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Talley 30 Day 2020
CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN i COVER SHEET PG I The c/o" instruction Guide explains tow to comPlete"this form. 1 Filer to (Edrfi�z{.wtanieabn Fera} 2 Total pages filed: MBI MRS 7 MR FIRST MP 3 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER t� Mrs. Kathleen B ....NAME , 'Date Received NtCKNAMF•.. , , ....... ,LAST . , . . SUFf'. Kathy Talley ADDRESS f PO BOX, APT d SUITE It, CITY, STATE; ZIP OC DE OCT 2 6 2020 4 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER MAILING ADDRESS 760W F10E`OF CITY SECRET ID Change of Address AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION � CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER ,^.� Pate Hand-eiivar or oats Postmarked fa CAMPAIGN usIMRS /MR FIRST Cpl RacatptI#Amount$ TREASURER Mr. Michael C NAME , , , .. . ...., ; ... .. , .., ... Date Procstaad NICKNAME LAST SUFfiiX Mike Tolley Data imaged T CAMPAIGN :STRFETADDRESS (N4 PO BOX PLEASEX APT 1 SUITE #: CtTY:.... STATE: ZIP CODE TREADRESS (Residence or Business) ; a CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER ( PHONE 9 REPORT TYPE Jsnuary'I8 3gihday Runoff f 1....1 tr campaign reasurerappointmentt (Olptehoider Only) i''�'( July 15 Bth day .... E] R - d L Od ('^�T1 Ej Final Report (Aasch CA)H - FR) 10 PERIOD Month Day Year Month pay Year COVERED 09/25 2020 10,x'24 /2020 / THROUGH 11 ELECTION.. ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Month pay �( 1��°(! Primary... 0 Runoff ® Olt., (. rrr (^y+YYe(a'r� 11 ;.�° 03 020 iEe,i Csnaral 0 Special Description 12 OFFICE OFFICE HELD (Ham'} 13 OFFICE SOUGHT of kw.) Southlake City Council, place 1 GO TO PAGE Forma Provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethios.state'N'Us Revised 11112020 RY CANDIDATE f OFFICEHOLDER FOR tw CAMPAIGNI COVER SHEET PG 2 14 C/OH NAME Kathleen B Talley 15 Firer to (Ethics Comoussion F ) 16 NOTICE FROM THIS SOX IS MR Of POUMAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPMO OR POUVICAL EXPEaorrU sY PWMAL OWSWMES TO POLITICAL SWPORTTHFQ4X010AU/OFMeWWM TNIM V0000ITUREIr MAY NAW WSW AWE WPIOVT Trre TE'S CR WX&OLMWA COMMITEE(S) KJ OR TES AND ARE RMMWV70 REPORT Too 11 ORtYe THEY MEIVB Of SUCH w0wrtURES. COMMITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE. NAME [:]GENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS. EISPECIFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TR.WURER NAME 0 Additenal Pages .... COMMITTEE: CAMPAINTREASURER ADDRESS 17 CONTRIBUTION 1, TOTAL UNITEMIZEU POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN $70.00 TOTALS PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS, OR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY) 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $5,170.00 (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) EXPENDITURE S. TOTAL UNITEMIZED"POLITICAL EXPENDITURE. TOTALS 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $9,209.58 CONTRIBUTION' BALANCE 51 TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS GF THE LAST DAY $5,813.21 OF REPORTING PERIOD OUTSTANDING TOTALS 6, TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE PERIOD 0 LOAN LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING 18 AFFIDAVIT I Swear,orafiRm,undor of . thatthe acearnpanying report Is true and correct andIncludes all Intonation rhe JijtyPr�Is AMY SHELLEY requiTecitobeespoetedby z...... `O1PR .. VBA-. Titre 15, Election Codis, . 16 Notary Public, State of Texas �� Comm. Expires 12-02-2023 ",,1°110% � Notary ID 12476110-5 Signature of iciafa or Qifice er AFFIX NOTARY STAMP 1 SEALAOOVE Swom to nd Subscribed before me, by the said FT d I �� �, this the rasrtify tch, bend I 2D to ss my an of oftit. U—ot r iSt Pvintexl cIT aiimin ` tTg oUt Tate of Trig 3dminieterftxR oaitr Form Wavided by Texas Ethics Commission wwwothics.state.tx.as Revised 1/1/2020 'Fortes provided by Texas Ethics Commission wiww.ethics.state.tx:us Revised 11112U2o COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME q Kathleen B Talley 20 Flier ID (Ethics Commission Fliers) 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS NAME OF SCHEDULE SUBTOTAL AMOUNT 1. SCHEDULEAI: MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 5,100.00 Z SCHEDULE A2: NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $7,314.50 3, SCHEDULE'S: FLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ 4. SCHEDULES: LOANS $ 5. Fil SCHEDULE FI: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS yyy� gy $1,029.08 6, SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS s866.00 7. SCHEDULE F8: PURCHASE OF OWESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 8. El SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD $ 9. (J SCHEDULE G. POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS ,t p� s7,314.50 14. El SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF CIOH $ 11, EI SCHEDULE 1: NON -POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL. CONTRIBUTIONS $ 12.® SCHEDULE K: INTEREST, CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED TO FILER $ 'Fortes provided by Texas Ethics Commission wiww.ethics.state.tx:us Revised 11112U2o MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Al The instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. f total pages Schedule Al: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filor ID (Ethics Commission Filers) Kathleen B Talley d Data 5 Full name sof contributor Ej out=or state, PAC {ties 7 Amount of contribution Buckley Barlowdd $100.00 10/7/2020...............:........:...:...... 6 Contributor address; City; State; Zip C 1910 South Boston Ave., Tulsa, OK 7411 B Principal occupation 1 Job title (Sao instructions) $ Employer ( Irstr tionss) Date Full name of contributor " [ out-of�stato PAC (Its Amount of Contribution {S) Kathleen Barbara Talley n r r� 10/6/20.20 . Contributor address; . ' < , . City.. State';' ,Zip $5Code ,0 . O0 n00 Principal occupation / Job title (See Instruretions) Employer (See Instructions) Event Chair - AITS; CEF,Advisory Beard Date Full name of contributor [ out-of-state FAC (IM Amount of contribution () Contributor address; City; State; Zip coda Principal occupation / Job title (See instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor j out-of-0410 PAC (IDN: I Amount of contribution {$) Contributor address; City; Stara; Zip Coda Principal occupation 1 Job title (See Instructions) Employer (Sea Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED if contributor Is out-of-stato PAC, please seeInstruction wide for additional reporting requirements. Forts provided by Texas Ethics Commission .a ` .stato.txms revised 1 t11ZOZO NON -MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL SCHEDULE CONTRIBUTIONS 1 Total pages Schedule A2: The Instruction Guide explains howto complete this form. ' FiteF II? (Ethics commission Fifers) 2 FILER Kathleen B Talle 4 TOTAL OF "UNIT MI D (N -KIND POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS s 3,657.00 � Amount 5 Daae 6 Full rtame of contributor E] out•of-state PAG (oox -_) S Contribution $description in-kind Contribution dedescn ' Kathleen Barbara Talley 10/5/202 Campaign mailer 7 ConMbutor addreas, City; Stme; Zip Code Check if travel outsidri of Twos: Completefichadole T 10 Principal occupation / Job title (FOR NON-JUDICIAL)(Sea Instructions) 11 Employer (FOR. NON-JUDICIAL)(Sma Ins ) Event Chair - AIT QEF A or.Boar _ 12 Contributor's principal occupation (FOR JUDICIAL) 13 Contributor's job title (FOR JUDICtAL){Sam iris ) 14 Cntnbuto or's amployarNaw firm (FOR JUDICIAL) 15 Law finn of contributor`s spouse (if any) ( ) f 16 if contributor Is a child, law firm of parent(s) if any) (FOR JUDICIAL: Date Fail name of contributor i out•ot-state Pec poi - ) Amount of in-kind coninbution Contribution $ description )i �t Kathleen B Talley, $3,657.50 Campaign mailer 10/19/202 1 9/2U 0 Contributor address; . , , . City; SIRle; Ztp Godo Ch -k if Navel out -id. o1 Taxes. Complete Schedule T. Principal occupation / Job title (FDR NON -JUDICIAL) (See instmcZns) Employer (FOR NON-JUDIDIAL)(Sea Instructions) Event Chair - AITB, CEF Advisory Gerd Contributor s prfnclpal occupation(FOR JUDICIAIrj Contributor's job titin (FOR JUDICIAL)(See Instructions) Contributor's employerflaw firm (FOR JUDICIAL) Law firm of conttibutoes spouse (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL:) If Contributor is a child, law firm of nt($) (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OFTHIS SCHEDULEASNEEDED If contributor Is out•ofastato PAC, please $oo Instruction guide for additional repotting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www,athics.stateUms Revised 11112020 PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS SCMEDULE 9 Total patios Schedule g: The Instruction Ciuldes explains hove to complete this form, 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) d TOTAL. OF UNITEMIZED PLEDGES ra Data 6 Full name of plodgor Q outer -stere PAC (tOs $ Amount 9 In-kind contribution of Pledge $ description 7 Pledgor address; . . City;. . . State; Zip Code t_,,,JChock it travel outside of Texas, Complete Schedule T. tg Principal occupation I Job title (Sea Instructions) 11 Employer (Sao Instructions) :Date - Tutt Hama of pledgor ( aui-oT-state PAG (los. t Amount In-kindcontribution of Pledge $ description . Piodgor address; . ... .City; . • .State: Zip Code Check H travel outside of Texas, Complete Schedule T. ,PCincapal occupation I Job title (Soo instructions).,.._ Employer (Soo Instructions)N� Data .Full name of pledgor .. [ out-0,male PAC (IDX,- - Y Amount of ..,. In-kind contribution Pledge$ description Pledger address; , . , . city.... , , State; Zip Code Check 5f travel oufskis of Texas: Complete Schedule T Principal occupation i. Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) n ..._- Dato Full name of ptod9ornot-ol.stata PAG I ttos.._: _:j Amount of In-kind contribution Pledge $ description Pledgor address: city; State; Zip Code f_,JCheck if travel outside of Texas:. Complete ScheduleTT Principal occupation 1 Job title (See Instructions) Employer (Soo Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS CHEDUL AS NEEDED If contributor is out of -state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.stateUms Revised 1/112020 ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If tender Is out-of-stato PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements, Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission vmw,elhics,st de.txms Revised 11t12Q20 LOANS SCHEDULE The instruction Guide explains how to complete this form; 1 Total pages Schedule E: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filar ID (Ethics Commlasien Filers) A TOTAL OF UNITEMIZEL) LOAN $ Data of loan 7 Namoof kinder ] out-of-str to PAC (utas. ) 'a LoanAmount ($) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ... . . 10 interest rate B is tender it Gondar address; City; Stats; Zip Code 'a financial Institution? 11 Maturity data Y N 12 Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) 13 Employer (See instructions) ... tion .. :... :..._.__.,._ 14 Descripof Collateral 15 .:Check if personal funds were deposited into political account (Sae instructions) Hone.......»,..�..._._......:.:::..._....,.w�.� 16 GUARANTOR 17 Nameofguarentor 19 Amount Guarant ($) INFORMATION 1$* Guarantor address, City; State•, Zip Code not applicable 20 Principal Occupation (See instructions) 21 Employer (See instructions) Date of loan Name of lender 0 out,.Vstate PAC (IDA:--- ) Loan Amount ($) Is lender Lender address; City; Slate; Zip Cade intorosi rate a financial Institution? Maturfky daCa Y N_ Principal occupation ! Job tine (Sea Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) „, oma...�..�_..��....�.....,.�...,_�.�.��. ._m«,....._..»_.....�_..�, Description of Collateral Check If ponsonal ponds were deposited into political 0 .account (See Instructions) El none GUARANTOR Namoofguarentor Amount Guaranteed($) INFORMATION Guarantor address; City: State; ZIP Code E] not applicable Principal Occupation (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If tender Is out-of-stato PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements, Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission vmw,elhics,st de.txms Revised 11t12Q20 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE SCHEDULE F1 FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR SOXII(a) Advertising Expense Event expense LQMR f5o4citetioWundmisi it Expense Aaxrunting2#anidng Fees Office Ovemoadiftwial Expanse Transportation Equipment& Rented i,<ponsa Consulting Expanse roedilaswomam Expense PoliftExpense Travel In Mind ConidboimsJP orfor"hAadetty GOVAwaWs"emicratis, ExWee, PrintMg Expanse Travel Out Of District Candld etOlfx hoktaNPaiiti lCommiltae Legal Servs Sala ..ego ".t�xsx Other (enter a category not listed above) Caadi Cardfraynxiat The instruction Guide explains truer to complete this form, 9 Total pa s le Fir Ia��i�'e2 M�n B Talley S Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) � Schedule � 4 Data 5 Payee Cama 9/28/2020 Wix com 6 Amount ($) fi Payee address; Gity; State; Zip Cale $5.35 Wix.com (a) Category (Sae Categories listed at the top of this .schedule) (ta) Description Pt, OF Fees Website flees EXPENDITURE (o) Chackfitmva#aulskloofTexae. Cezmp atichadJaT 0.Check AAuatn, TX, otncahvtde, lKing akpsnse ... g Complete OW if direct Candidate t Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit.0/QN Date Payee name 10/2/2020 Brandstorm Creative Inc. Amount ($) Payne address, City; State; Zip Code $337.50 733 Ashleigh Lane Southlak/Texas/76092 category (800 Cafagoff" retail atthe top ufthis scheduld) Description PURPOSE OF Advertising expense Design flees XPENDiTURE _m Checkffparatoutskia rATaxas Comirism �T, 0 Check V Austin, TX. officeholder fining expanse Complete d&07 i direct Candidate / Officeholder name Oftica sought Office held expenditure to benefit ClDN Date Pay" name 10/8/2020 Print Globe Amount ($} City; State; Zip Coda $227.91 3500 Corn ouch Dr., Ste. 100 Austin, TX 78744 Category(SaaCopmodes listed Who tdpaiihieachaduts} Description PURPOSE Cups OF Printing expense EXPENDITURE Chao sruwathfaoffeas C is Sch is T. Check it Auslif, TX. officeholder Naing expense Complete SICU X if direct Candidate ! OfFicehoidarname Office sought Office hold expenditure to benefit CION ATTACHADDITIONAL COPIES UFTHiS SDHEDULEAS NEEDED Revised 1 t1l2t}2t} Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Www.ethics.state.tii.us POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE SCHEDULE 1 FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 0(,a) Advarnsing Expense Event expense L'—R 42u "Ibu man+aril Solicitalk,, `undrah ng Expense AocountintsBanidng r OI9Saa Ova motel Expanse Transportation Equipment d Related Expanse Consulting Expanse rowfleavemnst Expense patina Expense Travel in District Coniributl ,ions Made By CWAcvarzisfMemadata Expense fodiding Expense TravolOut4f Dfstrld CandidauvOtPicehokterrPoldlcal Commitee Legal Services rfeatWLabor Othor(ontor a category not listed above) Credit Caai peymont The InatraatlanGutdo aXptatna how to complete this form. 1 Totol pages Schedule Ft:.. 2 FILER NAME iLFII�rD(Ethics Commission Filers) Kathleen B Talle . d lasts � Payao Hama 10/8/2020 AlphagraphicS 6 Amount ($) City; Payee address, City; Nate; Zip Coda $287.13 1649W Northwest Hwy, Ste. 100 Grapevine, TX 76051 $... (a) Category (sae Categories listed at the top dthis schedule) (#1) Description PURPOSE OF Printing expense Pushcards EXPENDITURE (S) i:d Chao ith selsersed efTexas Co". Sohadd.T. El Check A Austin,. TX, officeholder IM44 expense 9 complete OW if direct— Candidate / Offs sholder name w. _.; mmW MW #atria sought _ _ m _ G° t old expenditure to benefit GIDN Data Payets 10/13/2020 ' Home depot Win ni ($) Payee address; City; data« Zip Cade $37.93 300 S Village Center Dr. Southiake/Texas/76092 Cat Cate rise Category (use go octad atthe top oftheschedute) - Description PURPOSE T -pasts for signs OF Advertising expense EXPENDITURE" CAuX.tcairawatou#k dtexas.G T Check t Aas K TX. oflkalwtdar Was expense Complete Qjyi`„�it direct Candidate /Oiiicohotder name Office sought Office hold expenditure to benefit CION Date Payee name 10/16/2020 Constant Contact Amount (} Payaa address« City« State; Zip Code $133.26 1601 Trapelo Rd., Ste. 329 Waltham, MA 02451 Category (So Calagodeslisted at the top offhisschedute)Description T PURPOSE OF Advertising expense EXPENDITURE Check ittrai^ ota.idaoiTsxaa Complaus scha(tafa T. Check d Austin, TX, aa'iceholdar Irving expense Complete Q= if dtroct Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held :expenditure to benefit CION ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OFTHIS"SCHED M LILEAS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethlrs.stato.tx,us Revised 11112020 UNPAID INCURRED L.I. TI SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX ISM Advedising Expanse Event Expense t.oan yrrtrn=FEa SWicaa{ioNFundralskig Expense AcccwnkivgMankli g Fees Tee's xxtetkm EQuipmera a Related Eapanae ConadaingFxpense FoodMirm" Expeaw Ponling Expense Travel in District CdntAW(iorn/Donetions Mads By GOVA rrWlaus, Experes, Frinting F. xPonso Travel Qul0foistrict CancinetWofficaholdod1notdxal Ccanmtttee legal Services Sd i.at or Claw toreera colegany not listed above) The Instruction Guide oacptelas beef to complete this form. .�wuta F2. 2 FILERNAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 1 Total pages Sat ad KathleenoB Taller 4 TOTAL OF UNIT MIZED UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS 866.0 5 Date B Payee name 10/25/2020 Su 7�Amount(S) � ti Payee address; City; state: Zip Code $366.00 3225 Glenmore Ave. Northlake, TX 76247 TYPE OF EXPENDITURE Political Nan-PRCttcal qp (a) category phetcoegorwIfitedAit'®top wsnlssaf,aaata) (a} Description PtIR F OF Advertising expense T-shirts EXPENDITURE_._...:,.��_,,.__........:.:.._..._........,:.:.._._.,...._...._....,._._w,,....»_........::......,_.,_W____..__...,.,____..._..._,._�..._.�..,..,..,..,...,_,_ (c) Cf fftravatwtr.NaefTexaa. Cam ra"SrnafvtlaT Check it AUCK Tx, olficeholdar hvinq expanse tI Complete Q it direct Candidate t Officeholder name ice sought Office hold expenditure to benefit C/ON.. ......_.___ m ....._ . .....,. _....,,_..., Date Payee name Amount {$} Payee address; city; State; Zip Cade TYPE OF ( Political Non•Potitkai EXPENDITURE tt category por,Categories listed at it* top of this ached"10) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Check dtravolot Id offiern, Coseplate5ahedut.T Check if Austin TX officeholder living expense Complete cif disci;.._m�,,..�.....»..._,�......__._.,._...m__�.........�. m,..__..�,_.__..��._�.�.m.r.._,__.�,..�.,,,...._.,._.....nm_�..__.,...,�.,,...._._.m_..�..._.......,n. Candidate 1 Officeholder name Office sought Office hold expenditure to benefit ClOfi ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULEASNEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state,tx:us Revised 11112020 PURCHASE F INVESTMENTS MADE SCHEDULE F FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1 Tata! pagan Schoe talo F3: The instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 fol- R NAME 3 Fifor'ID tEtPocs Commission Filets) . 4 Data 5 Flame of person from whom investment is purchased 6 Address of parson from whom investment is purchased; , . City, . :... . Stela; . Zip Code 7 .Description of investment 8 Amount of Investment (3) Data -Name of person from whom investment is purchased Address of person from whom investment is purchased; . . YCrty; , .. . State; •Zip Cads Description of investment Amount of investment {$) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED ._.�-t___.m�._ _ , Forms provided by TexasEthics CCoommission vrrrw.ethics,stata.tx.us Revised 11112020 EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD SCHEDULE F4 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 10(a) Advertising expense : - EventExpense Loarift"rTiaroilipaburisirreat Sokcitation/ruridralsing Expense A—umingeentdng rose Office OvietwedlRental Expense Transportation Equipment&naletedExpense Consu" nee FoodSinaaresExpense Pricing Expense Travel In District ConvibutionsMorwrons:Made By Offt(AwardwMemarrals, Expenria Pkinling Expertee Travel Out Of Darrict OarrcHdatalOrR holdariT?dNicaiCommittee. LegalSarvicos Sated itN tabor Other (enter acetegorynot listed above) The Instruction Guide explains how to, complete this form. I Total ages Schedule Fp 2 FILER NAME S Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) a TOTAL OFUNITEMI D EXPENDITURESCHARGEDTOA REDITCARD $ 5 Date 6 Payee name 7 .Amount (8} 8 Payee address; ...City, .:State; Zip Code 9 TYPE OF EXPENDITURE El Political Non -Political... 10 (a) Category(seacatagodeslisted atthe top ofthisschedule) (4) Description PURPOSE OF. EXPENDITURE_.,n,_ (c) Gtiack#bwvaR" at Fexas. : T. check #Austin. TX officaholdst Wag axpansa 11 Candidata 1 Officeholder name Office sought Office held Complete Q.', it direct expenditure to benefit CION Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Cade TYPE OF Political Non -Political EXPENDITURE :Category is" categwbsruled at the top 0 this schedute) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE GMmli#vaxalautaldeMTaxas aSci;ast T. Check, If Ausiin, TX, aRti<ehotdar rsvMe expense Candidate/ Officeholder name Office sought Office held Complete QW it direct expenditure to benefit CION ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Fomes provided by Texas (ethics Commission www.elhlcs.slato.tX.us Revised V112020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FORBOXB(a) Advertising FxPonto Evans Expense Loan Ropepman SmIcriwNon lFundraising Expense AccomminflMoniking Fast Office IExponse Transportation Equipment& Relied Expsenso Consuhag Expernia FoodiBoviavike Expensepatina Expense Travel in CNatrld ContibutionsiDonationa Made By CIVAwordalPMbmorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Chit Of District Candkie MerfPopRical Committed Logo[ Services SalarlawWagosrorstedtabor Mar hinter a category not listed above) CrMtCaM I'samont The Instruction Carbide explains how to complete this form; _ 9 Total pagos Sbhodulo Gs 2 FtL N 3 Filer 16 (Ethics Commission Films) 1 at�Teen B Talley $ t?ate 5 Payorrnama. 10/5/2020 Polka Dot Printing ..,.......,.._......_.,...:. a.,..,,.._......._........,._._....., Amount {$) 7 Payoo address; City; State; Zip Code $3,657.00 340 Inverness Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 RormbursaarmMham OpoliticalcatMbutiona Inkxnded s (a) Category (Seo Categories torso at the Soponee, ahaduMl {t#) fiascrfphon PURPOSEAdvertising expense Campaign mailer OF ' EXPENDITURE {r� CheckNtravgoutskleofTaxas.CompieteSchadutaT. :Check if Austin. -TX, oNpcohdder Infng expense 9 To data / Offi x3hoider name ONco sought Office held Core Plato I)= if direct expenditure to benefit ClON Date Payee name -- 10/19/2020 Polka Dot Printing M....- Amount {S) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $3,657.50 340 Inverness Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 ReirnbursarnaIt from 0 popitical corNnbutkrns Intended Category (See Categories listed at Ilia top ofthis $Chaduls) Description PURPi75 Campaign Advertising expense Cam ai n mailer EXPENDITURE _..�..:.... Chacktihe touskadie sCompCare SdtadaaT.. 0 Check it Austin. TX, oiweholder living expense Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held Complete QNLX ifdirect expenditure to benefit CION Date Payee name Amount {) Payee address; City; stator Zip Code Ftaimbitmensearn ElIntended trtrib.Wris Category (Sao Catagodes Uxtad at thetopo" ssahadelel Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE _ a ... _... ... .... _. _ F�^'1 1:1 Checkx i@YW cookie, of Texas Complete Schaaale T 1:1 Check it Austin, TX, officeholder living expanse _ Candidate / Officeholder normo Office sought Office held Complete QW if direct expenditure to benefit CION ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHECIULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www'eIhics.state,tX.us M Revised 11112020 PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESSF C/OH SCHF-DULE EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX $(a) Advanising Expanse Event Lia RapairmartuReIrribursoment SolicitaltoWoninshi it Expenee AocountingBarking Fees i)Strxa CFd tat Transportation Equipment d Roloted Expense consulting poise F We Extorwe potting nae Travel InDiatnd Contributions ns Made By GWAwards'MornedoisExponsio Nfifirxi Expense TravelOut0fOlsrld C.artdidata0flicehoider/PoftkatCommitted : tagalServices esd4`1 LoLon, Other (order acategory red listed ataova) Credit Wit Payment The Instruction Outdo explains haw to complete this term... 1 Total pages Schedule K 9 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Fifers} ss Warns fi Amount ($} ? Business address; City„ State: Zip Code S (ta) Category fees Categories listed or the top of this schedutot (b) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE {c} E] S eelodeofTexas.Com Bch T. El Chock if Austin, TX, atticeholder Wing expense 9 Complete QW if direct Candidate f Officeholder name Office sought Office hold expenditure to benefit C/C}H Darn Business name Amount {$} Business address; City, State; Zip Code Category (San Causitimas listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE OF _ EXPENDITURE G Saavat eafTaxas. aid d?da T, 0 Check S Austin: TX, offtceholdor living expense Complete Q= if direct Candidate f Officeholder name Office sought Office hold expenditure to benefit C/OH FaID)e Business name otant $} Business address; City; State; Zip Coda Ca (sae Ciartrores Safest at the top citrus schedule) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE .. ChadeStraiiaiata dTexas. Cas a T. 0 Chock It Austin. TX, officeholder living expense ' Complete f2l:ILY ��:�,_...,.�.���.�.._._ .. �.�.._..�...a�...�..�. �..�._...._.: if direct Candidate t Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C10H ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OFTHICHEDU . AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethiCs.state.ttims Revised 111/2O20 NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHF-DULE The Instruction wide explains how to comp(ate this faun. 1 Total pages Schodale 1 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Data 5 Payee name S Amount {$) 7 Payee address; City State Zip Code (a)Category (Sao instructions tot axamptaa of accaptabia {lo) Description (Sea munatiamr. teflowing two of imormatian PURPOSE categories.) required,) OF EXPENDITURE Date Payee name Amount {$) Payee address; City State Zip Code Category (Sea instructions for examples of acceptable Description (See Instructions regarding typo of Information PU RP{9SE Categories.) raqui(ad) QP EXPENDITURE Date Payee name Amount {$) Payee address; City State Zip Code m Category {See. instructions for examples of acceptable Description (See Instructions ragatCtype of tyof Information PURPOSE Categories.) required) . i? F EXPENDITURE Data Payee name Amount {$) Payee address; City State Zip Coda Category (See Instructions for examples of acceptable Description (See instructions regarding type of Information PURPOSE Categories) required) OF EXPENDITURE ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.alhics.State.tx.us Revised 11112020 INTEREST, CREDITS, .AIN , FUN , AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED TO FILER SCHEDULE The Instruction Guido explains haw to Complete this form, 1 Total pages Schedule K: FILER NAME 3 FilerID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Name of person from whom amount is received 8 Amount {$j 6 Address of person from whom amount Is received; City; State; Zip Coda 7 Purpose for which amount is received Check if political contribution returned to filer ,e.. Date Name of person from whom amount is received Amount (} Address of parson from whom amount is received; City; ` State; zip Code Purpose for which amount is received Chock if political contribution returned to filer Date Name of person from whom amount is received Amount {$} Address of ponson from whom amount is received; City, State; Zip Coda Purpose for which amount is received Check if political contribution returned to filer Date Name of person from whom amount Is received Amount {$} Address of person from whom amount is received; City; Stats; Zip Code Purpose for which amount is received Check if political contribution returned to filer ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS CHEDULEAS NEEDED Forms provided by'rexas Ethics Commission www.othics.state.l ima, Revised 1/1/2020 IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE T FOR TRAVEL OUTSIDE OF TEXAS I Total pages Schedule T; The Instruction Guide explains how to avmp#ata this corm. � �^ FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Edsics Commission Filers) at Ccmtrlbutor f Corporadonor tabor Cftganlzation !Pte#gor t Payee _......_� .. __ _ .._M, .._r___._, � : � ._ ..._..., , .,._.....�,, _ _ _�:. _ S Ganftirt�budo / Expenditure reported on: El Schedule A2 " El Schedule 6 © St hetiule Bp E] schedule C2 D Schedule D C] Schedule Fl u Schedule F2 E] Schedule F4 : ❑ schedule (a D schedule H El schedule OOH-uC � Schedule 6 -ss 6 Dates of travel T Name of person(s) traveling S Departure city or name of departure location 9 Destination city or name of destination location Means of transportation 11 Purpose of travel (including name of conference, seminar, or other event) Name of Contributor/ Corporation or tabor Organization / Piedpor/ Payee Contribution / Expenditure reported on: L_i Schedule A2 n Schedule It ❑ schedule So) D schedule 02 E] Schedule D C : Schedule F1 E] schedule F2 D schedule F4 n schedule G C] Schedule H C] Schedule WH -UC C Schedule 8 -ss - ---------- Dates __ .___Dates of travel Name of person(s) traveling Departure city or name of departure location Destination city or name of destination location _. Means of transportation Purpose of travel (including name of conference, seminar, or other event) Name of Contributor! Corporation or tabor Organization PtedgorI Payee Contribution / Expenditure reported on: Ell Schedule A2 CJ Schedule e El schedule aw) E] Schedule 02 C] Schedule D Schedule F1 t o t l Schedule F2 Schedule F4 Schedule 0 D Schedule H ® Schedule OOH -UO D Schedule 13 -ss Dates of trevei Name of person(s) traveling Departure city or name of departure location Destination city or name of destination location Means of transportation Purpose of travel (including name of conference, seminar„ or other event) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OFTHIS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission .ethics.state.tx'us Revised 111/2020