09-13-2005 MEETING MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY MEMBERS OF THE SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE SOUTHLAKE TOWN HALL — TRAINING ROOMS #3C AND #30 1400 MAIN STREET SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 September 13, 2005 MINUTES SPIN Standing Committee Members in Attendance: David Baltimore (SPIN Senior Representative); Eric Wang (Youth Representative); Boyd Dollar(#1 Liaison); Alan Hochstein (#3); Jan Francis(#5); Jeff Wang (#7); Pattie Minder(#8); Ray Tremain (#9E); Jim Jeppe (#9W); Susan Culler(#10 Liaison); Roger Hutton (#11), Chair, Wendi Carlucci (#12); Mike Terry(#13), Vice-Chair; Kim Harper(#14); Jon Wiersum (#16), Secretary. SPIN Standing Committee Members Absent: Cara White (#1); Doug Harsy(#2); Tom Corradino (#15); Lou Hillman (#6); Vic Awtry (#10). City Staff Present: Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager. Guests Present: Kerry McGeath, Library Administrator, City of Southlake Public Library; Erin Shoupp, CISD Board of Trustees; Craig Rothmeier, CISD Board of Trustees; Steve Presty, Foxborrough Homeowner Association representative (SPIN#10) Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order—Vice-Chair Terry called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Agenda item No. 2, Administrative Comments—Vice-Chair Terry introduced guests and also provided an overview of recent SPIN activities and upcoming events. Agenda Item No. 3, Overview of Library Programs— Kerry McGeath presented an overview of the City of Southlake Library Services and provided the following points of interest: • Experiences 8,000-10,000 visitors, monthly; extending evening hours; Sundays • Vision is providing both a high level of customer service and a cost conscious operation • Library concept is non-traditional, focusing on recreational readers • Provides information services to the City of Southlake and to the community • Provides on-site wireless capability; developing downloadable e-audio books via the intemet • Recently provided resource support to 40-50 Katrina hurricane victims Agenda Item No. 4—Approval of Minutes from the August 9, 2005 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Motion to accept minutes as submitted. Motion: Pat Minder Second: Jim Jeppe Motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 5— Review Status of October 13, 2005 Public Safety Forum Preparation—Wendi Carlucci, the chair for this forum, provided the current forum planning status: • Initial press releases have been made with follow-ups planned • Forum flyers have been printed and will be distributed by mail • Forum notice will be included in the water bill statement SPIN MEETING MINI/TES 9 13 05 Page 1 of.3 • . , 3T 1M ;.)141T3?r,I 33TT1MMOO EJVICIOAT8 Alga BHT 10 39131VDM 03VC`Aqc`A 7014 flUiMu3 OillatiATa tilqa\j123.1i200 Y Timot, CIE*OtIA RMOO P1 014101ART J..AHVVVOT 3NA 4H1UOZ, 1PTa UTAH 0041. Se0;fr. XT ,3)4AJHTU0e oes ledmatqoZ 89TUWIM fliTe;iab Owe.) .c,.9r..c)t=i, • ppriVy"!st, • $ • —4/H ristA ;(noziGii rit.$ ,1 ovo9 (ev;lo;r4sael,„,, / • t J -tir;.3 r16,-=:Je :(We4k)FKiget,rid nT ,(Ot mt.:?vViflot. 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Kit eirit !)orr.Sir4 aq•J 4folesl abet-t ,c• 7 a; lei eewto laitinl • 1,e)rn d idih søittw brw ftti :1611 ,-N,J101 tr,-3(r.,?tE,ta flid littsw i ilmt io.1 rthAol • 1, k% \ .1140 7 1;\ "11)1tICTIV41/ '411047 • Posters (quantity:100)will be printed and distributed for posting throughout the City • Ben Thatcher provided a forum write-up for the City of Southlake quarterly newsletter • Jon Wiersum agreed to serve as Wendi's back-up to introduce the Moderator/Panelists Agenda Item No. 6—Discussion of Hurricane Relief Efforts—CISD Board of Trustee representatives, Craig Rothmeier and Erin Shoupp, were invited to provide a summary of Hurricane Katrina efforts being undertaken by the CISD and answer questions. Erin Shoupp reported the CISD is sponsoring and coordinating a single relief effort through partnership with a Louisiana state school district. The CISD has adopted the Franklinton School. CISD student councils are raising donations and soliciting public support to help the school...no CISD tax dollars will be used for this effort. Erin reported that currently, 28 students displaced by Hurricane Katrina are enrolled within the CISD. A reimbursement to the CISD is expected through FEMA. Pattie Minder requested the CISD disseminate their Katrina efforts to the Southlake community. An offer was made to use SPIN to get this information to the neighborhoods. Ben Thatcher presented a summary of the Mayor Advisory Meeting addressing Hurricane Katrina disaster relief efforts undertaken by the City of Southlake. The City has compiled a data base listing local groups, describing their Hurricane relief efforts along with contact information. This data base is available on the City website. Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of 2006 SPIN/Submittal Schedule—Ben Thatcher reviewed the current Planning Department Submittal Schedule for SPIN input to the CY2006 schedule. Ben took action to specify contact of the area SPIN representative in "Note (1)" to the Submittal Schedule. Jim Jeppe recommended changing the statement"...SPIN process is strongly encouraged" to "...strongly recommended". Mike Terry, Vice Chair, will work with Ben to develop a recommended checklist that developers should provide/present at SPIN meetings and coordinate this list with the Planning Department. Agenda Item No. 8— Neighborhood Reports— • Mike Terry (SPIN#13)—Mike received an inquiry on the painting of the Carroll SHS parking spaces; he recommended contacting the SHS principal, CISD Board, and City Council. A complaint from Myers Meadows was received for an apparent rodent infestation that was apparently due to Stampede Sports construction across the street. An exterminator was hired. • Pattie Minder(SPIN#8)—Questioned property development of 18 housed in the area behind the school. • Jim Jeppe (SPIN #9W)—Jim reported next year's budget has provisions for construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Continental and White's Chapel. • Ray Tremain (SPIN #9E)—Ray attended his Timarron HOA meeting. • Alan Hochstein (SPIN #3)—none • Boyd Dollar(SPIN#1) - none • Jeff Wang (SPIN#7)—Jeff reported the folks doing the grass cutting along Kimball Avenue did a very poor. Also, Jeff pointed out that parking on the grass at/around Dragon Stadium is a potential fire hazard due to the extremely dry conditions. There is a city ordnance addressing off-street parking. • Eric Wang (Youth Representative)—Eric is busy with Hurricane relief fund-raisers. • Jan Francis (SPIN#5)—Jan has a SPIN meeting on September 19th for the CCC Development. On October 3, another SPIN meeting is scheduled for development of 9 houses at Sunshine and Highland. • Jon Wiersum (SPIN#16)—A developer is looking at constructing +40 homes on 9.5 acres near Davis Boulevard and Continental. (As a follow-up, the developer is re-engaging with the Planning Department) • David Baltimore (SPIN Senior Representative)— David reported on the development of the 32 acre Remington property along Southlake Boulevard and will be the subject of an October 3rd SPIN meeting. Also, David reported Sunrise Development is meeting opposition from neighboring Foxborough subdivision on development along Carroll Avenue in back of Hibernia Bank. Last, under the CIP planning process, an expansion of the Senior Center is planned for CY2009/2010). David is looking for volunteers to assist in planning and design. • Susan Culler (SPIN #13 Liaison)—Susan reported there may be a potential lease for fast food establishments at the old Beer Barn property at Carroll Avenue and Highway 114. SPIN 1NFFTING 1NINIITFS 9 13 (15 Pape 2 of 3 .,A,%•, %/.••", A . 5 S• .•,_ L...! 061:1 ',:CAL011 St.. ; !•.; 1.4/;..-1) 4/6 •L- r ir•-•.- -?i 1'3C4 ;-.Jr!,/!(29; ••'; • 'CaG,. '12 '31 esu!c:,!. c!",-.)1.7-•,. •- UA'r.; .4" leoL• • (.91.101i f,1 f , t-tYDo.,4_ otc•Lky;uf iL!.:6eouil obboalf,, L, toxpou.r!Ou RtYleAS-4 PUCliAlq Pep u • i4E„:::AmoiltspAki) D'SA10 t.c.";!')01.16C1 C 75:j aCk.S • • '.(1.,,,T..ftft-n,:. rlerkelobeL :e t07- • • st, --3 „ le 01 Lai. 4Inct::•1 0'.!8 2 SC.192 OSP fe • • •51...K1 Hibei!quc, * • ic-,.:.? •- s ;;;;--r 6.4o )1; ••.,-,:-.aboL, • ...L CCC ou • •) " • : , : •• 3 9 ""-IX OU - fl cs••;.6-:. .)3 014.7,1tee4. 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Steve voiced his concern over Sunrise Development's proposed construction on the property along Carroll Avenue in back of Hibernia Bank. Steve cited a recent meeting on the Sunrise Development project, attended by virtually all the Foxborrough homeowners. The take away from that meeting was the vast majority of Foxborrough homeowners are strongly against the proposed development. They do not believe the location best suits the proposed usage. Additionally, Steve stated the property is not zoned multi-family and has concern for the surrounding property impacts if this proposal goes forward. Agenda Item No. 11 —Adjourn—Chair Hutton adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM. ATTEST: Roger Hutton, Chair Jon Wiersum, Secretary ,4PIN MEETING MINUTES 9 13 05 Page 3 ata