07-10-20011 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE JOINT CITY COUNCIL / SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL — TRAINING ROOMS #3C AND #3D 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 MINUTES JULY 10, 2001 SPIN Standing Committee Members Present: Mike Conrads (#14), Chair; Kim O'Brien (#1), Secretary; Martin Schelling (#2); Jan Francis (#5); Jeff Wang (0); Al Morin (#10); Roger Hutton (#11); Jackie Phillips (#12); Trish Waters (#13 Liaison Substituting for Bill Stone); Andrea Brankin (#15 Co -Representative); Bob Walker (#16); David Baltimore (Senior Representative); Cara White (Parks Board Representative). SPIN Representatives Absent: Tim Miller (#6); Pattie Minder (#8); Brandon Bledsoe (#9e); Garrett Mills (Youth Co -Representative); Frith Dabkowski (Youth Co -Representative). City Councilmembers Present: Rick Stacy, Mayor; Ralph Evans, Mayor Pro-Tem; Patsy DuPre, Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem; Greg Standerfer, Place 4. Guests Present: Sharon Stotts, City of Garland Councilmember, District 6; Judy Wang, All Asian American Chamber of Commerce; Bob Hamilton, Northeast Tarrant Chamber of Commerce; Dan Greensage, Northeast Board of Realtors. City Staff Present: Bruce Payne, Director of Planning; John Eaglen, Assistant to the City Manager. Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order — ■ Mayor Rick Stacy called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments — ■ Chair Mike Conrads welcomed everyone, and asked that the meeting participants introduce themselves to the group due to the number of guests and liaisons. Aizenda Item No. 3, Approval of the Minutes from the June 12, 2001 Meeting — ■ Motion to approve the minutes from the June 12, 2001 meeting as submitted. Motion: Morin Second: Baltimore The motion was unanimously approved. Joint City Council /SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2001 Page 1 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 1 Agenda Item No. 4, Neighborhood Reports — 2 3 SPIN #2 — 4 1. Briefing on the Verizon Network Operations and Control Center (NOC) - Chair Conrads 5 provided update on meetings held after Joint P&Z/Council in June, and that Verizon has 6 totally changed design to the delight of meeting participants. Residents are still frustrated 7 with the City Council on the FASTTRACK process. 8 9 SPIN #11 - 10 1. One issue of interest is timeline of construction for S.H. 114 / Dove intersection. 11 12 SPIN #12 — 13 1. Cross Timber Hills Neighborhood Sewer - Request for a meeting at the first of August 14 with City Council, Staff, Contractors, and Residents to discuss issues and project 15 completion issues. Three large items include (1) Damage to the Road Beds — will the 16 contractor repair to the original condition; (2) Silting of ponds increasing as a result of 17 the construction; (3) What will be done to damages to trees — dirt has been piled up 18 against trees, and will the contractor be held responsible down the road for trees dying? 19 2. Regarding the Peytonville waterline project, can drainage issues in the area be addressed 20 in conjunction with this project? 21 3. Secure Source proposal for office property along Randol Mill has been tabled, residents 22 concerned about conflicts with the Master Plan, especially with 1938 Extension moving 23 forward. 24 25 SPIN#15 — 26 1. Items include 1938 extension, construction of Sonic, cleaners on SW Corner of Davis and 27 F.M. 1709. Johnson Road repaving is planned, Brumbalow property west side of Jellico 28 has a proposal, and neighbors in Jellico Circle were pleased with the developer's 29 approach and willingness to gather input. The developer is working on layout and turn 30 lanes. Royal and Annie Smith Park is of interest as to how it will tie into the surrounding 31 development. Siena is coming before City Council soon. 32 33 SPIN#10 — 34 1. Neighborhood is roughly 90% built out in the area. White Chapel widening of the 35 intersection is done, people are glad that the project is nearing total completion. Sinkhole 36 in street/sewer connection in Diamond Circle Estates, City responded quickly to the item. 37 38 SPIN#16 — 39 1. Area is mostly built -out. Issues include Peytonville intersection recently completed, 40 natatorium is progressing. Stack up on F.M. 1709 South of Davis is concern, would like 41 to see two left turn lane arrangement. Question about trails on F.M. 1709, there is a tree 42 in front of the Mayor's property that looks as if it may not survive due to the trail 43 construction, did staff look at how close the trail would come to the tree? Concern over 44 QuickTrip, signage in place has been coming apart, this could end up being another 45 "SuperTarget" issue due to the lack of Citywide notice. ► of Joint City Council I SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2001 Page 2 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE ■ SPIN #5 — 1. Hidden Creek Estates, 95 acres proposed in area as "R-PUD" — neighbors very concerned about this proposal. Petition has been put forth to the City opposing this project, residents are disappointed about developers "changes" in his application. 2. Aventerra — what is the status of this project (Bruce Payne provided a briefing of what City Staff knows regarding the status of this project). There is a lot of open area in SPIN #5. ■ SPIN #7 — 1. Question as to when the Land Use Plan will be coming up for review. Construction underway, schools, S. Kimball Road construction, residents are concerned with phasing of South Kimball, as it will prolong construction. Quicktrip coming on Thursday, Red Lobster concerned over access. ■ SPIN #1 — 1. Bob Jones Park coming along, Crown Ridge beginning — concern is that Bob Jones Road is already having problems due to the construction occurring in the area. Clariden School went to Parks Board last night, will go to Planning and Zoning on the next agenda. ■ Seniors — 1. Senior Advisory Committee meeting held today, briefing on DPS/Community Policing and on scams. Senior Advisory Committee concerned over the pace of appointments, when will the City Council consider the appointments? Questions about how the natatorium will benefit the Seniors is out there. ■ SPIN#13- 1. "No Trucks Allowed" on Southridge Lakes Blvd. installed, residents have enjoyed the decreased noise. Increase in car and bike patrols in the neighborhood has been very beneficial. ■ SPIN #14 — Been quiet in neighborhood, getting intersections completed has been helpful. Agenda Item No. 5, City Council Reports — ■ Deputy Mayor Pro Tern DuPre — Joint Use Committee meets tomorrow, will tour the new Carroll I.S.D. facilities. Council will be meeting again on July 171h, one item of interest on the agenda will be consideration of a Public Art Policy. Local Option Election effort underway and a petition committee has been formed, Harry and Era Lee Caldwell are heading this effort. Drug and Alcohol Committee is looking at the by-laws for potential adjustments. ■ Councilmember Standerfer — Telephone scam regarding "Southlake Sheriff's Association" is out there and people should be aware of these type of solicitations, and any type of phone request that involves asking for your Social Security or Medicare Information. ■ Mayor Pro Tern Evans — No Activity to Report. Joint City Council / SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2001 Page 3 of 6 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE 2 Mayor Stacy — Cross Timber Hills Sewer Project is difficult, Council recognizes the 3 difficulty in placing sewer in that particular area, the meeting request is a good idea and 4 would be an opportunity to address follow-up items. One item on the horizon is waterlines, a 5 proposed 42" line to be constructed to bring the City a redundant water supply. Trail 6 construction on F.M. 1709 is happening, however we also recognized the concern with the 7 trail section on the north side of the road, and reduced the width of that trail section from 8" 8 to 6". Haltom / Hidden Creek will be coming back to the Council on July 17'', the developer 9 was given instructions by the Council and chose not to adhere to that direction, and the 10 protest petition will stand during consideration of that item. In regards to South Kimball 11 construction, the City asked the School District to consider the impact of placing the facilities 12 at that location, and chose to proceed with construction, and as a result the City has had to 13 find funding to construct an adequate road capacity in that area. In regards to Verizon, the 14 fast -track process is only a two -week gain, but it is a big Economic Development incentive to 15 a developer. Regarding the Quicktrip, previously a gas station was approved in that area but 16 never constructed, and there is no gas station on the south side of F.M. 1709 in the area. 17 There have been no discussions with the Wal-Mart people regarding their plans recently. 18 The City has made arrangements to purchase the Texas School of Baseball for parkland, and 19 interest in the StarCenter is still high, the question is whether the City wishes to have a 20 StarCenter or a Multi -Purpose Center. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Agenda Item No. 6, Close Joint City Council / SPIN Standing Committee Session - ■ The Mayor Closed the Joint Session at 8:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 7, Project Status Report on F.M. 1938 Extension — Director of Planning Bruce Payne Covered the following areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 5. 40 41 42 43 6. 44 45 46 Description of the project scope; Recap of the history regarding the project; Design alternatives — include three (3) options — Mr. Payne outlined the options; TalkingPoints oints — items to consider include the staffs interest in keeping the road a four -lane, divided structure due to topography and the proposed 40 mph design speed. Turn lanes discussed now include a full left/right turn lane at each road access point. Discussion over potentially restricting public access to Kingswood would have to be discussed further, there are concerns over closing public access to roads. Discussions are ongoing about increasing "residential" feel in the area, including tree planting and holding to a narrower road structure (4 lane structure). Timeline — Hope is to begin construction on this project in 2003-2004 window, which is possible due to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (North Central Texas Council of Governments) updating their Regional Traffic Plan to include this project, Sabre and Fidelity are coming, and there is support from the impacted cities and Tarrant County. Public Meeting — Will be held at the Westlake Town Hall on Monday, July 30, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. Planning Staff is compiling a list of impacted property owners and will mail a notice of the meeting within a ten to fourteen day time period. Joint City Council /SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2001 Page 4 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE Agenda Item No. 8, Assistant to the City Manager's Report — ■ Mr. Eaglen referred to the written report outlining the recent City Council Budget Retreat held on June 26, 2001. Agenda Item No. 9, Fiscal Year 2001-02 Budget Status Report — ■ Mr. Eaglen stated that the budget process was moving ahead, the City expected to receive the Certified Tax Roll on or around July 251h, and that at this time no revisions to the recommended SPIN Fiscal Year 2001-02 Budget had been requested by the City Manager. Mr. Eaglen mentioned that more details on the budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2001-02 would be available at next month's meeting. Agenda Item No. 10, Action Plan for 2001 Objectives — ■ The Standing Committee identified publicity as a major priority, and formed a sub- committee consisting of Andrea Brankin, Jackie Phillips, and Roger Hutton. ■ Ms. Brankin suggested that publicity goals would be to develop a two -pronged approach in the areas of raising awareness of SPIN, and developing an effective uniform notice procedure for upcoming SPIN meetings and events; ■ The Executive Committee will develop the activities identified for participation throughout 2001; Agenda Item No. 11, Forums on Potential Land Uses in Undeveloped Areas of the City — ■ Chair Conrads explained that this idea came from a conversation between himself and Billy Campbell during the Verizon Development Review Process and explained the concept; ■ The consensus of the Standing Committee was to let the Executive Committee develop the concept in their discussions and place the item on a future meeting agenda. Agenda Item No. 12, Proposed Changes in Standing Committee Officer Elections — ■ Chair Conrads explained the Executive Committee discussion of the officer election timeline, and stated that this item had been placed on the agenda for consideration due to those discussions, and outlined the proposed change in elections to the end of the calendar year versus in March of each calendar year. ■ Motion was made to approve the proposal to have officer elections at the October meeting Motion: Walker Second: Francis ■ Upon further discussion, a friendly amendment to the motion was made and approved by Mr. Walker and Ms. Francis to start the nomination process at the October meeting, and to have the officer elections at the December meeting; Amendment: Baltimore Joint City Council /SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2001 Page 5 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE Motion was unanimously approved to begin the Officer nomination process at the October meeting, and to hold Officer elections at the December meeting. Agenda Item No. 13, Open Forum — ■ Mr. Wang asked if everyone was welcome to the SPIN meetings and meetings listed on City Manager's Report. Mr. Eaglen replied that all meetings are open to the public. ■ Ms. Phillips asked if a disclaimer stating that meetings are open to the public could be placed above the "Upcoming Meetings" section of the City Manager's Report. Mr. Eaglen replied that he would start including that statement. Agenda Item No. 14, Adjourn — ■ Chair Conrads Adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. ATTEST: Mike Conrad , Chair Joint City Council /SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2001 Page 6 of 6