1983-021RESOLUTION 83-21 Whereas, the City of Southlake, Texas;is considering revision of the City future land use map, and, Whereas, the revision of the city future land use map will require revision of the City of Southlake ordinances pertaining to zoning, and, Whereas, the revision of the city future land use map and zoning ordinances is a lengthy- process and must be accomplished in strict conformity with the Laws of the State of Texas, and, Whereas, the City of Southlake needs to have a stated intention regarding revision of the city future land use map and the applicable zoning ordinances to use as an interim guide during the period the city future land use and zoning ordinances are being revised. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH - LAKE, TEXAS, THAT: 1. A revised city land use map will be prepared that reflects the City Councils feeling that land along Texas State Highway 114 should be primarily multistory office park additions with increased set backs and greenbelts taking into consideration future improve- ments to be made to the highway by the State of Texas. These im- provements will include frontage roads, overpasses and clover leafs at certain key intersections. In addition, the city future land use map will also be revised to reflect a variety of commercial zonings along State of Texas Farm to Market road 1709 with appropriate provisions for control of traffic, exiting from or entering on to the road from commercial additions. 2. Revised City of Southlake zoning ordinances should be accomplished which would provide for the multistory office park additions along Texas State Highway 114 ensuring that adequate greenbelts are re- quired and that new additions are platted taking into consideration future improvements to State Highway 114 planned by the State of Texas for traffic control and safety. The revised zoning ordinances shall also be made to reflect more definitive classes of zoning to insure that future land use is closely related to initial use approved for the land at the time it is developed. Future zoning ordinances shall also provide for a variety of commercial zonings along State of Texas Farm to Market Road 1709. These zonings will ensure adequate set backs, provisions for control of traffic exiting from or intering on to the road from the commercial additions and provide for appropriate greenbelts and buffer zones between the commercial areas and adjacent residential areas. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6th day of December, 1983. Mayor ( ATTES City Secretary