12-12-2005 1 MEETING MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL — TRAINING ROOMS #3C AND #3D 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 December 12, 2005 MINUTES SPIN Standing Committee Members in Attendance: Boyd Dollar(#1 Liaison); Alan Hochstein (#3); Jan Francis (#5); Lou Hillman (#6); Jeff Wang (#7); Pattie Minder(#8); Ray Tremain (#9E); Jim Jeppe (#9W); Vic Awtry (#10); Roger Hutton (#11), Chair; Wendi Carlucci (#12); Kim Harper (#14); Jon Wiersum (#16), Secretary David Baltimore (SPIN Senior Representative); Eric Wang (Youth Representative) SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent: Cara White (#1); Doug Harsy(#2); Mike Terry(#13), Vice- Chair; Tom Corradino(#15); City Staff Present: Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager Guests Present: None Agenda Item No. 1 - Call to Order—Chair Hutton called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Agenda Item No. 2 -Administrative Comments Chair Hutton provided an overview of upcoming SPIN meetings and events. Agenda Item No. 3-Approval of Minutes from the October 11, 2005 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting— Motion to accept minutes as submitted. Motion: Pattie Minder Second: Jeff Wang Motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 4—Discussion of 2005 SPIN Accomplishments Report—Chair Hutton solicited comments to the report of accomplishments drafted by Ben Thatcher. This report would be reviewed during the joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committed Meeting in January. Wendi Carlucci suggested adding "SPIN Into Spring Garden Tour" and the leaf recycle program. Additional comments should be forwarded to Ben for consideration. SPIN MEETING MINUTES 12 12 05 POPP 1 of.3 1, .1.1 btro.k, ' 't•, •J• I. .' L' • if "(1* .! 41.; f:Ar • • t i:1,1!;11! ' 0.4 ) !. " - „,Tie7,-.7-.]-17-r!"" T X01,1,,`PO 1.',')=4Z, •-'1C.t\ • • 7' -';:r (7- „o, , ;J.; ••••:T. • - - -• . "- ' NIET/' T. ,-71!;.; .'?. •, i ' ;CI . r,•'' • , v221 :1-4.:; j. c- • 7-, " ; rT:;.3 p,. 1.ff, s-t 1/' )rh., ' 'C .- - • "ttai. "th. 'r; ' ; t q‘: ' r,7 •!..;;1-.11.11.41.,:, • ".1;buc .*(-Aftl• tvt. I ; • '; ...- f.;(T4 • v1 }- : J ; 19L, !';'! t ileillpi5L eoniNrxr.' ix 4r?‘40 .`7',NtE .1.0"V‘111.1‘1T! - Ak3C 'IOC #30 :21 ! A : orivic:rketitt' -16;_ :[..) (-)1: LE 2h!!/. .3fiet !Alf" Tit • j Ca . ^1 Agenda Item No. 5—Discussion of 2006 SPIN Meeting Calendar—Chair Hutton lead the discussion for the proposed 2006 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Calendar that focused on educational topics and candidate forums. Educational topics proposed include the following: January— Presentation by Assistant City Manager; City's plan for 50th anniversary celebrations February— Information technology presentation on the City Website and wireless internet plan; SPIN officer nominations March—DPS presentation on public safety concerns for Town Square Phase II development April— Presentation by Budget Director SPIN sponsored Candidate Forums were discussed. The City Council Candidate Forum was tentatively scheduled for April 11&13. Ray Tremain volunteered as Chair; Jim Jeppe volunteered as Vice-Chair. A School Board Candidate Forum remains in the plan. Wendi Carlucci reported SPIN Into Spring will take place on May 7. SPIN volunteers were requested to support this event. Motion to accept and incorporate changes into the 2006 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Schedule. Motion: Alan Hochstein Second: David Baltimore Motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No.6 - Discussion of Possibility of Changing Date of SPIN Neighborhood Meetings— Ben Thatcher recommended changing the currently scheduled neighborhood meeting dates from the first and third Mondays to the second and fourth Mondays. This move will not change the lead time from SPIN meetings to Planning and Zoning meetings in the planning process. This change is recommended primarily to de-conflict City Council meetings with SPIN meetings. Motion to change SPIN neighborhood meetings to the second and fourth Mondays. Motion: Kim Harper Second: David Baltimore Motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 7— Discussion of 2006 Regional Forums— Because the major focus for CY2006 is planning for the City's 50th anniversary celebration, the Standing Committee agreed on coordinating and hosting a limited number of forums for the upcoming year. The SPIN Standing Committee agreed on a Candidate Forum in April and a History of Southlake Forum, tentatively planned for September. Detailed planning for each will be accomplished next year in working sessions and subcommittees. Agenda Item No. 8— Discussion of Agenda Items for the Joint City Council/SPIN Meeting in January—Chair Hutton lead the discussion on recommended agenda topics for the joint SPIN meeting in January. Agreement was reached on the following topics: • CY 2005 SPIN Accomplishments • City of Southlake 50th Anniversary planning • Presentation by the Assistant City Manager SPIN/MEETING 1NINIITF'S 12 12115 PIMP 2 of_3 it „0- k . &IAAI%.11, s ✓ ,.11 • t -201, No4 NE; ,-,1••• •*1(1‘.;!t)e ?L.) 7•' • • ;Aft- ;..)11(... ),• Arji.$6.JriC.;tobif 'et, 4,IjCI U --14U\ ;VIP?! ' 3On-7.711 koL .4 4L Mt.:11,w° ria..e --36* C ,*2 sLiu Lo.nw4:801C1.11A+4)A O. 1.0at of..v Z;'! • ;.„‘,.:-11i11::: Xegt 2p,..)fmtiO cot 9 4U ;We 21fli-1CrUa C11JUPEI9 et..!r;Of". • .,-,;)?T'1).7i3for.70-T Dttusie--a 4,,JP itt.0A% 4-.%` • is/5e io 419 .7.9A.'" rokt( WI kuccii-JaT, • .1 2 ;(,) L;91.;01):;) WtLJ CJ SLUIL txoLe..41. IU .ZCWWOU w \ ft.*: 4,;)/64p v,;.•• •154..e.' j..!? u„ c.1.;Er;i ',it- 2CWC-711“43'.74 7.."1";- —• W.47; . • 844.; ios‘ots M99 nu'il.v,z,.)t, lt"Nblr);• D'3 d.T !ii" •if'Y'IPHtA Plc WU; It.!66PLO , • ?).,11,4 t. 'ILL,. c:jj tu h191f . .7c.. Ps.7E1.9C1 • -f;') V , • . •• we Li(e.yie.aeq* Lt•3 : r • icArku 2(..invt t. p,;\ • , r.:t ••-• c,!.'• .*0JO c Le 7, E;u—q-,7 Agenda Item No. 9— Neighborhood Reports— • Boyd Dollar(#1 Liaison)— Neighborhoods generally in opposition to the proposed Rohr Property development • Kim Harper (#14)— nothing to report • Eric Wang (Youth Representative)— Finals scheduled for next week followed by the Holiday Break • Jeff Wang (SPIN#7)—Anticipate development proposed at 1709 and Nolan Drive • Pattie Minder(#8)—An Ethan Allen store is proposed for the site east of Gateway Church along 1709. No SPIN meeting is planned. Coyote and bobcat problems were reported in her neighborhood. • Wendi Carlucci (#12)—Coyote sightings were also reported in her neighborhood • Lou Hillman (#6) —Lawn sprinkler overspray in Raintree is posing a safety hazard during freezing weather. Recommendation: Contact Public Works on ordnance and code enforcement. • Jim Jeppe (SPIN #9W)— One person attended the Parkwood Office Park SPIN meeting; P&Z approved the conceptual plans for the United Methodist Church renovation plans. Jim recommends a SPIN meeting be waived. • Ray Tremain (SPIN#9E)— Handbill and flyer distribution within the neighborhoods seem to have reached the nuisance level and questions how this can be reduced under the applicable ordnance. Ben Thatcher will follow up on this issue; The cemetery property at Whites Chapel and 1709 is a strong candidate for an improved beatification project. Ray is investigating who has overall responsibility for this site. • Jan Francis (#5)—There is development activity on the Estes Park project. • Vic Awtry (#10)—The proposed Sunrise development project is picking back up again; Vic is investigating potential development along Hwy 114 at Carroll with the potential developer to address traffic concerns; A successful neighborhood Crime Watch meeting was held and increased awareness of the attendees. • Jon Wiersum (SPIN#16)—A SPIN meeting was conducted last month for the proposed Davis/Continental high density development. The meeting was informative and well attended; Inability to fill a Carroll Elementary School crossing guard position resulted in a neighborhood meeting involving SPIN, CISD, DPS, and Public Works to develop a way forward. Jon requested the Standing Committee network this for possible candidates. • David Baltimore (SPIN Senior Representative)—The Westwick development (along Randoll Mill)was approved by City Council: lot sizes and set backs were both increased. Drainage remains an issue; The proposed Watermark development project passed Planning and Zoning last week. • Alan Hochstein (SPIN #3)—The proposed 11 acre development along Barney Lane reached general opposition and has been tabled twice wy Planning and Zoning. • Roger Hutton (#11)—nothing to report Agenda Item No. 10—Open Forum —Wendi Carlucci reported the leaf recycling program is booming and will be extended through the end of December; the Great American Trash Out will be conducted in April 2006 at Lake Grapevine. Contact Wendi if you want to participate; litter pick up will be conducted the first Saturday in January 2006. Ben Thatcher requested everyone to verify their contact information on the information sheet provided at the meeting; Ben requested everyone get the word out that a Southlake Citizens Survey will be conducted. Additional information may be found on the City of Southlake website. Agenda Item No. 11 —Adjourn—Chair Hutton adjourned the meeting at 8:02 PM. ATTEST: Roger Hutton, Chair Jon Wiersum, Secretary SPIN 1NFFTING JNINIJTF,C 12 12 05 Paw,_3 of_3 r . k 7••.. ‘e1aiane.T- 4: ' I - - ,1-.! - Atie*Iti stirit „•i. ' 3 3' *;(1 GO1 1-r% ?Ai 7s. 3eaogo1,7,.. 919(110.7-spc. .0r/7c et:: eft .L7 M 43..1 • 11-,c16 ir•;'..`"41•'• $.-001.1.'77Y:fri9.!01 ',)1.1 2. 1 -. I r ,r)fle'vti * ..svo 3nr.. ri0 oild, lasino:1 151 . Devoq8 5 &Its — • ' 17nYJrl:; ')O rit 4 . r,e (7 - ;1.9H sr9 ;:e...grir.. 1 ,rritiet a• :4'4 h „ • •r; IJ e e.:cr 0116 60J;I:v.r tS ve13r-a.., • • 101 .5'qdiertelZ....1 .s ys . • ',• rt!.:* 96 v"; 'i!".1f5 - ;.4 1r..jir.qe."19;eb •!L. 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