Item 7A - PresentationCITY VF SOUTHL,4 Item 7A ZA20-0070 Zoning Change and Concept Plan 1395 E. Dove Rd. LAZU-UUIU .� APPLICANT: ' Custom Homes REQUEST: Approval of a Zoning Change and Concept Plan from "AG" Agricultural District • allow constructionof a new single- family residence in conformance1 Single tv �W ❑—t R— um Dens ResidertisI Future Land use 1395 E. Dove Rd. Land Use Designation F eic5emi-FuGlic �, Low Density Residential w z Future Land Use Update E ERA(D CIRI-- LU_TYPE J 100-Year Flood Plain Corps of Engineers Property - Public ParklOpen Space - Public/Semi-Public Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential ~— Office Commercial Retail Commercial ` j + Mixed Use Town Center QR Regional Retail 9� Industrial ssa avo isa i seat ,rear ' �\ i `•���`� I idSl-Yeas Flood Plain 1 1 4i. 1.. ED in r A I �� LK. _ •• �M�• ".t oar Zoning 1395 E. Dove Rd. AG: Agricultural District w SF1- z ° DAG Cl ERA B CIR __ RE C2 0 SF1A - C3 E 0 SF1B - C4 ® SF2 - NR-PLIQ 0 SF30 - HC 1 0 SF20A 0 B1 7 0 SF20B 0 B2 - R-PL1D 0 11 ® MF1 - 12 ® MF2 0 SPi - MH 0 SP2 -CS -aT 0 01 TZa S _A ® 02 0 ECZ LLLN 0 B i ID ....-� D-TT Existing house to be demolished h J VP 17 s k 2W. -' M Existing barn to remain ff.97dF.1 MYTH 1395 E Dove Rd Southlake, Texas Google Street View Street View In in �mg Pathways Master Plan Approved (6-1) on February 4, 2021 with the following conditions: P&Z Commission Conditions Applicant's Response Noting the approval of variance #2 for the driveway The request for a variance related to the ordinance and specifically noting disapproval of requirement for a sidewalk has been removed and variance #1 requested related to the sidewalk the required 5' sidewalk has been added to the plan. ordinance. Noting the applicant's willingness to work with staff A note has been added to the Concept Plan stating prior to City Council with respect to identifying any that any fencing along E. Dove Rd. will be wrought future fencing as being set back 10' as well as any future iron and it will be located a minimum 10' from the driveway gates being set back 25' and any fencing along property line and any gates on the driveway will be Dove Rd. being a wrought iron material for any future set back a minimum 25' from the property line. fencing. Noting the applicant's indication that they are going to An internal circular driveway similar to the driveway use a circular drive and to bring that on the plan to City on the adjacent property to the west at 1363 E. Council. Dove Rd. has been added to the plan. SOU THLAKE -- __ *Df �W_A 16V Variances to allow 10' side yard setbacks as shown on the Concept Plan and a septic system on a lot less than one acre were approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on May 26, 2005 under Case No. ZBA-459 subject to receiving an appropriate change of zoning to a single-family residential district. The approval is still valid. TREE PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS: Lot Area = 40,827 S.F. 100' driveway spacing required - variance requested Percentage of ExistingTree Coverage: Fence and gate note added 14,603 S. F. / 40,927 S.F. = 35.8 % Minimum Percentage of Tree Coverto be Preserved: Lor 43 FENCING ALONG THE FRONT YARD SHALL BE WROUGHT 60 % x 14,603 S. F. = 8,762 S. F. v. rrarOOP NO. Ism ADDITION fNSTR. R°. DTf50R9Y19, RR.T.cr. IRON AND SHALL BE SET BACK A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. A GATE AT THE DRIVEWAY / Actual Percentage of Tree Cover Preserved: g axnxxAuaA�R°EEPmAxxARu SHALL ALSO BE WROUGHT IRON AND SHALL 8E SET f �� BACK A MINIMUM OF 25 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. fa 10,768 S.F. / 14,603 S.F. = 73.7% zo,NEa �� so¢s»z L.U..O. = LOW DENSITY RESWNT1AL I I UTILITY E-5`o"e3 Tom. ------ ` �1_ i _ _ _ _ _ _ N OI'S3'57" 6 _ _ 437M' 1T. o iecaeR�w _ _ _ __ ______ _____ x zs az• w..ae�i -f �.sz _ ° r I _u_se xa es I s , ----------------------- -IA— 1 1 Yk _ _ _ _ — —`— — — t — —4An LOc,�%ASv+d hw FXaCr 1_ m'1°. �„., mg ✓�1 f+ y�Tx., 1 zeA ,� iF I — y 1 xr ---eea i w c 1395 E WVE ROA° +� @ 44M�Hm�uR �L0.dNf dN0 RITU LAdW I � � � y[� Y,� r.Ay + { , ZONM A9 / n m'11 9 qy 9 P MEW SINfdE FAAM.Y R€5@ENCE caw,'#IE LwrvFw _ B v�V+G IWO 316O0.S 3 Ir a:gyp 41 w� -i L a— LOW DCWIrY RESWNn4L �+ r .4, m roor swr .axn sermnt aroAovca er cau ao_ tea a n..00 Eou�iio i I T z Y � � � � i •Q .z +��� I f 11 r_ Circular driveway added 4II d .I I40I E. DOVE ROAD R I RENEQ'CT J 5�0REN, 4N0 WIFE_ MARY R. STlROR£K 1 °° =L 5' sidewalk added to plan —variance request removed I Variance Request For: Opposed: • Undecided: 119 () 1211 12 1 40 1211 1311 — 33 1,3 t g `A0 ' 0 � Ln rf 9> P' 7 0,> QI m 1-01 CD CD CN m 1 a I 8 + 0 N GATE � 1201 120� 1207 1�1 February 4, 2021; Approved (6-1) (Springer) subject to the staff report dated February 4, 2021 and Revised Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated February 4, 2021; • specifically noting the approval of variance #2 for the driveway ordinance and specifically noting disapproval of variance #1 requested related to the sidewalk ordinance, • also noting the applicant's willingness to work with staff prior to City Council with respect to identifying any future fencing as being set back 10' as well as any future driveway gates being set back 25' and any fencing along Dove Rd. being a wrought iron material for any future fencing, • noting the applicant's indication that they are going to use a circular drive and to bring that on the plan to City Council, • finally noting that due to this being a preexisting lot with no future subdivision plans that Planning and Zoning finds that this request is consistent with the land use designation. )> \I I I I I I III lllU/lr�'�r �SOU THLAI<EJ%W CITY VF SOUTHL,4 Questions?