2009-05-13 SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE SISTER CITIES, INC. - 4 PO Box 92774 F.MLLE' 1 - 1 1, Southlake, Texas, U.S.A. 76092-0774 =` l 817.748.8311 • Fax 817.748.8027 Et Fuerte Tome Email: sistercities@ci.southlake.tx.us Sinotoa Miyagi Muco JAPAN Monthly meeting Date: Wednesday, May 13th, 2009 6:00 PM 2nd Wednesday of each month I. Call to Order- President John Terrell Senior Activity Center II. Minutes of previous meetings (04/08/2009) 307 Parkwood Dr III. Treasurer's Report—Treasurer Larry Samartin Officers: IV. New Business: John Terrell • Marketing Opportunities PRESIDENT V. Old Business: Virginia Muzyka • Bylaws VICE-PRESIDENT • SSC Logo, stickers, pins, etc. Robbi Sanders SECRETARY • Youth Trip to Tome: Tues., July 21St—Tues., July 28th, 2009 Larry Samartin o Orientations May 20th and May 28th @ 6:00 PM (Senior Center) TREASURER • Website: Update from Devon Bussell Board Members Dee Ekstrom • International Update— Eric Wang Kiko Ekstrom • Affiliation updates: Jeff Wang o Southlake Chamber of Commerce Update Youth Rep Eric Wang o Japan-America Society of Dallas Fort Worth o Sister Cities International VI. Other Items: VII. Adjourn Next meeting: Wed., June 1Oth, 2009 at the Senior Activity Center. SOUTHLAKE SISTER CITIES IS A PROUD KEEP SOUTHLAKE BEAUTIFUL ADOPT-A-STREET PARTNER S.White Chapel Blvd— 1709 to Continental