10-04-2006 City of Southlake, Texas SOUTHLAKE YOUTH ACTION COMMISSION Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2006 at 4:30 P.M. Location: LODGE - 400 North White Chapel, Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 748.8311 Meeting agenda: 1. Call to Order — Chair Libby Stanley 2. Opening Ceremonies 3. Roll Call - Secretary 4. Reading and Approval of Previous Meetings Minutes 5. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees, Special Committees 6. Old/Unfinished Business: o Applications 7. New Business o KSB Quarterly Cleanup on Saturday, October 14th --> SHADY OAKS, between Highland & Dove o BJNC Harvest Hike Scarecrow 8. Announcements 9. Program (if a program or a speaker is planned for the meeting) 10. Ice Breaker & Door Prize Drawing ii. Adjourn (Next meeting is Wednesday, November 1) CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, Septembsio*T2Q0,4ky 5:00 p.m. pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. �5•.••••••. zrA. A.{ - a • 3.: • Lori Farwell, City Secretary ••• a If you plan to attend this public meeting and have'd 44114;t requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-1519, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you.