05-10-2005 •w. MEETING MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL — TRAINING ROOMS #3C AND #3D 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 May 10, 2005 MINUTES SPIN Standing Committee Members in Attendance: David Baltimore (SPIN Senior Representative); Eric Wang (Youth representative); Boyd Dollar(#1); Alan Hochstein (#3); Jan Francis (#5); Jeff Wang (#7); Pattie Minder(#8); Craig Rothmeier(#9E), Secretary; Jim Jeppe (#9W); Vic Autry (#10); Roger Hutton (#11), Chair; Wendi Carlucci (#12); Mike Terry (#13), Vice Chair SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent: Cara White (#1); Doug Harsy(#2); Kim Harper(#14); Tom Corradino(#15); Jon Wiersum (#16) City Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, City Manager; Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager Guests Present: Council Members Laura Hill, Carolyn Morris, Virginia Muzyka, John Terrell Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order—The meeting was called to order by Councilwoman Morris at 6:45 PM Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments— SPIN Chair Hutton introduced Shana Yelverton, Southlake City Manager. Chair Hutton provided an overview of future meetings that are scheduled, including May 11, May 16 (3 meetings), June 6 (2 meetings), and June 20(2 meetings). He also mentioned that there is currently only one SPIN vacancy and thanked the committee for their efforts to fully staff all areas. An additional vacancy will be created by the resignation of Craig Rothmeier(#9E). Agenda Item No. 3— Discussion of Future Regional Forums— Hutton and Rothmeier provided an overview of the upcoming May 23 transportation forum. Presenters will be Jeff Fegan, CEO of DFW International Airport, and Tim Ward, President of Alliance Air Services. In his role as moderator, Commissioner Glen Whitely will tie together the impact of air transportation and all transportation considerations addressed previously (ground, public, and rail). The fall forum will address public safety and homeland security issues, with Congressman Kenny Marchant to be invited as the speaker. Agenda Item No. 4— Discussion of SPIN Neighborhood Meeting Schedule—There has been a significant increase in SPIN activity in recent months and this has put a strain on SPIN's ability to effectively manage all requested activities. At the direction of Council, SPIN remains committed to being developer-friendly and has adopted the following consideration for scheduling: - SPIN has defined two dates per month, the first and third Mondays, for meetings - The SPIN schedule is linked to the Planning Department's schedule to insure that there is adequate time between a SPIN meeting and P&Z meeting. - All 1709 and 114 activity should generate a City-wide SPIN meeting. - The desire is to limit the overlap of meetings, especially those that are citywide. In addition, due to increased activity, the committee is considering setting aside another"emergency" Monday (4th Monday of the month) but this date will not be published. It was also suggested that, since much of the 1709 and 114 activity mirrors activity previously approved, and since these meetings are not well attended, the SPIN representative could make the determination on when to conduct a citywide meting. Councilwoman Morris would still like to see all 1709 and 114 activity held as citywide meetings and suggested that SPIN consider moving the dates to the second and fourth Mondays since Council meetings ,SPIN MEETING MINUTES 110.05 Pane 1 of 3 IMP imp • 01/IIT33;‘4 33T-rivIrlo3 L)pvcfriAtf? '0011(1?, 3I4T L , '1 SiTTilVIIV101 avoCMAT8 letIcie\ilOPIL)03 YT ) TI0110I. QE* rill4A. r."1114IA4T ..11.1A14 1,11NOTB*14A-11.4Ti.j(je T3:73,AT8 14IAM Ofl'Ar- S:eoaT XT ,3)4A-IHTLIiDa coos ,or reAll • aTTUVIIM sro io!nse.? V4F. corn'sfi 9492, • SliSq (.7r(V./ L . .)'.1:91irer'.0'_44 nstA,;(t*.ia roi.;!!'?•• -,1•>,!°,1 .(r „I-I '(It .V ()cost, ncr Rtt,-•!_; Ati; • 4TIOT ;(4i t.t• •.(1.1-1,) etinW ,!rer,!..4/1 yt3 e!li T 106 x•-•)!, Ve-jr ! 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L'iA:Pb0 egnitee•nl0t b16 teit' :-!9K owt esti litr-12 5::30pebs er•esti tart!elLiar.. e-tnen!riscleCI vinnslcisrtt,.! ji 0113 f,d-T clivJest-.t S8C4 1.rfE C2ndaeln WC!? tAiqa SL,i,/-03 PA .8blvvra ra %ant TQnii!aerf: ;TIP %ti ern - \CiletV`.0,f1%: 7!b136 ...el Oleg 1:'"*bte:10:: a' 9Ift .1G4%if 1,..liv:tOS eorivl T;oiengLiz oels I: to !etWr', •J for. IliW elr.bir i (r or; Ion els e -ite.surs er-orit*3-3n br.r! ,tlevo'Nqq8 oeL/0iNP)v Vivizs : . i t 24..; 4'10 '....?;;I:,3111r...:,-"45) VA? ' epr-t-7,,,:n ebly,tid ( Joe ;,1" CO' I Ilr• 1.1•.)1V• n4". „.,:.-14,a1ts,ie:.:1 erInceein LUCA D'",r, e, !!."1 e,otcn i••• Abrianot) cle -"fit I No, '4,10%).'11, WA%t . 1," MI 4111 • also occur in the first and third weeks of the month. After considerable discussion among Council and Committee members, the conclusion was to retain current practices and dates. The 4th Monday will continue to be used only as an emergency date. Agenda Item No. 5, Neighborhood Reports— Boyd Dollar—SPIN meeting scheduled for May 11 for Clarendon IV(Paul Spain). Another meeting to be scheduled for the Rohr/Sanders property. Alan Hochstein—Scott Lavelle is proposing a development of 12 25,000 SF lots next to the middle school and is proposing a June 20 SPIN meeting. Jan Francis— SPIN meeting scheduled for May 16 with Paul Spain for Estes Park IV. Jeff Wang—Several SPIN meetings have been held, including discussions with St. John's Church; ongoing discussions with them regarding the site plan and tree removal. Pattie Minder—expressed concerns about ongoing drainage issues relative to St. John's Church and a proposed development behind her house. Discussions on the former Pumpco property will come back up. Lot size questions are being raised relative to the Petty property. Pattie expressed concerns about the ongoing coyote problem in her area. Craig Rothmeier—SW corner of 1709 and Carroll (about 350 feet to the west of Carroll); SPIN meeting scheduled for June 6. Also received an inquiry regarding a private helipad on the existing Eby Construction site, but have heard nothing lately. Jim Jeppe—none Vic Autry—Has two meetings scheduled for May 16, one for development off of Highland, a second off of Chapel Downs Roger Hutton— none Wendi Carlucci —none Mike Terry— Some Myers Meadows residents have raised concerns about the entrance drive to the new indoor soccer facility. Since this has already passed a second reading at Council, there is nothing that can be done to rescind or amend the approval. David Baltimore—expressed concerns about a possible road being cut through the senior center parking lot from 1709. Senior Advisory Committee has begun development of budget. Agenda Item No. 6—City Council Reports—Councilwoman Morris complimented the standing committee on their efforts, specifically sharing positive feedback from HEB people relative to the Central Market proposal. She indicated that they (HEB)felt that the SPIN process complemented their development efforts as a result of soliciting resident input. Agenda Item No. 7—Close Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—The joint meeting was adjourned at 8 PM. The SPIN Standing Committee reconvened at 8:15 PM. Agenda Item No. 8—Approval of Minutes from the April 12, 2005 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting— Motion: Wang Second: Baltimore Motion was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 9— Review April 14, 2005 CISD Candidate Forum— Feedback included a discussion of using the microphone to pose questions instead of submitting questions on cards; limiting the questions so that only candidates within a particular race would answer the questions (vs. all candidates answering the same question); a discussion of whether unopposed candidates should be permitted to participate (general consensus was that there was value in having them participate); and feedback suggesting that the forum was of value to attendees, even though the total number of attendees was small. The Committee made a recommendation that the dates be secured earlier and included in the candidate filing packet. This would also allow for more time to promote the event through school PTO's. Agenda Item No. 10— Review May 23, 2005 Air Transportation Forum Status—Speakers and proposed content were discussed, as well as a recommendation that there be more active involvement with local ,CPIN/NFFTING ININIITF,C 5.101)5 Pimp 2 of 3 11% cir cncis letIA ritnorn erit tr. h11! 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A suggestion was made that Mr. Fegan and Mr. Ward could also help to promote the event; that request will be passed along to both. Flyers will be distributed to all local businesses and a suggestion was made that we use Teen Court students for this purpose, giving them community service credit opportunities. Agenda Item No. 11 — Discussion of Fall Forum Planning— Public safety is the proposed topic and Rep. Kenny Marchant will be invited to participate as speaker. A second potential presenter is FBI Special Agent Guadalupe Gonzalez. The date is set for September 26, subject to confirmation of Rep. Marchant's availability. Wendi Carlucci has tentatively agreed to be program chair, with assistance from David Baltimore, Pattie Minder and Roger Hutton. The specific content and scope of the forum will be determined by the program committee. Agenda Item No. 12—Open Forum—Wendi Carlucci provided an overview of the litter index developed by Keep Southlake Beautiful for each SPIN area. She also provided an overview of the process and encouraged Committee members to conduct their own evaluations and provide that input to Ben Thatcher early the week of May 16. With Craig Rothmeier's resignation, Chair Hutton asked for committee members to consider being committee Secretary. The election of the Secretary will occur during the June meeting. The June standing committee meeting will include a presentation by Shana Yelverton on the new budget process. The July meeting will include a presentation by Ken Baker, Planning Director. Aqenda Item No. 13—Adjourn—Chair Hutton adjourned the meeting at 9:15 PM. ATTEST: Roger Hutton, Chair Craig Rothmeier, Secretary .SPIN MEETING 1MINTITF„c 110.65 KIPP 3 of.3