2010-08-09 (2) 41 A Description SPDC and Parks Board Meeting Date 8/9/2010 Location Southlake Council Chambers SPDC and Parks Board Meeting Southlake Council Chambers Time Speaker Note 5:29:36 PM test 6:16:48 PM morris called joint meeting to order 617:05 PM landesberg called together park morning 6:19:00 PM tribble welcomed formella, berman, and adams 6:19:15 PM brooks lead in the oath of office 6:19:34 PM public forum no one spoke 6:19:51 PM tribble presented item 5A 6:25:06 PM *muller asked about drilling in north park; asked about concessions for freezers and ice machines 6:26:31 PM morris asked about the well at bob jones park and bob jones nature center 6:27:29 .PM 'muller asked about wells at bicentennial park 6:28:00 PM *.berman asked about wells at bob jones; asked about joint utiliztion funds; 6:29:55 PM morris opened public hearing; no one spoke 6:30:52 PM berman motion to approve; frazier 2nd; approved 4-0 6:31:28 PM tribble presented item 5B 6:44:49 PM cox asked about phase 2 at liberty park at sheltonwood 6:47:29 PM muller asked about parking, wayfinding signs; coordinate with lacrosse 6:50:16 PM *frazier potential buffer between homes and possible future parking 6:50:55 PM muller will face difficult decisions in the future 6:52:18 PM frazier look at possible appraisal of mr shelton's property 6:52:58 PM cox has not seen park utilized; does not seem logical to pay for improvements; when there is not parking 6:53:42 PM imorris has been rented yet; not advertised that it exists 6:54:21 PM adams asked about prioritization 6:54:59 PM wasserman asked about prioritization 6:56:13 PM *tribble 'items on list are in current master plan; other items like dog park and football field are not in current master plan 6:58:04 PM *jackson some projects fell below funding 7:02:25 PM !boards discussed master plans vs cip and future plans 7:04:11 PM wasserman asked about bicentennial park phase 3 7:07:15 PM cox possible to move money for liberty park to bicentennial park? 7:07:57 PM morris people want parks without organized sports liberty park gives us that 7:09:49 PM wasserman would like to try to finish out 7:09:59 PM imuller liberty park is passive and looks done, no parking 7:10:47 PM landesberg always see bicyclist and walkers at liberty park 7:11:51 PM berman still a passive park without more improvements 8/9/2010 2 of 3 • SPDC and Parks Board Meeting Southlake Council Chambers Time Speaker Note 7:14:41 PM formella trees in parking to be taken out; another egress on shady oaks 7:18:00 PM wasserman asked about concession stand, could $760000 build new concession 7:21:18 PM muller asked adventure alley 7:24:36 PM mike mclanahan president soutlake baseball ass, 306 quail creek, the concession stand is important to sba 7:27:55 PM berman ok to not have $1.5 M 7:28:08 PM frazier agreed 7:28:19 PM jackson if a piece of property becomes available there will not be any money available 7:29:00 PM berman wants to keep money for property purchase 7:33:36 PM Wasserman motion to approve; 2nd Adams; approved 5-1 (formella) 7:40:52 PM Berman motion to approve, 2nd Muller, approved 3-1 (frazier) 7:41:28 PM berman motion to adjourned 7:41:46 PM morris adjourned. 8/9/2010 3 of 3