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Item 8A M E M O R A N D U M January 26, 2021 To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Amy Shelley, City Secretary Subject: Resolution No. 21-004, appoint a member to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill a vacancy. Action Requested: Approve Resolution No. 21-004, appoint a member to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill a vacancy. Background Information: Each year, the City Council appoints members of the public to various boards, commissions and committees. Each member is appointed for a two-year term unless indicated otherwise. Appointed members shall be citizens of Southlake and registered voters. Members of the public indicate their interest to volunteer by submitting a completed application to the City Secretary’s Office. Applications are available on the City’s website and from the City Secretary’s Office. On May 15, 2012 Council discussed the current board appointment process. At that time, Council directed staff to implement bi-annual appointments to ease the process for Council, staff, and applicants. At the direction of Council, staff prepared a schedule which allows Council the opportunity to review applications, interview applicants, and appoint members in the months of June and October. On January 20, 2021, Amy Torres-Lepp filed as a candidate for the May 1, 2021 Special Election, thereby creating a vacancy as outlined in Chapter VII. Elections Section B. 7.11 – Holding Other Office. “If any member of a board or commission appointed by the Council shall become a candidate for election to any public office of the City, he/she shall immediately upon becoming a candidate forfeit his/her place as a member of such board or commission.” Term Expiring VACANCY June 2022 Financial Considerations: Not applicable Strategic Link: C5: Promote opportunities for partnerships and volunteer involvement Citizen Input/ Board Review: Not applicable Item 8A Legal Review: Not applicable Alternatives: None Supporting Documents: Resolution No. 21-004 Applications & matrix Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 21-004, appoint a member to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill a vacancy. RESOLUTION NO. 21-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO A POSITION ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO FILL A VACANCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Whereas, the City Council appoints members of the public to boards, commissions and committees to serve a two-year term, unless indicated otherwise; and Whereas, each appointee shall be a citizen of Southlake and be a registered voter; and Whereas, the membership and qualifications for each board, commission and committee are identified by City Charter, ordinance, or resolution; and Whereas, the City Council will make bi-annual appointments for Council-appointed boards; and Whereas, the City Council desires to appoint a member to a position on the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill a vacancy. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. All the findings in the preamble are found to be true and correct and the City Council does hereby incorporate said findings into the body of this resolution as if copied in its entirety. Section 2. The following citizen is appointed to serve as a board, commission or committee member for the stated terms and until their successors have been duly appointed and qualified by Council. Name Term Expiring __________________ June 2022 Section 3. This resolution is hereby effective upon passage and approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS, THE 2ND DAY OF FEBRUARY 2021. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ____________________________ Laura Hill Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ Amy Shelley, TRMC City Secretary Last Name First Name 1st Choice Board 2nd Choice Board 3rd Choice Board 5th Choice Board Application Bhakta Rohit Parks and Recreation Planning and Zoning Commission June 2020 Appointments Coulter Keith Parks and Recreation Planning and Zoning Commission June 2020 Appointments Dietrich Inna Community Engagement Committee Planning and Zoning Commission June 2020 Appointments Haggerty Eugene Building Board of Appeals Planning and Zoning Commission October 2020 Appointments Kulupka Peter Crime Control and Prevention District Board Planning and Zoning Commission June 2020 Appointments Lies Douglas Planning and Zoning Commission June 2020 Appointments Loredo Lauren Mayor's Alliance for Unity and Culture Planning and Zoning Commission October 2020 Appointments Mizrahi Rashan Mayor's Alliance for Unity and Culture Planning and Zoning Commission June 2020 Appointments Phillips Sarah Planning and Zoning Commission June 2020 Appointments Reynolds Austin Planning and Zoning Commission 2021 Appointments Wells Britton Zoning Board of Adjustment Planning and Zoning Commission 2021 Appointments