01-11-2005 MEETING MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL - TRAINING ROOMS #3C AND #3D 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 JANUARY 11, 2005 MINUTES SPIN Standing Committee Members in Attendance: Roger Hutton (#11), Chair; David Baltimore (SPIN Senior Representative); Boyd Dollar(#1); Alan Hochstein (#3); Jeff Wang (#7); Pattie Minder(#8); Craig Rothmeier(#9E), Secretary; Jim Jeppe (#9W); Vic Autry (#10); Wendi Carlucci (#12); Mike Terry(#13), Vice Chair; Tom Corradino (#15); Jon Weirsum (#16) SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent: Jan Francis (#5); Doug Harsy (#2) City Council Members in Attendance: Mayor Andy Wambsganss; Council Members Laura Hill, Greg Jones, Carolyn Morris, Virginia Muzyka, Keith Shankland, and John Terrell Guests Present: Eric Wang (Jeff's son); Eric has expressed an interested in serving as the Youth representative. City Staff Present: Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order—Mayor Wambsganss called the meeting to order at 6:30 and handed the joint meeting off to SPIN Chair Roger Hutton. Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments—Chair Hutton provided an overview of SPIN meetings scheduled for January 19, and welcomed Vic Autry as the replacement for Sam Timothy in area 10. Agenda Item No. 3, Review of Ordinance Number 598-A— Chair Hutton provided a background relating to the Standing Committee's review of the ordinance and expressed a desire to have Council's first reading on January 18. Council members did not see any issues with changing the ordinance as proposed. Carolyn Morris did express a concern about having 4 SPIN meetings on the evening of January 19 since she makes an effort to attend each meeting. She further recommended that any issues impacting highways 114 or 1709 be viewed as citywide issues and recommended adding a second night during the month to accommodate the desired schedules. Chair Hutton and Ben Thatcher expressed their belief that this is an anomaly and largely due to schedule problems during the holidays, and indicated that there are already two scheduled SPIN dates each month. Mayor Wambsganss made a suggestion that Staff scheduling take into consideration the importance of development activities and that any development proposals receive top priority. Agenda Item No. 4, Discuss Topic Ideas for future Town hall Forums—Chair Hutton provided an overview of forums sponsored and scheduled, including the economic forum and three transportation forums. He indicated that the public and the Standing Committee have defined public safety as a top priority. Greg Jones suggested that these also address the issues related to the completion of highway 114 and how that impacts safety. John Terrell suggested that SPIN coordinate this program with CERT and other programs that will promote citizen involvement. There was also a suggestion that we continue to tape these sessions and promote the forums via the cable channel. /_//_ Pape 1 of 3 Agenda Item No. 5, Discuss Potential City Council Town Hall Meetings—Mayor Wambsganss suggested that we sponsor a meeting after the election and perhaps at one other time during the year. Agenda Item No. 6, Neighborhood Reports— Roger Hutton —none Boyd Dollar—had meeting with Toll Brothers; will be brought before SPIN Alan Hochstein—none Pattie Minder—pleased with progress on the former WalMart site; concerned about traffic problems at 1709 and Westwood Drive; has been discussing development of site on Crooked Lane, pending scheduling with SPIN; water quality concerns contributing to high level of kidney stones in her area (suggestion she talk to Public Works). Craig Rothmeier—none Jim Jeppe— none Vic Autry—none Wendi Carlucci —none Mike Terry—Myers Meadows remains interested in plans for a sound barrier along FM 1938 and requested representation at the Myers Meadows HOA meeting in march Tom Corradino—appreciates improvements to Johnson Rd.; looking for updates from parks department and will coordinate with Chris Carpenter regarding Royal and Annie Smith Park. Jon Wiersum—SPIN meeting scheduled for 1/19 to discuss communications tower at CSHS. David Baltimore—pleased with progress at the Senior Center. Carolyn Morris asked for input on residents' feelings about the tower; Jon Wiersum stated that he felt most people can support the tower as long as the originally proposed plans are not changed. Agenda Item No. 7, City Council Reports—John Terrell expressed his support for the role of SPIN and its involvement in supporting City processes. Keith Shankland stated that SPIN helps to improve the quality of projects brought before the City and represents an additional opportunity for citizen involvement. Mayor Wambsganss provided a briefing regarding the current investigation of public officials in the City and expressed his appreciation that the Council is asking as one in taking steps to address these issues. The City will be conducting a forensic audit and will change purchasing procedures. Agenda Item No. 8, Close Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Meeting -The joint meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM The SPIN Standing Committee meeting was reconvened at 7:50 PM. Agenda Item No. 9—Approval of Minutes from the December 14, 2004 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Motion to accept minutes as submitted. Motion: Minder Second: Baltimore Motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 10, Discuss the February 28 Transportation Forum —Mike Terry has volunteered as program chair and indicated he has two confirmed speakers, Keith Wilschetz (AVP/Planning— DFW Airport) and Commissioner Whitley. He has asked Gary Fickes to contact Dick Ruddell (CEO of the Fort Worth T) as a third speaker. Jon Wiersum is heading up the marketing effort and is preparing a flyer that reflects the forum "brand" used to date. Jim Jeppe will head up logistics and Gary Fickes will serve as moderator. Suggestions were made to also involve other Chambers. Wendi Carlucci will talk with the mayor of Keller and David Baltimore will discuss with the president of the Colleyville Chamber. In addition, there was general agreement on the need for each media rep to be adopted by a Standing Committee member. Roger Hutton and Craig Rothmeier volunteered to do so. Water bill inserts will be staggered over two cycles and a suggestion was made to put an ad on the cable channel. 1.11./15 Pocie2of3 Agenda Item No. 11, Review 2005 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Schedule and Educational Topics— After considerable discussion, the Committee agreed on the need to schedule an education session for either the March 8 or April 12 meetings, or for a Saturday falling between those dates. The Committee agreed that it would be beneficial to have all City departments represented and presenting during a 3-4 hour session. Ben Thatcher suggested that we may build on the new employee orientation program and use that for new SPIN reps as well. In addition, the to-be-scheduled meeting will enable SPIN to put together a packet that can be used for orientation of future new members. David Baltimore agreed to serve as head of the educational committee and will develop a list of topics to then be reviewed with the executive Committee. He also asked that any Standing Committee member feel free to submit educational topic ideas directly to him. Agenda Item No. 12, Open forum— Chair Hutton asked that the Committee give some thought to establishing an operational practice of having meetings that address issues within an area hosted by a SPIN rep from another area. This will be discussed at the next meeting. The SPIN report was presented "live" to Council on January 4 and the Council has agreed to this approach for monthly presentations. Agenda Item No. 13, Adjourn—Chair Hutton adjourned the meeting at 9:10 PM. ATTEST: Roger Hutton, Chair Craig Rothmeier, Secretary 1.11.05 Pn¢P3nf3