2010-02-16 Description SPDC Meeting
Date 2/16/2010 Location Southlake Council Chambers
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SPDC Meeting Southlake Council Chambers
Time Speaker Note
4:34:28 PM Morris called to order
4:35:05 PM pubic forum no one spoke
4:35:13 PM admin comments none
4:35:20 PM Muzyka motion to approve Item 6A; Slocum 2nd; approved 5-0
4:36:34 PM Tribble introduced Sharon Guess and Jim Sabonis
4:37:10 PM Guess answered board's questions
4:38:23 PM Slocum asked question regarding repayment of debt service; part of
4:39:49 PM Muzyka motion to approve 7A; Slocum 2nd; approved 5-0
4:40:52 PM Tribble presented item 7B
4:43:41 PM Slocum motion to approve 7B; Frazier 2nd; approved 5-0
4:44:31 PM Tribble presented item 7C; answered questions
4:49:17 PM Muller asked questions about past matching funds and future funds;
fee to use facility
4:50:09 PM *Blagg answered board's question about fees
4:51:02 PM Frazier asked about the annual maintenance fees
4:52:23 PM *Blagg answered questions about staffing and curricuim and ground
breaking in March
4:54:33 PM Morris address questions about ground breaking
4:55:10 PM Frazier would like more study of nominal fees to cover expenses
4:55:53 PM *Muzyka how do we charge fees for other programs
4:56:21 PM Tribble Cost Recovery Policy
4:56:44 PM Muzyka school sharing costs
4:57:12 PM Blagg addressed school conversations
4:59:25 PM Slocum motion to approve 7C; Muzyka 2nd; approved 5-0
5:00:33 PM Tribble presented item 7D
5:02:44 PM Muller any future requests
5:02:57 PM Tribble no official, baseball and softball; SPDC reserve funds if
5:04:23 PM Slocum addressed reserve fund
5:04:57 PM Morris fiscal year; need for courts
5:06:19 PM Tribble bring in tournaments
5:07:17 PM Mia Poorman addressed board; Junior Open this weekend; 275 kids;
answered questions regarding grants; fund raiser May 1st;
arrangement of court fees; recoup fees
5:12:56 PM Tribble addressed court fees
5:13:40 PM Poorman described covered courts concepts
5:17:08 PM Slocum motion to approve 7D; Muzyka 2nd, approved 5-0
5:18:40 PM Morris introduced Ann Wise
5:19:07 PM Wise thanked board for approval; spoke about ideas to generate
more revenue; kids will also be home schooled, focus are
getting it built
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SPDC Meeting Southlake Council Chambers
Time Speaker Note
5:20:18 PM Frazier Motion to adjourned; Slocum 2n; approved 5-0
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