11-11-2004 MEETING MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL — TRAINING ROOMS #3C AND #3D 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 NOVEMBER 11, 2004 MINUTES SPIN Standing Committee Members in Attendance: Roger Hutton (#11), Chair; David Baltimore (SPIN Senior Representative); Doug Harsy(#2); Jan Francis (#5); Pattie Minder(#8); Craig Rothmeier(#9E), Secretary; Sam Timothy(#10);Wendi Carlucci (#12), Mike Terry(#13), Vice Chair; Jon Weirsum (#16) SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent: Cara White (#1); Alan Hochstein (#3); Jim Jeppe (#9W); Tom Corradino (#15) Guests Present: Malcolm Jackson, Chris Carpenter(City of Southlake) City Staff Present: Stefanie Wagoner, Economic Development Specialist; Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order—Chair Roger Hutton called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM. Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments—Chair Hutton reviewed the following items with the Standing Committee: • Introduction and welcome to Doug Harsy, representing SPIN area#2. • Haley Smith is unable to participate as the youth representative, so we will continue to seek a volunteer for this position. • Monthly SPIN report to City Council—because of lack of involvement on the part of SPIN representatives, this had become a written report only. Beginning with the first January, 2005 Council meeting, however, SPIN reps will make verbal presentations to the Council outlining activities and accomplishments (Area 1 —January, Area 2—February, etc.). • Parks &Trails Master Plan kickoff—presented by Chris Carpenter and Malcolm Jackson, this plan will break the City into three separate areas: north of 114; 1709-114; and south of 1709. Their goal is to become grant eligible and they have scheduled a series of public meetings, coinciding with SPIN activities, to solicit public comment. Agenda Item No. 3, Approve minutes for the August 10, 2004 SPIN Standing Committee meeting— Motion to accept minutes as submitted. Motion: Minder Second: Baltimore Motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4, Review status of Transportation Forum presentation —Sam Timothy and Wendi Carlucci have completed the majority of the marketing requirements, including development of the flyer, preparation for the printer, postal distribution, Bicentennial Park marquis (beginning the week of 11/22). Wendi will work with school districts to promote the event. Liz Durham has released the press release to all local media and will issue a second release around 11/18. Craig Rothmeier will coordinate promotion through local SPIN MEETING MINUTES 11.11.04 Page 1 of 2 I Chambers of Commerce. Still remaining is logistics work to place signs around the City(Jim Jeppe and Jan Francis). Agenda Item No. 5, Review list of topics for Standing Committee education and future forums and schedule each for 2005— In addition to the November 29 forum, there will be two additional transportation forums, one dealing with public and rail transportation, the final one dealing with air transportation. Mike Terry, with assistance from Jon Wiersum, will act as program chair for the public/rail session, tentatively scheduled for February, 2005. Craig Rothmeier, with assistance from Pattie Minder, will act as program chair for the air transportation forum, tentatively scheduled for April, 2005. The responsibilities of the program chair will be to set the agenda, recruit speakers, and oversee the media/marketing and logistics efforts. In planning for future events, we will solicit attendee input from those attending the November 29 session. Ben Thatcher and Pattie Minder will look at potential dates for the three sessions to be held in 2005, the first two as noted above and a third still to be defined (tentatively October, 2005). Each standing committee member is encouraged to develop additional ideas for program content. Agenda Item No. 6, Discussion of Ordinance 598-A: Articles of Incorporation 5-7— Because the concept of a Neighborhood Council is no longer in force, there was considerable discussion about rewriting Article 5. David Baltimore offered to draft a proposed Article and will forward to all Standing Committee members. Similarly, Article 6 will be modified to delete reference to Neighborhood Councils. The objective now is to finalize all Ordinance changes during the December meeting, with review by Council in January, 2005. Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of SPIN map—The original concept of SPIN was to draw boundaries based on major thoroughfares and not to divide neighborhoods. Because some areas have not had committee representation, it was suggested that current SPIN reps cover other areas on an "acting" basis, pending recruitment of full time representatives. For example, Jan Francis has agreed to cover both areas 5 and 6; Pattie Minder will cover both areas 7 and 8. Area 14 is currently vacant and recruiting will consist of a targeted mailing and contact with all homeowner's associations in that area. Jon Wiersum agreed to take ownership of the latter of these. Agenda Item No. 8, Neighborhood reports— SPIN#2 - Flooding problem from recent pipe break; concern about high water bills. SPIN#5— Estes Park I and II approved; St. Emilion approved; concern about Gateway acquisition of property along 114 and efforts to buy Carroll Intermediate School. SPIN #8 -similar problems as in area 16 with power blackouts; problems with exiting traffic from Gateway Church; PA system at neighboring schools is in violation of City ordinances SPIN #12 -Cross Timbers signs nearing completion. SPIN#16 - mobile cell tower on high school property; frequent power outages in Stone Lakes (City is- pursuing) Senior SPIN rep— 11/12 dinner at Senior Center sponsored by CSHS seniors. Teen Court and Wendi have completed landscaping at Senior Center. Agenda Item No. 9, Open Forum —SPIN will present a plaque to John Eaglen for his outstanding support of the SPIN program. The next SPIN Standing Committee meeting is scheduled for December 12 at 6:30. Agenda Item No. 11, Adjourn—Chair Hutton adjourned the meeting at 8:55 PM. ATTEST: Roger Hutton, Chair Craig Rothmeier, Secretary SPIN MEETING MINUTES 11.11.04 Page 2 of 2