1987-043RESOLUTION NO. 87-43 WHEREAS, it is essential for the Health, Welfare and Safety of the citizens of the City of Southlake, Texas, to have emergency services in Southlake; and, WHEREAS, in working with IBM, the City of Southlake was able to acquire a 9S' Telescopic Platform Fire Truck and a Pumper Fire Truck; and, WHEREAS, bids were taken as per State Bidding Law, and opened on April 22,1987 and presented to the City Council; now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Approval was given to accept the low bids from Riggs First Line Equipment for the following equipment: a 95' Telescopic Platform Truck for a cost of $403,126.00 and a Pumper Truck for a bid price of $191,626.00. Delivery date on the equipment is 120 to 150 days. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THFr'st d f 1Ma '9 l: A Y% i AT EST: 71 Sandra L. LeCrand City Secretary Jol iiriy IT. *Kesterholm Mayxar of Southlake Giy of So INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: April 27, 1987 TO: Lloyd 0. Latta, Jr., City Manager FROM: R.P. Steele, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Recommendations - Bid Proposal for Aerial Platform and Pumper As you know, we received only the one bid from Riggs First Line Equipment, Emergency One dealers. They are submitting their bids on the Aerial Platform and the 1500 GPM Pumper. My comments and recommendation are as follows. First the units would be of all aluminum construction as per our specifications. The specifications submitted do meet, with no exceptions, all of our request in the specifications required by the City of Southlake. I recommend we include option #1 of the specifications calling for the all enclosed cab. In support of this, I want to attach to the review the 1901 Equipment and Safety Standards to be initiated possibly in a year or two. With this new safety factor being applied, all new equipment should comply with the upcoming change in cab configuration for better safety for firemen while riding on trucks (even now no firefighter rides on the outside of the truck, side step, tail board etc.) Equipment Prices: 951 Telescopic Platform complete unit as per specifications, radio included no exceptions) Adding Option #1 (Enclosed Cab) Total Price Protector IV T.M. 1500 GPM Pumper complete unit as per specifications, radio included no exceptions) Adding Option #1 (Enclosed Cab) Total Price 392,300.00 10,826.00 403,126.00 180,800.00 10,826.00 191,626.00 Lloyd O. Latta, Jr. Page 2 April 28, 1987 In summary, having checked the specifications for the Aerial Platform and Pumper to make sure they comply with the City Specifications, and having used and still using two trucks with all aluminum construction from Emergency One which I feel have given good service with the least amount of maintenance, I do recommend to accept the proposed bid on the Aerial Platform and the 1500 GPM Pumper. Southlake Fire Department 1:.P. Steele, FYre Chief RPS/kb An Information Bulletin for Fire Service Leaders rte is • : t: 2 1f • err• 5, r. A Service tr t oTume 10, Number 8 1a - February 27, 1987 - .Z Comments On NEPA 1500 Reviewed The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Committee -on Fire Service Occupational Safety and Health met recently . oto respond to the. 1,228 public comments received on -the propose NFPA 1500, Standard on an '-Occupational safety and Health•=; Program for a Fire Department. According to committee chairman J. Gordon Routley, --the "` comments actually addressed 175 different points in the con -".`4 troversial standard, and the committee has proposed 49 amend-. ments to the original draft. The amended draft will be pre sented for a vote of the attending members at the NFPA annual meeting in Cincinnati from May 18-21, 1987. Routley, assistant to the fire chief in Phoenix, Arizo= na, and also chairman of the health and safety committee of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, said the most frequently expressed public comments centered on the issues of retroactivity and implementation time for the new stan'- dard. - The volunteer fire service, - particularly the National;:`= rFd•o; Volunteer Fire Council, made numerous comments suggestirRI-Vw2 .`:_ that time would have to be allowed to achieve compliance the - new 'zequirements.-_ The contributors - generally ..,felt;;:the new standards, were -a' step *-in --the - right 'direction,' --but `t1iii the cost impact could make them impossible to -implement: ^d- - t,; Routley' - said the 'committee ' -recognized '-and appreciated this concern and responded - by adding a new section ori pimple-# W.'; mentation 'tb " the 'draft.standard.'':;This .'section =would "state" = `" explicitly that the res 'onsibilit - of the''`autliorit-'•havin jurisdiction* .includes ..a duty :to identify compliance .date's.;and approve :.implementation'.plans, -'wheri 'this '='standard `is''adopted Jr for enforcement'. X r _ r iii. . :%^ . - . •$M tvi: .=a r; J Y 3 •: . c;' rJ J i•.r• J n, !::i-•ra'' +'S' 3 ;t:.'7.1.' a•'-• •. IJ.J .i. ii• J-1 v1L' •Ll(1 _.t ^1 ._ 'PSS.. Ll.a..n The- proposed standard f' also'was :.amended to -accept-';'com,.,: . ments in several "other•areas: 'For ' example; in the :area°of; enclosed cabs for fire apparatus, the .'commit tee defe rted,to,i,k. - the requirements of NFPA 1901. that relate `_'to*,the-'to"*, construction 'of vehi'dles:.2;; The, ; recently;;issued :amendment .t_ 1F1 80tL icitiE7itifsi t1]Xm Tit't ll[oiU»0,Raf i'_: 2011 :•1987,' •issue ..of ;,this i" newsletter `for.a' i... prev ous sto iia••• .. arc . 1 r :v :r i1711 t••••1:..l. . of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, Inc. r,i Re Washington Scene --3 nz 1901 Requires Enclosed Cabs W %,3707 The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standa-rds."r_-_2?- Council has voted to release a tentative interim amendment TIA) to Standard 1901 which governs the construction of fire apparatus. The TIA, originally proposed by the NFPA Committee 'on Fire Department Equipment, requires that seats with seat belts must be provided for the number of persons who -will:,!* ride on fire apparatus. The amendment also requires that the,.-- seats be in enclosed locations, which would include cabs,,'-'-" crew compartments or three -sided canopies. It is the respon--r,-. sibility of the fire department to advise the manufacturer of the maximum numbe r of pe rsons who will be on boa rd the -ve- hicle at any time. This requirement is NOT retroactive and will affect only new vehicles built under the standard. This amendment was advertised and many comments we re';*. received, most of which emphasized the need for increased' protection for fire fighters riding emergency vehicles. When ordering new fire apparatus, the purchaser now must-, specify clearly the seating to be provided. All references', that suggest riding on tail steps or running boards have been eliminated from the standard and the committee has declared these to be unsafe riding positions. As enclosed seating becomes the accepted national stan- dard, a responsibility must be assumed by the fire department to make sure that all crew members ride in their seats at all times, wearing the seat belts that are provided. -Riding the outside has :.been identified clearly as a hazard.!.: -T e proposed standard :-.1500 will include this as _*-a mandiii o ry 2: component of a fire department safety program. d, w discuss the status of-:NFPANext -week's newsletter ill 41500. Filness Videocohfe'ren'ce Scheduled Stress manage andmeht'poor physical conditioning -'t wpo most serious 'threats to fire f ighte*r'health and safety- W3.11 r. i -:r • 7 be the focus 'of a -special 'satellite* v1deoconference on--*Febrd7zI— ary 25. The -U.S. Fire Administration will br6adcast* th6-1 live; 4r s EmeprogramovertheFederal 'Emergency Management Agency gency Education Network from 11 a.m. until :3: 30 p.m., EST"' can be -viewed or recorded at no charge from pickup -'s across the nation:,!!!..,- i'w 7 Stress and its effects on fire 'fighters' pe'r f o r man' n Y. 47