2020-05-26 CEDC Minutes sr
7-7/ CITY OF
LOCATION: The Marq Southlake
Legends Hall – Boardroom
285 Shady Oaks Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Board President Martin Schelling, Board Vice President Tom
DeCaro, Board Secretary Craig Sturtevant, Robert Mundlin and Jeff Wang.
STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager & Director of Economic Development &
Tourism Alison Ortowski, Chief Financial Officer & Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson,
Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Director of Public Works Rob Cohen and
Deputy Director of Economic Development Daniel Cortez.
1. Call to order
Board President Martin Schelling called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
2. Consider approving the minutes from the February 25, 2020 Community
Enhancement and Development Corporation meeting
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the February 25, 2020 meeting.
Motion: Wang
Second: Sturtevant
Ayes: Schelling, DeCaro, Sturtevant, Wang
Nays: None
Abstain: Mundlin
Vote: 4-0-1
Motion Carried –APPROVED
May 26, 2020 CEDC Minutes
3. Economic Development
a. Southlake Recovery Plan
Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski provided the board an overview of the
City's strategic goals, focus areas and priorities for the City's economic recovery
plan. She informed the board that in addition to the Community Enhancement
and Development Corporation, City staff, the Economic Recovery Task Force
and the City Council would be involved in recovery efforts.
b. Review and discuss the CEDC Board of Director's role in Southlake's
economic recovery efforts
Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski provided the board with the specific role
and responsibilities it has as it pertains to the City's economic recovery efforts.
She specified the types of initiatives and policies the board would be responsible
for overseeing and making recommendations to City Council on. The board had
questions about funding sources for initiatives and fund revenue status. The
board also requested for staff to provide an overview of comments made by
businesses from the business climate survey and quarterly reports to ensure
good recommendations are made.
4. The Marq Southlake
a. Review and discuss reopening plan for The Marq Southlake
Director of Community Services Chris Tribble presented an overview of all the
plans associated with reopening of The Marq. He provided details on the phased
reopening for employees and members and the safety measures; being
implemented to protect all visitors to the facility. He stated both Champions Club
and Legends Hall have a reopening target date of June 1, while the Senior
Center is expected to be closed through June 30. The board had questions
regarding contact tracing and compliance with established practices.
b. Review and discuss the mid-year report on financial performance ,of The
Marq Southlake
Chief Financial Officer and Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson presented an
overview of the current financial status of The Marq and CEDC 3/8 Sales Tax
and provided the following performance information:
• The memberships at The Marq are currently exceeding established targets
with 2,497 active memberships (just over 100 memberships cancelled since
mid-March) and a FY 2020 goal of 2,044 memberships.
• All memberships for Champions Club from mid-March to the end of May were
suspended, meaning no membership revenue was collected during this time.
May 26, 2020 CEDC Minutes
• The projected cumulative lost revenue for Legends Hall is estimated to be
approximately $169,783 by the end of the fiscal year in September.
• Champions Club revenues for FY 2020 are expected to decline until the end
of the fiscal year with a revised gross revenue of $2,358,337 by the end of
September and an estimated cost recovery of 53.3 percent.
• Sales tax revenue for the CEDC in the current fiscal year ending in the month
of March was $3,063,072, which is still 4.25% above estimate but is expected
to fall significantly with April and May numbers. In March alone, sales tax saw
a decline of approximately 12% or about $55,996 in CEDC sales tax revenue.
5. Staff Reports
a. Economic Development Activity Report
i. 2020 COVID-19 Economic Development and Tourism Response Actions
Deputy Director of Economic Development Daniel Cortez provided the board
an overview of all the initiatives that were implemented by the Economic
Development & Tourism Department as response to the COVID-19 pandemic
that included online resources, communication, business support and
financial assistance.
ii. Economic Health Data Report
Deputy Director of Economic Development Daniel Cortez provided the board
a report on economic indicators that show the most recent data the City has
available on the health of the local economy. He highlighted the local
unemployment reached 8% in April which was higher than the initial estimate.
b. Construction Management Report
Director of Public Works Rob Cohen provided an update on the remaining
construction items left at The Marg. He provided insight as to some'. of the
challenges being experienced with the HVAC system, drainage and leaking in
some locations in the facility. He indicated staff will be moving forward with
direction from the City Council.
May 26, 2020 CEDC Minutes
Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski noted the next board meeting will be held on
June 23, 2020 and that we'll still have the ability to conduct that meeting virtually as
Board President Schelling adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m.
Martin Schelling, Board President
Community Enhancement and Development Corporation Board
Craig '.. '.nt, Board Secretary
Community Enhancement and Development Corporation Board