12-14-2004 M
DECEMBER 14, 2004
SPIN Standing Committee Members in Attendance: Roger Hutton (#11), Chair; David Baltimore (SPIN
Senior Representative); Cara White (#1); Alan Hochstein (#3); Jan Francis (#5); Craig Rothmeier(#9E),
Secretary; Jim Jeppe (#9W); Sam Timothy (#10); Mike Terry(#13), Vice Chair; Jon Weirsum (#16)
SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent: Doug Harsy(#2); Tim Miller(#6); Jeff Wang (#7); Pattie Minder
(#8); Wendi Carlucci (#12); Tom Corradino (#15)
Guests Present: Brandon Bledsoe, John Eaglen, Boyd Dollar
City Staff Present: Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order—Chair Roger Hutton called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.
Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments—Chair Hutton recognized Brandon Bledose, past SPIN Chair,
and John Eaglen, former Assistant to the City Manager, for their efforts in supporting SPIN. In addition, he
recognized Jim Jeppe (logistics), Sam Timothy (marketing/media), David Baltimore, Mike Terry and Craig
Rothmeier for their efforts in developing and promoting the recent Transportation Forum.
Brandon Bledsoe provided a brief overview of 2025 activity, including approval by City Council of the Davis
Corridor. This is the first approved transition zooming, which is an overlay to existing zoning and is intended
to promote development of a group of properties rather than simply developing one off activities. City staff is
now creating T1 and T2 definitions.
Chair Hutton acknowledged SPIN's role in supporting the Park Master Plan activities.
Agenda Item No. 3, Approve minutes for the August 10, 2004 SPIN Standing Committee meeting.—
Motion to accept minutes as submitted.
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Francis
Motion was unanimously approved.
Agenda Item No. 4, Discussion of November 29, 2004 Transportation Forum—Committee members offered
a number of comments including the following:
- presentations were effective
- the order of the speakers evolved and was driven by speaker suggestions; it is recommended that
future sessions coordinate speaker presentations in a similar manner
- the Committee needs to develop one-on-one relationships with local media rather than simply
sending out a press release in order to gain greater exposure
- the planning document initially developed by John Eaglen makes it easier to define the marketing
and logistics requirements
SPIN MEETING MINUTES 12.14.04.doc Page 1 of 3
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- audio continues to be a problem; a suggestion was made to see if the City had any wireless
- we need to do a better job of capturing the list of attendees; this can assist in future promotion
Agenda Item No. 5, Review status of February, 2005 Transportation Forum — Mike Terry provided a
summary of current activities, including consideration of speakers(Glen Whitely and Gary Fickes have
volunteered). The date of the forum will be Monday, February 28. Mike is also developing content ideas
through discussions with Shana Yelverton. Mike solicited volunteers to work on each of the committees and
these are comprised of the following people: Marketing-Jon Wiersum, Jan Francis; Logistics—Jim Jeppe,
Alan Hochstein. Cara White and Boyd Dollar offered to participate as needed.
Agenda Item No. 6, Discussion of Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Agenda—All agreed
that there needs to be greater discipline and order to the meetings. Recommended topics for Council to
address include town hall forums, perhaps with each Council member meeting with one or more SPIN areas
rather than the entire City; review of proposed SPIN Ordinance changes; and soliciting specific feedback
from Council members regarding the SPIN-sponsored forums and additional topics. Future topics of
discussion could include the fiscal health of the City and concerns regarding personnel retention by the City.
In addition, the Committee suggested that we ask Sharon Elam to discuss fiscal issues with the Committee.
Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of proposed revisions to SPIN Ordinance 598-A—The only change to the
draft document was to remove the proposed section 6 in Article III. David Baltimore made a motion that we
approve the document as amended with this change; Sam Timothy seconded and the Committee
unanimously approved the changes.
Agenda Item No. 8, Break
Agenda Item No. 9, Discussion of topics for Standing Committee meeting education and future forums and
schedule for 2005—The Committee reviewed the list initially prepared when the forum concept was being
developed, as well as the list submitted by attendees at the November 29 forum. From that list, it was
agreed that the next forums would include Transportation (air), Education, Public Safety and the CIP
process. The order of the last three will be determined during future meetings. Other topics considered
included pollution, public works, community services, and budget review.
Agenda Item No. 10, Discussion of SPIN representative facilitation at the Parks&Trails Master Plan Update
meetings—Since these meetings are held in conjunction with regularly scheduled SPIN dates, there is
considerable concern that SPIN not be perceived as not following through on these events. Ben will meet
with Chris Carpenter to outline SPIN expectations for promotion and sponsorship of the activities. In
addition, the SPIN facilitator should use this opportunity to"plug"SPIN and to solicit involvement by others.
Facilitators for the meetings will be:
- January 3—Open Space Planning—Mike Terry
- January 17—Athletics—Craig Rothmeier
- February 7— Park Issues North of 114—Jan Francis
- February 21 —Central Area Park Issues—Alan Hochstein
- March 7—Southern park Issues—Jim Jeppe
In addition, the Committee concurred with the proposed SPIN meeting dates for 2005.
Agenda Item No. 11, Discussion of SPIN City Council Reporting Procedures—SPIN reps have been
assigned for all Council presentations in 2005. If an assigned individual is unable to attend, it's critical that
they notify Ben Thatcher and the Executive Committee so that a replacement can be defined. Going
forward, this is an excellent opportunity for SPIN to get visibility. In addition, SPIN will continue to submit the
written report to Council. Because of time limitations during the presentation, it's likely that not all activities
can be highlighted. A suggestion was made that the presented have a Power Point slide reflecting the SPIN
logo and the 3 or 4 topics to be discussed; this can b projected onto the screen in Council Chambers.
SPIN MEETING MINUTES 12.14.04.doe Page 2 of 3
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Agenda Item No. 12, Discussion of SPIN Listings of Subdivisions and HOAs—The Committee was asked to
update the list of HOA contacts (as appropriate) by the end of January. Updates should be submitted to Ben
Agenda Item No. 13, Neighborhood reports—
Senior SPIN rep—nothing to report
SPIN#1 —held meeting with Toll Brothers regarding development of the Rohr property; proposal may be for
medium density PUD
SPIN#3- nothing to report
SPIN#5—approached by Ratliff Development regarding former flea market area but deferred to area 10
SPIN#6- nothing to report
SPIN#9E—working with Jim Jeppe and Timarron HOA to see if we can promote SPIN as a recurring article
in the quarterly newsletter; also looking to create an e-mail database to facilitate communications
SPIN#9W—see 9E update
SPIN#10—Ratliff Development is proposing development of the former flea market at White's Chapel and
114. The initial meeting is set for January 17; it is recommended that this be a citywide forum.
SPIN#13—On December 2, sponsored a DPS meeting for areas 12 and 13 but there appear to have been
significant breakdowns in distribution of the post cards announcing the event.
Agenda Item No. 14, Open Forum— No additional items discussed.
Agenda Item No. 15, Adjourn—Chair Hutton adjourned the meeting at 9:20 PM.
Roger Hutton, Chair Craig Rothmeier, Secretary
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