2021-02-25 ZBA MinutesCITY OF
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Regular Session -Town Hall 3d Floor Training Rooms CID
Members Present: Board members: Chair Jeff Medici, Vice Chair David Treichler, Michael
Quinones- Place 1, and Clinton Snead- Alternate 3
Members Absent: Trey Verbick- Place 3, Robert Kemins-Alternate 2, and Heather King -
Alternate 4
Staff Present: Richard Schell, Principal Planner, Katie Blizzard, Board Secretary.
1. Call to Order: Chairman Medici called the Regular Session to order at 6:31 P.M.
2. Executive Session: No executive session was held.
3. Approval of the Minutes: Chairman Medici opened the discussion of the minutes of the
Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on January 28, 2021.
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on
January 28, 2021.
Motion: Treichler
Second: Snead
Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Quinones and Snead.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
Motion: Approved
4. Administrative Comments: Richard Schell, Principal Planner, announced that there are two
vacant spots on the Board. Austin Reynolds, former Place 3, was appointed to the Planning and
Zoning Commission and Hannah Smith, former Alternate 1, is running for Carroll ISD school
board. Planner Schell announced that the City Council will make appointments on March 2,
2021 to fill the vacant spots and he also announced that the next ZBA meeting is scheduled for
March 11. 2021.
Aaenda Item No. 5 ZBA21-0005, Variance to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended,
Section 14.5.e requiring the maximum lot coverage to not exceed 30% of the lot area on
property described as Lot 8, Block 1, Miracle Pointe, an addition to the City of Southlake,
Tarrant County, Texas, and located at 2050 Miracle Pointe Dr., Southlake, Texas. Current
Zoning: "SF -20A" Single Family Residential District. The applicant submitted a formal
request to withdraw this item.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — February 25, 2021
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A motion was made to accept the applicant's request to withdraw case ZBA21-0005.
Motion: Quinones
Second: Snead
Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Quinones and Snead.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
Motion: Approved
Agenda Item No. 7 ZBA21-0004, Variance to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as -amended,
Section 9.5.b requiring a front yard of not less than 40', Section 9.5.c requiring a side
yard of not less than 25' and Section 9.5.e requiring the maximum lot coverage to not
exceed 10% of the lot area on property described as Lot 2R1, R.P. Estes Subdivision (formerly
Lot 2C1, R.P. Estes Subdivision, being a portion of Lot 2, R. P. Estes Subdivision), Tarrant
County, Texas, and located at 2350 Crawford Ct., Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. Current
Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. The applicant submitted a request to table this item to the
March 11, 2021 meeting.
A motion was made to table case ZBA21-0004 to the next scheduled meeting on March 11,
Motion: Treichler
Second: Quinones
Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Quinones and Snead.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
Motion: Approved
Agenda Item No. 6 ZBA21-0003, Special Exception Use per Ord. No. 480, as amended,
Section 44.12(6) for a reduction in the required setback from property lines for a
residential accessory structure on property described as Lot 5, Block 1, Lake Crest, an
addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and located at 101 Clear Lake Ct.,
Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "SF -20K Single Family Residential District.
Planner Schell presented details of the case with a slide show presentation to the Board. The
applicant, Jim Knese, is requesting approval of a Special Exception Use per Ord. No. 480, as
amended, Section 44.12(6) for a reduction in the required setback from property lines for a
residential accessory structure to allow an approximately 525 square foot detached garage to
be located approximately one foot from the side property line. The required minimum setback is
for an accessory building on a permanent foundation located in the rear yard is 10' from the side
and rear property lines.
Chairman Medici opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's
representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire.
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Jim Knese, 101 Clear Lake Ct., Southlake, Texas, the applicant and owner, once sworn in,
presented testimony, and answered questions from the Board.
Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in support of
the request.
There being none, Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to
speak against the request.
There being none, Chairman Medici called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative
for a brief rebuttal.
There being none, Chairman Medici closed the public hearing and opened the item for
discussion from the Board.
A motion was made to table case ZBA21-0003 indefinitely
Motion: Snead
Second: Quinones
Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Quinones and Snead.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
Motion: Approved
A-genda Item No. 8 ZBA21-0006, Variance to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended,
Section 33.14 requiring a minimum usable area of at least one acre for an on-site sewage
facility (OSSF) to be employed on property described as Tracts 13 and 14, I. G. Belcher
Survey, Abstract No. 30A, Denton County, Texas, and located 1098 and 1095 Westpark Circle
N., Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "MH" Manufactured Housing District.
Planner Schell presented details of the case with a slide show presentation to the Board. The
applicant is requesting approval of a Variance to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended,
Section 33.14 requiring a minimum usable area of at least one acre for an on-site sewage
facility (OSSF) to be employed to allow an OSSF on an existing approximately 0.261 acre
property. The nearest City sewer is approximately 4,000 feet to the south in the Clariden Ranch
subdivision on the south side of Bob Jones Rd. The Site Evaluation Report (see Attachment D,
pp. 3-5) states that the site is suitable for a septic system. An application to the Tarrant County
Health Department stating that the OSSF design has been approved for construction is included
on page 2 of Attachment D.
Chairman Medici opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's
representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire.
Daniel Emmer, 345 W. Bob Jones Rd., Southlake, Texas, the applicant and owner, once sworn
in, presented testimony, and answered questions from the Board.
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Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in support of
the request.
There being none, Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to
speak against the request.
There being none, Chairman Medici called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative
for a brief rebuttal.
There being none, Chairman Medici closed the public hearing and opened the item for
discussion from the Board.
A motion was made to approve case ZBA21-0006 as presented.
Motion: Treichler
Second: Snead
Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Quinones and Snead.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
Motion: Approved
Agenda Item No. 9 ZBA21-0007, Variance to Ordinance No. 480 Section 33.9(d), requiring
a front yard on each street frontage for corner lots unless a platted setback line exists, on
property described as Lot 4, Block 2, Cimmarron Acres, an addition to the City of Southlake,
Tarrant County, Texas. Current Zoning: "SF -1A" Single Family Residential District.
Planner Schell presented details of the case with a slide show presentation to the Board. The
applicant is requesting approval of a Variance to the platted setback along Harrell Dr. to allow
an approx. 2,243 sf addition to the principal residence to encroach approximately 1.5' into the
platted 35' setback shown on the plat for Cimmarron Acres and be located approximately 33.5'
from the east property line in line with the existing house. A Variance (Case No. ZBA-072) to
allow the existing house to encroach approximately 1.7' into the platted 35' setback was
approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on October 9, 1989.
Chairman Medici opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's
representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire.
Kyle Rowe, 7305 Hogan Dr., Benbrook, Texas, the applicant, once sworn in, presented
testimony, and answered questions from the Board.
Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in support of
the request.
There being none, Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to
speak against the request.
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There being none, Chairman Medici called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative
for a brief rebuttal.
There being none, Chairman Medici closed the public hearing and opened the item for
discussion from the Board.
A motion was made to approve case ZBA21-0007 as presented.
Motion: Treichler
Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Quinones and Snead.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
Motion: Approved
Agenda Item No. 10 ZBA21-0008, Special Exception Use per Ord. No. 480, as amended,
Section 44.12(1) for a Domestic Employee or Family Quarters on property described as
Tract 2C, Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and
located at 2504 Rolling Ln., Southlake Texas. Current Zoning: "SF -1A" Single Family
Residential District.
Planner Schell presented details of the case with a slide show presentation to the Board. On
behalf of Aaron and Lauren Mattox, Tyler Brown is requesting approval of a Special Exception
Use per Ord. No. 480, as amended, Section 44.12(1) to allow a Domestic Employee or Family
Quarters in an approximately 480 square foot accessory building.
Chairman Medici opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's
representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire.
Tyler Brown, 2008 Hickory Hollow Ln., Keller, Texas, the applicant's representative, once sworn
in, presented testimony, and answered questions from the Board.
Aaron Mattox, 2504 Rolling Ln., Southlake, Texas, the owner and applicant, once sworn in,
presented testimony, and answered questions from the Board.
Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in support of
the request.
There being none, Chairman Medici asked if there were those in the audience who wished to
speak against the request.
There being none, Chairman Medici called upon the applicant or the applicant's representative
for a brief rebuttal.
There being none, Chairman Medici closed the public hearing and opened the item for
discussion from the Board.
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A motion was made to approve case ZBA21-0008 with the stipulation that the exterior materials
visible from the street match the current house
Motion: Treichler
Second: Quinones
Ayes: Medici, Treichler, Quinones and Snead.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0-0
Motion: Approved
10. Meeting Adjournment: Chairman Jeff Medici adjourned the meeting at 8:31 P.M.
*A recording of this meeting will be permanently retained in the City Secretary's Office.
Jeffiledici, Chairman
Katie Blizzard, Boar retary
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