12-09-2003 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING 2 SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL— 1400 MAIN STREET 3 TRAINING ROOMS #3C AND #3D 4 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 5 6 December 9, 2003 7 8 MINUTES 9 10 SPIN Standing Committee Members Present — Brandon Bledsoe (#9e), Chair; Roger Hutton 11 (#11), Vice-Chair; Jeff Wang (#7), Secretary; Boyd Dollar (substitute for SPIN #1 12 Representative Cara White); Alan Hochstien (#3); Sam Timothy (#10); Wendi Carlucci (#12); 13 Mike Terry (#13). 14 15 SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent — Jan Francis (#5); Tim Miller (#6); Pattie 16 Minder(#8); Jim Jeppe (#9w); David Baltimore (Senior Representative). 17 18 City Staff Present — Bruce Payne, Director of Planning; Charlie Thomas, Deputy Director of 19 Public Works / City Engineer; Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; John 20 Eaglen, Assistant to the City Manager. 21 22 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order — Chair Brandon Bledsoe called the meeting to order at 6:41 23 p.m. 24 25 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments — Chair Brandon Bledsoe covered the following 26 items with the Standing Committee: 27 28 • Introduced guests Bruce Payne, Charlie Thomas, Steve Polasek. 29 • Reviewed procedures for the 2004 Officer Elections on the meeting agenda this evening. 30 31 Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of the Minutes from the November 11, 2003 SPIN Standing 32 Committee Meeting— 33 34 Motion to approve the minutes as submitted. 35 36 Motion: Wang 37 Second: Bledsoe 38 39 Motion was unanimously approved 40 41 Agenda Item No. 4, Capital Improvement Planning Process Overview and Capital Project Status 42 Report—City Staff provided a presentation covering the following issues: 43 44 • Director of Planning Bruce Payne provided an overview of the process for developing 45 recommendations for the City's Capital Improvements Plan. 46 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—December 9, 2003 Page 1 of 6 ,, * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 Mr. Bledsoe clarified with Mr. Payne that the Capital Improvements Budget is a game 2 plan for the upcoming year, and Mr. Payne confirmed that is the case so that projects 3 identified for funding at particular times can be prepared for from the financial and 4 operational perspectives. 5 6 Mr. Dollar asked in relation to the Pin Oak Circle Project, this project would not have 7 been as high of a priority if the Chapter 380 agreement with the City had not occurred, 8 and Mr. Payne confirmed that assertion. Mr. Dollar commented that this is why some 9 projects will rank higher than others at different times, as there is the opportunity to have 10 outside funding sources that help complete the project. 11 12 Mr. Bledsoe asked about what the price would be to put a stoplight at the intersection of 13 Carroll and Brumlow versus the proposed roundabout. Mr. Thomas replied that the cost 14 is about the same to construct the stoplight as a roundabout, but the traffic signal 15 alternative has annual maintenance costs associated with it that the City currently does 16 not have to fund. 17 18 Mr. Bledsoe asked about the financing outlined for the proposed redundant water supply, 19 and Mr. Thomas replied that due to the cost, estimated at $6 million dollars, this project 20 had to be phased over multiple years to pay the costs associated with this project. 21 22 Mr. Dollar asked about the plans for the elevated storage tank at T.W. King, and Mr. 23 Thomas replied that there is a number of other projects that need to occur prior to 24 completing that project. 25 26 Mr. Timothy asked where the water sources for the City are, and Mr. Thomas replied that 27 the City of Fort Worth supplies the City with water services. Mr. Payne added that the 28 City of Southlake is Fort Worth's largest water customer, as the per-capita usage in 29 Southlake is double that of similar cities. 30 31 Mr. Timothy asked about the high water rates for the City, and Mr. Thomas replied that 32 part of the billing rate structure accounts for service costs, and also accounts for future 33 improvement costs that fund the Capital Improvement Projects and maintenance of the 34 current water distribution and wastewater distribution systems. Mr. Thomas replied that 35 the current situation is a more advantageous situation than running water and wastewater 36 treatment plants that could be very costly due to EPA regulations. Mr. Payne added the 37 rate structure is set to escalate with increased usage. 38 39 Mr. Bledsoe asked if at some point there would have to be consideration for Municipal 40 Utility Districts (MUD's) that would be in part privately financed, and Mr. Payne and 41 Mr. Thomas replied that they did not see this alternative coming up in the near future. 42 43 Mr. Hochstein asked about the funding for the Neighborhood Sewer Project for Quail 44 Creek Estates. Mr. Payne replied that due to decrease in development and related impact 45 fees, the Neighborhood Sewer Program has been squeezed. Mr. Thomas mentioned that SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—December 9, 2003 Page 2 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 as the City gets over the hump on some large scale projects, more funding could be 2 available for the Neighborhood Sewer Program. 3 4 Mr. Bledsoe asked from a market perspective, would impact development fee increases 5 help address some of these funding concerns. Mr. Payne replied that at this time, the 6 impact fees in Southlake are at the top of the marketplace. The decreased impact fee 7 revenue is due to the decrease in development-related activities. The City does 8 contribute to over-sizing utilities in partnership with the development community, which 9 is a beneficial arrangement. 10 11 Mr. Bledsoe stated that for the next few years, we are looking at around a 3 to 4 million 12 dollar pie for Capital Improvement Projects, and Mr. Payne confirmed that unless there 13 are some changes in the big picture. 14 15 • Mr. Thomas provided a status report regarding Capital Projects currently in progress. 16 17 Mr. Dollar asked if the federal requirements for stormwater would have CIP implications. 18 Mr. Thomas replied that these requirements are issues for the City to consider, and that 19 currently the City is reviewing the potential for a Stormwater Utility District, which 20 would provide a funding source for projects related to these requirements. 21 22 Mr. Terry asked what the latest status was for the completion of State Highway 114, and 23 Mr. Payne replied that the latest completion estimate was at the end of January. 24 25 • Mr. Polasek provided a status report regarding Community Services Capital Projects and 26 the SPDC Capital Improvement Plan. 27 28 Mr. Dollar asked how the neighborhood around Bob Jones Park would know if the City is 29 using the well system for irrigation at Bob Jones Park. Mr. Polasek replied that the well 30 system is a backup system for irrigation, as the groundwater that fills up the ponds is used 31 for primary irrigation. The park was designed to catch the runoff in the park area and 32 route this runoff to the pond. 33 34 Mr. Dollar clarified that the City irrigation at Bob Jones Park is either from groundwater 35 in the pond or from the well system, and Mr. Polasek replied that the irrigation system at 36 Bob Jones Park is not tied into the City water system. 37 38 Mr. Hutton asked if any of the discussed funding sources tonight would fund the North 39 DPS facility. Mr. Polasek replied that the Crime Control District has a similar half-cent 40 sales tax that will fund that particular project. 41 42 Mr. Dollar asked about the projected 4 million dollar bond sale, that these bonds are sold 43 by the SPDC Board of Directors. Mr. Polasek replied that SPDC is not a pay-as-you-go 44 setup, and that bonds are issued based upon the coverage provided by the revenue stream 45 of sales tax that comes to the fund. 46 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—December 9, 2003 Page 3 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 Mr. Terry asked if particular neighborhood park projects have been identified for funding 2 in the proposed funds for neighborhood park development. Mr. Polasek replied that this 3 spring the staff would begin planning for Neighborhood Park development and 4 identifying projects for funding. 5 6 Agenda Item No. 5, Discussion of Joint Participation with Keep Southlake Beautiful for Spring 7 Tour of Liberty Gardens at Bicentennial Park— Mr. Bledsoe recapped the Executive Committee 8 discussion and provided the background for Ms. Carlucci's presentation. 9 10 Ms. Carlucci outlined her project proposal for a Spring Garden Tour centered around Liberty 11 Gardens, and the idea to involve SPIN. The idea for SPIN participation would be for each SPIN 12 area to find a garden to showcase on the tour. Ms. Carlucci mentioned that the details would be 13 handled by the Liberty Gardens Committee and Keep Southlake Beautiful, SPIN would need to 14 contribute the day of the event and identify the type of information to display for tour 15 participants. 16 17 Mr. Timothy asked about the identification of gardens, and Ms. Carlucci replied that any type of 18 garden would be welcome, as gardeners love diverse examples. 19 20 Mr. Dollar asked about the charges proposed. Ms. Carlucci stated a conceptual price is $7 a 21 ticket if purchased in advance, and there would be numerous ticket providers. 22 23 Mr. Bledsoe asked about the traffic expectations in the neighborhoods. Ms. Carlucci replied that 24 while there would be no firm way to forecast foot traffic,but that gardeners are very particular to 25 not damage gardens by walking over root systems, etc. 26 27 Ms. Carlucci stated that the event would run from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., so participants would 28 have to do some planning to tour the numerous alternatives that having a garden in each SPIN 29 area would provide. 30 31 Agenda Item No. 6, Break — The Committee did not take a break, but elected to move forward 32 and complete the meeting. 33 34 Agenda Item No. 7, Potential 2004 SPIN Educational Topics — Mr. Bledsoe provided some 35 background on this event, and in the last part of this year the educational topics have been 36 focused on. Mr. Bledsoe recapped the discussion at the Executive Committee meeting that some 37 ideas for educational topics would be suitable for the Town Hall format started in this 2003. 38 39 The purpose of this agenda item was to give staff and the Executive Committee direction on 40 potential educational topics in 2004 so that some groundwork could begin. 41 42 Mr. Terry asked if there was potential for getting public input and then starting a list of potential 43 topics that the community might find of interest. Mr. Eaglen replied that this list was only a 44 starting point and that staff would take the Committee's direction to have the desired educational 45 topics at the desired scope. 46 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—December 9, 2003 Page 4 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 The committee agreed to go and talk with people in the community relating to these issues and 2 any other items of interest and discuss this issue again at the January meeting. 3 4 Agenda Item No. 8, Election of SPIN Officers for 2004— 5 6 The nominees for Chair are as follows: 7 8 • Mike Terry 9 • Brandon Bledsoe 10 11 Brandon Bledsoe was elected Chair by unanimous vote of the Committee. 12 13 The nominees for Vice-Chair are as follows: 14 15 • Roger Hutton 16 • Alan Hochstein—declined to serve 17 18 Roger Hutton was elected Vice-Chair by acclimation vote of the Committee. 19 20 The nominees for Secretary are as follows: 21 22 • Mike Terry 23 • Jeff Wang—declined to serve 24 • Alan Hochstein—declined to serve 25 26 Mike Terry was elected Secretary by acclimation vote of the Committee. 27 28 Agenda Item No. 9,Neighborhood Reports— 29 30 • SPIN#1 —Wendi Carlucci will forward the Garden Tour information to Cara White. 31 32 • SPIN #7 - Burn will not be coming back to Dragon Stadium, hope that this quells the 33 discussions regarding alcohol sales at the stadium. The Tarantula Train holiday route is 34 causing neighborhood issues, blowing the horn late at night is causing noise issues in the 35 neighborhood. South Kimball eventually will carry a lot of north-south traffic when it is 36 built. As Bruce and Charlie mentioned, the General Fund balance for Capital 37 Improvements has dwindled because there is a lot less tax revenues, relating to this there 38 will most likely be a standstill in development activity for the next three to six months at 39 a minimum. 40 41 • SPIN #9e—Reservations about the Carroll Avenue roundabout, traffic signals are proven, 42 although there are maintenance costs associated with them. Traffic backup is a problem 43 on Continental. 44 45 • SPIN#3 —No Activity to Report. 46 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—December 9, 2003 Page 5 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 SPIN#12—No Activity to Report. 2 3 • SPIN#11 — Sewer project has been completed along Shady Oaks and State Highway 114. 4 5 • SPIN #10 — Question about the White House at Bicentennial office project, nothing has 6 happened in relation to construction. Mr. Wang replied that the developer wanted to get 7 a firm commitment in pre-leasing prior to constructing this development. Oak Hills 8 Parking is still an issue and starting to heat up at this point. Ms. Carlucci mentioned that 9 Keep Southlake Beautiful has an $85,000 grant to complete a beautification project on a 10 State Highway, they have discussed working with the developer of the White House 11 project to develop a nice entry feature to Bicentennial Park. 12 13 • SPIN #13 —No Activity to Report. 14 15 Agenda Item No. 10, Open Forum—There was no discussion on this agenda item. 16 17 Agenda Item No. 11, Adjourn—Chair Bledsoe adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. 18 19 ATTEST: 20 &cLf6 22 Brandon Bledsoe, Chair 23 24 Ai 25 � 26 27 Jeff W.1 g,Secretary SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—December 9, 2003 Page 6 of 6