 58 2 D I . 49 AC TR 582C 1.97 AC TR 5 { TR 5L 2 AC 1 AC TR 2Bi !TR 2811 2 AC x 1 AC GREEN BOUG TR 2B2 TR 28. ;' TR 283 1 AC 1 AC. 1 AC 4 .y TR 20 TR 26 TR 1 AC 1 AC 1 ROLLING TR 2K S FK2 t. 1 AC i 9Y 114 S GRED 5 4 C O 3, X16 e 1 i 19 1 woo' 100 Y. rj t At kl k'` , l i ' l_ , t, o ji 54 A4 400 Ito IL t + ?,? tt- fir ~',. ti` ..;. r` :\" , t { , L 411.. ^ ' , ' jy.• t ' r( -' P5' f" ,,,,, Pu :, `-' .., \\:_;\ s << s. 1 cry ,`•\ '>" . '.: ': . s — l / q` NO ArJ r • p . , , ' - f,v'' J a N . - - K` ; f'`' } ti P.. L 9A a. , : G• JG I 1 j - .. r r . 41 rrirpr vf l ! . - v , 1 • , may.. ` J• ;'; /'+ `' l..t.+ \ ` • A, City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT,:PLAN-=REVIEWSUMMARY.; a;.r. x:: _- __ .: ty.- y. •.. . CASE N6--"-- 91'-47CRE'C IEW FNO"s' 'TWO DATE' OF''REVIEW "'"1`/17/92 PROJECT NAMIE: S.U.P. Concept Plan - St. Laurence Episcopal Churc;, Lot 1, Block A; St. Laurence Eoiscopal Church Addition. OWNER/APPLICANT: St. Laurence Episcopal Church 519 N. Kimball Road Southlake, Texas 76092 ! ENG/PLANNER/ARCHITECT: Arthur Weinman Architects 6500 W. Freeway Suite 201 Fort Worth, Texas 76116 Phone: 481-0335 Phone: (817) 737-0977 Fax: (817) 288-4871 Fax: I CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 1/13/92 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT GREG LAST AT 817) 481-5581, EXT. 744. 1. The following bufferyards should be labeled on the plan. North: 5' wide level 'A' East: 10' wide level 'B' South: 5' wide level 'A' West: 10' wide level 'B' The Council previously (1/19/88) approved their revised site plan without the referenced bufferyards. No additional parking is required since the ratio is based on the seating in the sanctuary and this has not changed. Denotes Informational Comment cc: Episcopal Church PLAN91.74/PLANNER2 93-6 a I Wk, n \ t I # • I M, •.aa ly. • tju 'r _.• J`- 1 yrl w. ------------- H"Orr iai-.rialiru.a, Flsil/ r i+i..•aS 1 ^ -- - - J - 7 VK • ~4 L` QQQ iJ / $• f 1 ' -- 1;, . ,, ail,PROPO'bf F 7RtAe1 fi Dlc u ` e"'i r,,,Js.•e• 1y i " i __ ISi•N G :•^i, t y. ,1 fll r,t r,t• Tib I\ _ l- -- - - r U•IG. If'L.a-7,r..r -- - y'/eL a'. 1 /• / ! .•. V ( , jV i•,1h • y mfr'-- _ I ' 11 + 11 „ I ICfI,_o n•: ''• i , Il tnrri IA,/ . / ` 1 t', 1. •u rct r L . . 1 I '.t•\.w• Ir ,..rw • ,(/ 7 :_ . Ywi.a Q • 6, 1, ` ,' W I e. M LIL 4al•iY' *. rn,l L,Ic • /!-e,c -a'fa / ` x ,, // i u,t• '. ` :r C 24 1 7f T NL r M/• • , 1l T' IN C , / r I • - I • YrNrr.^I a `' ,'\ It Olto ylllrw limp INNJI 1. ( 1 ' TUB' / 1 (• / U `• y r (s/tlL IlL1 J. p ILIP L IN': „. '1 N. i'. r y/ u.wa„• to•1' Iat s7 lY aP' 7 •( NL ,Mrrt•MI. r.— 11 •,lu•• a III •a •• -_T ,%a:r- • /LC 1.+ JA : l MA.r 1 / '/ p __1_.1 1 1°4'Htt Ln,lf r fff l_ 11':w.t _1•A' i i•l'l. Ii J..I, 1, -r111. 1I R•QYiI: 1 '11 1"' • // rf1., ,!•u JAI, - I.TLI uam— rwcs Yltrt /jIQ evr•nrFl a.'24 ,(. •Y-4 •_TM 1. C- ill ::MlJ y p:.l c V•