1986-019RESOLUTION 86-19
This statement is issued by the City of SOUTHLAKE an,:l
the American Red Cross, Tarrant County Chapter, to insure
understanding and agreement on interpretation and implementa-
tion of disaster relief responsibilities.
The responsibilities of the American Red Cross and Disaster
Emergency Services in disaster situations are authorized and
defined by federal and state statutes and are reaffirmed in
an agreement between the AMERICAN RED CROSS AND THE FEDERAL
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA), date, -3 March 7, 1973, and
Public Law 91-606 and legislation relating to civil defense
and disaster operations.
A. Disaster Emergency Services
Disaster Emergency services, being an integral function
of City Government, is responsible for the coordination
of all groups, both public and private, participating in
a natural disaster relief operation. The functions
carried out by these groups include:
1. Protection of persons and property: This function
includes restoring communications and public trans-
portation, caring for the dead and injured, con-
trolling traffic, protecting property, rescuing the
helpless, fighting fires, maintaining law and order,
clearing the streets, supplying water and food, and
performing other duties under government's responsi-
bility of protecting life and property and health
of the public.
2. Administration of requests for assistance: This
function includes the receipt, processing and
expediting of requests for assistance from agencies
or organizations outside the particular jurisdiction
except requests between Red Cross units.
page 2 - Statement of Understanding
3. Other: Due to the Jack of other existing government
agencies primarily concerned with specific disaster
operations, Disaster Emergency Services - in addition
to its coordinating authority - has a more direct
operational responsibility in such matters as:
1) warning, (2) rescue, (3) evacuation.
B. The American Red Cross
The Act of Congress (Act of January 5, 1905, 33 Sta. 599),
as amended (36 U. S. Code Section 1 and. following), con-
stituting the American Red Cross charter requires the Red
Cross to undertake relief activities for the purpose of
mitigating suffering caused by disaster and obligates the
Red Cross -to develope-_and_car-r-y out_ measures__to__prev_ent____
such suffering. Public Law 91-606 in no way affects the"
legal status or restricts the authority and purposes of
the American Red Cross, as set forth in the Act. In
carrying out the purposes of Public Law 91-606, the
president and any federal, state or local government may,
by contract or otherwise, accept and utilize the services
and facilities of the Red Cross and may distribute or
render through the Red Cross medicines, food and other
consumable supplies or emergency assistance.
1. American Red Cross aid to disaster victims is not
dependent upon a Presidential declaration of a
major disaster but is provided__regardless of the
size of the catastrophe or the number of people
2. Through a program of disaster preparedness and
relief by American Red Cross chapters and divisions
and areas throughout the country, the Red Cross
provides disaster victims with food, clothing,
shelter, first aid and supplementary medical,
nursing.and hospital care and meets other urgent
immediate needs. This help may be provided on
the basis of mass care in shelters and at feeding
stations -and aid stations.
3. The Red Cross also provides food and first aid
services for emergency workers, provides blood
and _blood products for disaster victims and
handles inquiries from concerned families outside
the disaster area..
page 3 - Statement of Understanding
k 4. Help for disaster victims may also be provided on an
individual family basis - with funds or purchase
orders issued to families for food, clothing, medi-
cal care, health items, essential household furnish-
ings, urgently needed occupational supplies and
equipment, emergency rentals for housing, trans-
portation and temporary minor repairs to homes so
that they can be reoccupied.
5. The Red Cross will assist in providing information
about federal and other resources available for
additional assistance to disaster victims and will
refer families to such resources. The Red Cross
will assist families in assembling needed informa-
tion for applications-far---such-aid and -will
them in processing their application if the families
ask for such assistance.
6. When there is no Presidential Declaration of a major
disaster or when such Declaration has been made but
a family is not eligible for government benefits,
Red Cross assistance may also include other recovery
needs in addition to the emergency help already given.
In such cases, the need for hell) will be determined
by an individual caseworker process.
7. All Red Cross disaster aid is on a grant basis, with
no request for or expectation of - repayment. Be-
cause administrative responsibility and financial
control are inseparable, the Red Cross requires that
all funds utilized by it in extending relief will be
expended in accordance with its established policies.
A. iDisaster-Emergency Services
The responsibility for the developing and execution of a
plan of Disaster Emergency Services in the United States
for the protection of life and property and post -attack
recovery has been designated by the Congress to be a joint -
responsibility of the federal government, the several
states and their political subdivisions. Accordingly, in
event of an enemy -caused disaster, Disaster Emergency
Services reponsibilities include:
page 4 - Statement of Understanding
1. Direction of all phases of the operation.
2. Utilization of all community agencies, including
the Red Cross.
3. Execution of financial responsibility for the program
in accordance with existing Disaster Emergency Services
B. The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross recognizes that, in an enemy -
caused disaster, the protection and care of families and
individuals is a basic responsibility of government. In
this connection, Red Cross chapters have agreed to assist,
to the extent of their ability,- in --the development -and - - - ---^ `---
operation of a program of Disaster Emergency Services on
national., state and local levels. In such planning and
participation, it is recognized that the Red Cross volunteers
wilt serve under the direction and leadership of duly ap-
pointed Disaster Emergency Services authorities.
Where there is suffering resulting from civil disorders - and
fundamental human needs are not being met - the Red Cross will
participate in community action to supplement the effort of
the responsible civil authorities in extending emergency services
and- relief to the victims of---such--disturbances. - However-,_ when -- -- --------
there are, in the view of the Red Cross, fundamental human needs
which are not being met and there is no indication that either
the community or responsible authorities are aware of these needs
or are making an effort adequately to meet them, the Red Cross
chapter - with the support and approval of the national organi-
zation - will inform all appropriate authorities of the emergency
needs and of recommended Red Cross proposals and the Red Cross
will carry out such proposals to the greatest extent possible.
In instances of major civil disorder, the American Red.Cross
may provide volunteer services but all financial obligations
generated must be assumed by state and/or local government in
those situations where government has requested the assistance
of the American Red Cross.
page 5 - Statement of Understanding
Continuous liaison, mutual planning and exchange of information
will be maintained between the State Coordinator of Disaster
Emergency Services, state departments and agencies with dis-
aster responsibilities and the American Red Cross. A similar
relationship between political subdivisions and Red Cross
chapters will be encouraged.
A. In carrying out its natural disaster welfare responsibilities,
the Red Cross chapters will utilize available locally en-
rolled Disaster Emergency Services volunteers so they may
gain experience which may be helpful in carrying out their
responsibilities in enemy -caused disasters. In such in-
stances,_. Disaster Emergence Services volunteers will serve _
under the direction and leadership of theReCross.
B. In natural disaster situations, Disaster Emergency Services
and Red Cross have a joint responsibility to keep the public
informed in relation to the disaster. Accordingly, Disaster
Emergency Services and Red Cross agree that:
1. Direct liaison between Disaster Emergency Services and
Red Cross will be maintained during all disaster oper-
ations for the exchange of information pertaining to
each organization's activities.
2. Every effort will be made by each organization to
insure that --information disseminated -by--it-relates---
solely to its responsibility.
This formal understanding provides a frame of reference within
which the City of SOUTHLAKE and the Red Cross, Tarrant
County Chapter, will cooperate to carry out assigned responsi-
bilities for disaster relief in the State.
IN .WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this
Statement of Understanding on the dates indicated.
BY: z
ayo, Ci - out
DAT M rch 4,1986
American Red Cross