09-03-2003 September 3, 2003 Dear Standing Committee Member: As a result of the Charter Election held on January 21, 1995, a proposition requiring a Code of Ethics and Conduct Ordinance was approved by the voters. The City Council approved Ordinance No. 635 on March 21, 1995. Section 8 of the ordinance, Distribution of a Code of Ethics and Conduct states, "The City Secretary shall cause a copy of this Code of Ethics and Conduct to be distributed to every officer, employee, and advisory board member of the City within thirty (30) days after enactment of this Code. Each officer, employee and advisory board member thereafter elected, hired, or appointed shall be furnished a copy before entering upon the duties of his or her office or employment and shall sign a written statement acknowledging receipt of the copy. A copy of the ordinance shall be furnished to each officer, employee, and advisory board member each year." In order to be in compliance with this ordinance, I am sending you a copy of Ordinance No. 635. Please acknowledge receipt of the ordinance and return this letter to me upon receiving your copy of the ordinance. The SPIN Standing Committee, in April 2002, agreed that the SPIN Code of Conduct would be distributed and receipt acknowledged by members of the Standing Committee on an annual basis in conjunction with the SPIN Orientation process. This acknowledgement form shall also signify compliance with this procedure. If you have questions, please give me a call and I will be happy to discuss this issue with you. Sincerely, Lori A. Farwell City Secretary ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge receipt of the City of Southlake, Ordinance No. 635, Code of Ethics and Conduct and the SPIN Code of Conduct. Signature Date