Policies and Procedures - Community Services Department City of Southlake
Policies and Procedures
Policy: Southlake Sister City/Friendship City Policy
Source: City Council
Category: Community Services Department
Statement of Purpose
The Southlake Sister Cities program is dedicated to fostering global understanding,
friendship and communication through education and exchanges. Per an agreement
with the City of Southlake, Southlake Sister Cities (SSC), a 501(c)3 organization, acts as
the official liaison for Southlake's sister cities and friendship cities. As such, Southlake
Sister Cities may at times propose new sister city and friendship city relationships
between the City of Southlake and other foreign cities.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a process by which the City of Southlake and
Southlake Sister Cities will work together to consider new sister city and friendship city
relationships and maintain current relationships.
A. Strategic Alignment — This policy is linked to the City's Strategy Map related to the
Focus Area of Partnerships and Volunteerism, and meets the Corporate Objectives
to Attract and Keep Top-Tier Businesses to Drive a Dynamic and Sustainable
Economic Environment and to Promote Opportunities for Partnerships and Volunteer
II. Establishing New Sister City and Friendship City Relationships
A. When trying to establish new sister city or friendship city relationships, Southlake
Sister Cities will identify regions or countries that would present the best exchange
program with Southlake. Other community members may also suggest regions or
countries for exchange programs, and should submit their suggestions to Southlake
Sister Cities to be included in the formal review process.
B. Southlake Sister Cities will submit a formal proposal for each region or country to the
Assistant to the Director of Community Services for City Council consideration.
C. The proposal should include:
1. A brief narrative describing the foreign country and why it would make a
strong sister city/friendship city relationship with Southlake.
2. A detailed plan for developing the sister city/friendship city relationship. The
plan should include at least one area of exchange (i.e. educational, cultural,
business, etc.).
3. Identify potential sources of funding and fundraising plans to help support the
new sister city/friendship city relationship.
D. Upon City Council approval, Southlake Sister Cities will engage each region or
country and identify potential sister cities/friendship cities. Criteria to consider
include the city's size, culture, economic status, common characteristics and
capability to have a successful sister city/friendship city relationship.
Southlake Sister City/Friendship City Policy
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E. Southlake Sister Cities will choose 1-2 potential sister city/friendship city candidates
and make a recommendation to the City Council based on their knowledge of the
F. Upon City Council approval, Southlake Sister Cities will initiate a plan of visitation to
each potential sister city/friendship city. Delegates on the trip may include Southlake
Sister Cities' officers, City Council members, city staff and/or other community
G. Southlake Sister Cities will select the city it believes will have the most successful
sister city/friendship city relationship with Southlake and present the official sister city
or friendship city agreement to the City Council for approval.
H. The official sister city or friendship city agreement will then be presented to the
foreign city for approval.
I. Once the sister city or friendship city agreement has been signed by all parties,
Southlake Sister Cities will officially inform Sister Cities International of the new
III. Dissolving a Sister City or Friendship City Relationship
Sister city and friendship city relationships are long-term commitments between two
communities. However, unforeseen circumstances may cause one or both cities to
place the sister city/friendship city relationship on hold or dissolve it all together. The
following actions should be taken if changing the status of a current sister city/friendship
city relationship.
A. If there has been little communication between the two cities, but there are members
of the Southlake community who wish to keep the relationship active then:
1. A letter from the Mayor of Southlake and President of Southlake Sister Cities
should be sent to the Mayor of the sister city/friendship city expressing a
desire to continue with the relationship. If the foreign city agrees, then steps
should be taken to build the relationship.
2. If the foreign city does not respond, or responds that they do not wish to
continue activity at this time, then the Mayor of Southlake should inform
Sister Cities International of the situation in writing. The City of Southlake
and the sister city/friendship city will need to decide if they wish to dissolve
the relationship or place it on hold, i.e. "emeritus status." Placing a
relationship in emeritus status shows that the two cities are still sister
cities/friendship cities, but are currently inactive.
3. If the City Council chooses to place the relationship in emeritus status, then a
letter of agreement should be sent by the Mayor of Southlake to the Mayor of
the sister city/friendship city. A letter from the Mayor of Southlake should
also be sent to Sister Cities International informing them of the change in
relationship status.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity• Innovation ♦ Accountability♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Southlake Sister City/Friendship City Policy
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B. If there is no interest from the Southlake community or the foreign city to continue the
relationship, then the relationship should be dissolved. The City Council will need to
approve dissolution of the relationship, and a letter from the Mayor of Southlake
should be sent to the Mayor of the sister city/foreign city dissolving the relationship.
A letter from the Mayor of Southlake should also be sent to Sister Cities International
informing them of the change in relationship status.
Aiprevd Date: 8/21/2012 t ApprovedCity Council
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork