2020-02-25 CEDC Minutes A.
BOARD MEETING MINUTES: February 25, 2020
LOCATION: The Marq Southlake
Legends Hall — Boardroom
285 Shady Oaks Drive
Southlake, Texas 76092
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Board President Martin Schelling, Board Vice President Tom
DeCaro, Board Secretary Craig Sturtevant and Jeff Wang.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Mundlin
STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager & Director of Economic Development &
Tourism Alison Ortowski, Chief Financial Officer & Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson,
Assistant to the City Manager Lauren LaNeave, Director of Community Services Chris
Tribble, Tourism Marketing Manager Cambria Jones and Deputy Director of Economic
• Development Daniel Cortez.
1. Call to order
Board President Martin Schelling called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Consider approving the minutes from the January 28, 2020 Community
Enhancement and Development Corporation meeting
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the January 28, 2020 meeting with
the corrections noted by Board Secretary Sturtevant.
Motion: Sturtevant
Second: DeCaro
Ayes: Schelling, DeCaro, Sturtevant, Wang
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0
Motion Carried —APPROVED
February 25, 2020 CEDC Minutes
3. Review 2019 Citizen Satisfaction Survey Results
Assistant to the City Manager Lauren LaNeave presented the results of the 2019
Citizen Satisfaction Survey. She discussed the City's performance at meeting the
needs of the residents and the verbatim responses indicating that the City's growth
is one of the most important issues facing Southlake. She also noted the City's
efforts should be focused on maintaining high quality services and addressing the
City's gap issues as they relate to managing traffic congestion, providing pedestrian
pathways and responding to code enforcement inquiries.
4. Economic Development
a. Executive Session
Board President Schelling announced the Community Enhancement and
Development Corporation (CEDC) would go into Executive Session pursuant to
the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section 551.087
to deliberate regarding economic development negotiations for Project No. 2019-
Executive Session began at 6:24 pm and concluded at 6:26 pm.
b. Consider a recommendation to the City Council to reauthorize the City's
tax abatement policy
Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski provided the board an overview of the
2018 City Council adopted tax abatement policy for the City of Southlake. She
informed the board that the policy is effective for two years, which is the
maximum term allowed by law, therefore in order to preserve the City's options
as they relate to public investment considerations and the ability to negotiate with
desirable prospects, this item proposes a renewal of the policy under the same
terms and conditions as the one adopted in 2018.
A motion was made to approve the reauthorization of the City's tax abatement
Motion: DeCaro
Second: Sturtevant
Ayes: Schelling, DeCaro, Sturtevant, Wang
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 4-0
Motion Carried —APPROVED
February 25, 2020 CEDC Minutes
5. Staff Reports
a. Financial Reports
i. The Marq Southlake financial highlights and membership sales report
Chief Financial Officer and Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson presented the
following performance data for The Marq:
• The memberships at The Marq are currently exceeding established
targets with 2,558 active memberships and a FY 2020 goal of 2,044
• Champions Club revenues for FY 2020 to date are $1,159,303
while expenditures for FY2020 to date total are $1,219,474.
• Senior Center memberships showed a decrease to 735 members due
to some members showing duplicate memberships and memberships
expiring, moving from monthly to annual based memberships.
ii. Sales Tax Report
Chief Financial Officer and Board Treasurer Sharen Jackson informed the
Board that the Corporation for the first quarter of FY 2020 has collected
$1,729,020 in revenue, over $200,000 more than the same period last year.
b. Economic and development activity report
i. 2019 Development Activity Report
Deputy Director of Economic Development Daniel Cortez provided the board
an overview of the content of the 2019 Development Activity Report. He
indicated that the majority of the information that is within the report is similar
to what was presented to the board at their January meeting and that the
numbers may differ slightly due to the report showing fiscal year data versus
calendar year data.
c. Construction Management Report
Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski informed the board there were no
significant changes since the previous month's update.
February 25, 2020 CEDC Minutes
Assistant City Manager Alison Ortowski noted the next board meeting will be held on
March 24, 2020.
Board President Schelling adjourned the meeting at 6:49 p.m.
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Martin Schelling, Board President
Community Enhancement and Development Corporation Board
., t, Board Secretary
Craig �
Corn nhancement and Development Corporation Board