February 14, 2006
SPIN Standing Committee Members in Attendance: Boyd Dollar(#1 Liaison); Alan Hochstein (#3); Jan
Francis (#5); Lou Hillman (#6); Jeff Wang (#7); Ray Tremain (#9E); Vic Awtry (#10); Roger Hutton (#11),
Wendi Carlucci (#12); Chair; Mike Terry (#13), Vice-Chair; Jon Wiersum (#16), Secretary; David Baltimore
(SPIN Senior Representative); Eric Wang (Youth Representative)
SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent: Cara White (#1); Doug Harsy(#2); Pattie Minder(#8); Jim
Jeppe (#9W); Kim Harper(#14); Tom Corradino (#15)
City Staff Present: Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager;
Guests Present: Rick Smith, Director, Public Safety; Wade Goolsby, Police Chief; Robert Finn, Fire Chief
Agenda Item No. 1 - Call to Order—Chair Hutton called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Agenda Item No. 2 -Administrative Comments - Chair Hutton introduced Public Safety Director Smith, Chief
Goolsby, and Chief Finn.
Agenda Item No. 3 -Approval of Minutes from the January 10, 2006 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting—
Motion to accept minutes as submitted.
Motion: David Baltimore
Second: Jeff Wang
Motion was unanimously approved.
Agenda Item No. 4— Discussion of Executive Officer Election Procedures—Chair Hutton lead a brief review
of the Election Process and 2006 SPIN Election Survey (nomination form provided in Standing Committee
packet). In order to support SPIN officer elections in March, all Standing Committee members were asked to
submit their nominations to Ben Thatcher no later than Friday, February 24th
Agenda Item No. 5— Review Status of SPIN Events: SPIN Into Spring, Candidates Forum, and Fall Forum—
SPIN Into Spring: Wendi Carlucci confirmed Sunday May 7th, 10:00am—4:30pm, for SPIN Into Spring. The
venue includes six Southlake homes. The Standing Committee preferred on SPIN assignments at each
home vice all SPIN assignments at one home. T-shirt sizes were taken from those volunteering. Wendi
reported on other activities:
• Volunteers were requested for the April 22nd Great American Cleanup. Wendi is coordinating the
effort for the area of Southlake that borders Lake Grapevine.
• All SPIN representatives were requested to support the Keep America Beautiful Litter Index for
each of the SPIN areas.
Candidates Forum: Ray Tremain reported the Candidates Forums (City Council and CISD School Board)
are planned for April 11th and 13th, respectively.
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Fall Forum: Ben Thatcher, in Cara White's absence, reported on the Fall History Forum planning status.
The event is being considered to coincide with the City's 50th anniversary celebration. The Historical Society
is anxious to participate in the SPIN event. David Baltimore is the liaison between SPIN and the City's
History Committee. Lou Hillman and Ray Tremain have volunteered to assist in the Forum planning.
Agenda Item No. 6— Grand Avenue Public Safety Presentation— Director Smith, Chief Goolsby and Chief
Finn updated the Standing Committee on public safety initiatives and concerns for Southlake, and focused
on the challenges that the Grand Avenue Town Square expansion brings:
• Tentative plans place a DPS facility located near Town Square
• Community Initiation Unit has been formed to provide improved customer service
• A three-tier community notification system is planned for the City: 1) sirens for park and outside
recreation areas; 2)ALERT AM radio broadcast; and 3) Direct Dial System—a selective calling
notification system.
• CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training continues, with 85 city residences
currently trained
• Increase use of volunteers and implementation of strategic surveillance methods will be key
elements used to address the safety challenges for Town Square
Agenda Item No. 7 — Neighborhood Reports—
• Mike Terry (SPIN#13)— Nothing to report
• Jon Wiersum (SPIN#16)—Nothing to report
• David Baltimore (SPIN Senior Representative)— First meeting of the expansion of the Senior Center is
• Jan Francis (SPIN#5)—Various approved developments are underway: Pulte building on Sunshine;
Four Peaks development off of White's Chapel
• Vic Awtry(SPIN#10)—Two letters have been sent to the residence with the half painted fence along
1709 by their HOA, requesting corrective action
• Lou Hillman (SPIN#6) —A SPIN was held for the Patterson Pond expansion. This proposed
development will be boarded at the next Planning and Zoning meeting
• Ray Tremain (SPIN #9E)—White's Chapel church is considering volunteering for maintenance of the
White Chapel/1709 cemetery
• Boyd Dollar(SPIN#1)—A SPIN meeting is planned for February 27th on an 8.5 acre development; issues
surrounding a Phase III Park Dedication environmental report are unresolved
• Eric Wang (Youth Representative)—TAK testing in one week
• Jeff Wang (SPIN#7)— Nothing to report
• Wendi Carlucci (SPIN#12)—Wendi will be meeting with the developer of a proposed parking lot off of
Sam School Road; a planned SPIN #11 meeting will discuss drainage issues also affecting SPIN#12; a
February 27th SPIN meeting will address a 36 lot/23 acre planned Randoll Mill development
• Roger Hutton (#11) — Nothing to report
Aqenda Item No. 8—Open Forum— Ben Thatcher reported on some of the recent Southlake Citizen Survey
results: 400 people were surveyed and of those 97% had internet access. Traffic and road improvements
ranked high. Ben also reported on two efficiency improvements: investigation of the use of instant
notifications (RSS) to subscribers for the City's Web site; and submitting information via the internet to USPS
for mass mailings.
Agenda Item No. 9—Adjourn—Chair Hutton adjourned the meeting at 8:36 PM.
Roger Hutton, Chair Jon Wiersum, Secretary
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