01-13-2004 t � * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING 2 SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL—TRAINING ROOMS #3C AND#3D 3 1400 MAIN STREET 4 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 5 6 January 13, 2004 7 8 MINUTES 9 10 City Council Members Present-Andy Wambsganss, Mayor; Carolyn Morris, Place 6. 11 12 City Council Members Absent — Ralph Evans, Mayor Pro-Tem; Rex Potter, Deputy Mayor 13 Pro-Tem; Keith Shankland, Place 2; Greg Standerfer, Place 4; Tom Stephen, Place 5. 14 15 SPIN Standing Committee Members Present — Brandon Bledsoe, Chair; Roger Hutton, Vice- 16 Chair; Mike Terry, Secretary; Cara White (#1); Alan Hochstein (#3); Jan Francis (#5); Jim 17 Jeppe (#9w); Wendi Carlucci (#12); Jon Wiersum (#16); David Baltimore (Senior 18 Representative). 19 20 SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent — Tim Miller (#6); Pattie Minder (#8); Sam 21 Timothy (#10). 22 23 SPIN Liaisons Present—Boyd Dollar (#1). 24 25 City Staff Present—John Eaglen, Assistant to the City Manager. 26 27 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order—Mayor Wambsganss called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 28 29 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments — Chair Bledsoe reviewed the following items 30 with the Standing Committee: 31 32 • SPIN#5 Citywide Forum — Topic: Estes Park, Phase II—Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 33 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 3rd Floor Training Rooms. Brandon Bledsoe agreed to host the 34 meeting for Jan Francis. 35 36 Agenda Item No. 5, City Council Reports—This item was moved up on the meeting agenda. 37 38 Mayor Wambsganss reviewed the following items with the Standing Committee: 39 40 • State Highway 114 Grand Opening Event is set for Saturday, February 7. Invitations 41 have been sent out. Mayor Wambsganss encouraged the Standing Committee members 42 to try and attend this event, as the highway is a big accomplishment for the community. 43 • Cedar Creek / Panatoni Office Development — One component was approved at the last 44 SPIN meeting. 45 • Southlake 2025 Vision Statement/ Goals and Objectives —City Council adoption will be 46 on the January 20th meeting agenda, after approval the Planning and Zoning Commission Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—January 13, 2004 Page 1 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 will be taking that statement and reviewing any items that would need to be changed on 2 the current Land Use Plan. 3 • The Election for City Council will be in May again this year; the actual Election Day will 4 be moved back to the 3rd Saturday in May versus the 1st Saturday. Filing dates should not 5 be changed drastically. 6 7 Mayor Wambsganss inquired to Mr. Baltimore about how the Senior Community felt about the 8 tax freeze issue. The Senior Community is ecstatic regarding the Senior Citizens tax freeze. 9 Adding the City portion to the School Districts freeze, it will allow those in the community over 10 65 to have a stable tax situation. 11 12 Mr. Dollar asked about the status of the Lions Club Piece of Mind Foundation. Mayor 13 Wambsganss reviewed what the Piece of Mind project was, and reviewed the status as still being 14 in its infancy. The Lions Club is taking two approaches, one being to raise seed money for the 15 foundation, and the other being commitment of funds should there be a public safety officer die 16 in the course of duty. 17 18 Mr. Bledsoe asked about the status of sales tax collections. Mayor Wambsganss replied that it 19 has been relatively stable, but the loss of Wal-Mart will hurt. The good news is that there is a 20 redevelopment plan approved and they are supposed to be complete this fall. The hope is that 21 with the approved plan, it will be an attractive site that comes close to matching the revenues 22 provided by Wal-Mart. 23 24 Councilmember Morris mentioned that this holiday season the Sales Tax Collection has 25 increased over last year. 26 27 Ms. Francis asked about the status of Gateway Phase II, and Councilmember Morris replied that 28 the developer has a lot of that development leased out. Ms. Morris mentioned that the developer 29 has indicated to her that Steak and Shake is planned to go in the second phase of Gateway Plaza. 30 31 Mr. Bledsoe shared with the City Council the Standing Committee's ideas about educational 32 topics and getting out in the community in 2004. Mayor Wambsganss commended the Standing 33 Committee's initiative, and stated that all of the ideas regarding topics were good ideas. 34 35 Councilmember Morris mentioned that in relating to this topic, she would like to see any 36 proposed development along State Highway 114 and F.M. 1709 have a Citywide SPIN meeting 37 in order to promote good, quality development and to provide an opportunity for the public to 38 participate and provide input on this important development. 39 40 Councilmember Morris stated that she liked the idea of SPIN being proactive, and was 41 encouraged by the participation with the Garden Club in a spring garden tour. 42 43 Mayor Wambsganss thanked the Standing Committee for their time and had to leave to attend 44 the Southlake Lions Club meeting. 45 Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—January 13, 2004 Page 2 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of the Minutes from the December 9, 2003 SPIN Standing 2 Committee Meeting - 3 4 Motion to approve the minutes as submitted. 5 6 Motion: Hutton 7 Second: Bledsoe 8 9 Ayes: Bledsoe, Hutton, Jeppe, Francis, White, Terry, Hochstein 10 Nayes: None 11 Abstain: Baltimore 12 13 Motion was approved 7-0-1. 14 15 Agenda Item No. 4, Neighborhood Reports— 16 17 • SPIN #9e — Mr. Bledsoe reported that he will be meeting with Public Works this week 18 regarding the proposed Carroll Avenue Roundabout. Councilmember Morris asked how 19 the area feels about the concept. Mr. Bledsoe replied that it is an interesting concept to 20 learn about, but there is some concerns. Councilmember Morris also mentioned that she 21 has researched existing Roundabouts and wants to see more research regarding traffic and 22 accidents reported at the site. Mr. Bledsoe stated that he will work with staff on this issue 23 and with the Timarron Home Owners Association Board. Ms. White mentioned that the 24 City may want to consider the insurance implications of this proposal relating to 25 accidents. 26 27 • SPIN #11 — Traffic will hopefully improve with State Highway 114 opening. Mr. Jeppe 28 asked if the existing bridge over State Highway 114 (Wall Street Bridge) was still to be 29 removed. Councilmember Morris replied that at this time she was not aware that a 30 decision had been made on this particular issue. 31 32 • SPIN #5 — Estes Park Phase II is coming forward, the developers are working on an 33 alternative density configuration and will be forwarding this to the SPIN Representative. 34 Councilmember Morris mentioned that she had spoken with them and they are focusing 35 on working with Custom Home Builders only and reviewing the density proposal, it will 36 be proposed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). 37 38 • SPIN#1 —The City is wrapping up the Softball Complex at Bob Jones Park. The Crown 39 Ridge Developer is trying to work out a swap between the Northwest and Carroll I.S.D. 40 so that the homes in Crown Ridge can attend Carroll schools. The City has had the final 41 meeting with Philadelphia Suburban regarding the water issues in Lakewood Estates and 42 Indian Creek Estates, and the outstanding issues have been agreed upon. However the 43 contract between the City and Philadelphia Suburban has not been finalized. 44 45 • SPIN#16 —No Activity to Report. 46 Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—January 13, 2004 Page 3 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 • SPIN #12 — Based on the Star Telegram article, have things changed regarding the 2 Randol Mill expansion? Cross Timber Hills residents are still suffering from the issues 3 relating to the neighborhood sewer project, mediation has not worked to date to resolve 4 all of the issues. SPIN Garden Tour is in progress, currently need roughly ten (10) 5 gardens in individual SPIN areas. However, it is not a necessity to have a garden in each 6 SPIN area if in fact there are not enough volunteers to participate. 7 8 • Seniors —Questions going on as to what is happening operationally at the Senior Activity 9 Center. When the facility was opened it was under the oversight of the Assistant City 10 Manager, and things worked well. Since being moved under the Parks and Recreation 11 Department, there have been issues with the garbage not being picked up, locks being 12 changed on the door, etc. The staff has not previously discussed any of these issues with 13 the Senior Activity Center Director. The supervision is not what it should be. 14 15 Ms. White mentioned that in relation to this, there has been a growing disconnect 16 between SPIN and the Parks and Recreation Department regarding parks projects. In the 17 last year/ year and a half there have been instances where SPIN meetings have 1) either 18 not occurred on a particular project; or 2) a SPIN meeting has been requested shortly 19 before the item in question is on a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting agenda 20 where the proposal is more locked in. An example currently with no SPIN participation 21 is the Nature Center Planning on the Tucker Property — the discussion plans have an 22 impact on the adjacent residents and no discussions with them have taken place at a SPIN 23 meeting. With staff having Planning and Zoning experience they should have a lot of 24 familiarity with the SPIN program and the meeting process. 25 26 Mr. Bledsoe asked what Ms. White suggests to address this situation. Ms. White 27 suggested that SPIN take a more proactive approach to viewing parks projects 28 29 Mr. Baltimore stated that he feels that in the mode of being proactive, SPIN does not 30 have to wait or be invited to have a meeting. If Parks and Recreation issues are worthy of 31 a SPIN meeting, the SPIN Representatives can be briefed by the Parks Board members 32 on the Standing Committee, and the individual representative calls a SPIN meeting. 33 34 Ms. White replied that one problem currently is that Parks Board meetings are on 35 Monday, and the Board members receive their packet on Friday evening. Ms. Francis 36 suggested that SPIN participation in development issues should be a model to parks 37 projects as well—things stop or slow down until a SPIN meeting has been held. 38 39 • SPIN #13 — Mr. Terry asked in regards to the Keep Southlake Beautiful Grant Award, 40 would Randol Mill currently be considered a major thoroughfare subject for project funds 41 in the drainage areas. Ms. Carlucci stated that they are working with the State on eligible 42 project funding, and the State has taken some ideas back for review. Councilmember 43 Morris mentioned that she would like to see this funding go towards street trees 44 throughout the City. Ms. Carlucci replied that maintenance of these trees is an issue, as 45 the City has to run irrigation lines along the roadway. They are looking at the potential 46 for"pockets" of trees in areas easier to maintain. Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—January 13, 2004 Page 4 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 2 This is our first holiday season here, and we have always driven around to look at holiday 3 lights. We found some good lighted areas, but there were not many themed streets — 4 there was a good example of this in Myers Meadows. Just a thought. 5 6 • SPIN#3 —No Activity To Report. 7 8 Agenda Item No. 6, SPIN 2004 Event Calendar and Schedule for Education Topics — Chair 9 Bledsoe reviewed the purpose of this agenda item and reported the items that needed to be 10 hashed out. Chair Bledsoe reviewed the list of educational topics generated by staff. 11 12 Action Items: 13 14 How Many To Have This Year? 15 16 Mr. Baltimore stated that his thoughts are on this that conjunction with the Candidates Forum, 17 one topic per quarter would be sufficient and not tax the Standing Committee resources. 18 19 Which Ones Do We Want To Have This Year? 20 21 Mr. Hutton mentioned that in terms of benefit for the community, the Economic Overlook and 22 the Transportation Issue are the most beneficial. Mr. Terry said that in his discussions with the 23 residents, the one of most interest was the Town Square. Mr. Dollar suggested that the Town 24 Square Overview and the Economic Outlook be grouped together. Mr. Baltimore asked if it 25 would be beneficial to have the Chamber President participate in this event. 26 27 Mr. Bledsoe stated that he would work with staff once the topics were identified and slotted, and 28 that the agendas for these items would be hammered out by committee. 29 30 Ms. Carlucci stated that she would like to see greater participation with the Friends of Nature 31 Center Committee. Mr. Baltimore suggested that this be a February agenda item. 32 33 The Remaining Topic List: 34 35 • Friends of the Nature Center 36 • Keep Southlake Beautiful/Keep America Beautiful Grant Status 37 • Media Relations 38 • DRC Process/Planning Process Overview 39 • Information Services—How to Research Government Information 40 • Joint Parks Board/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting 41 • Role of A City Manager 42 • CISD/Joint Use Committee Overview 43 • Drug and Alcohol Awareness 44 45 The top three are the following: 46 Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—January 13, 2004 Page 5 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 • Keep Southlake Beautiful/Keep America Beautiful Grant 2 • Role of A City Manager 3 • Drug and Alcohol Awareness 4 5 The Executive Committee will take up these items at the next meeting and begin follow-up on 6 the invitees for the Town Hall meetings immediately. 7 8 Agenda Item No. 7, Open Forum —There was no action during this agenda item. 9 10 Agenda Item No. 8, Adjourn—Chair Bledsoe adjourned the meeting at 8:36 p.m. 11 12 AI"I'hST: 13 14 15 16 17 Brandon Bledsoe, Chair Mike Terry, Secretary 18 19 20 21 22 Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—January 13, 2004 Page 6 of 6