Item 7A - Narrative September 30, 2020 Mr. Dennis Killough Department of Planning & Development Services City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Zoning Change / Site Plan – 2450 Crooked Lane Dear Mr. Killough: GMI Commercial Contractors have plans to develop a 13.16-acre site located at 2450 Crooked Lane. The site is currently zoned as AG. The Project would rezone the property to an SP-2 for phase 1 and phase 2 of the project. The first phase (Lot 1) of the project will have a base zoning of I-1 and will include an 80,000 sf facility that GMI will using for light manufacturing and their corporate headquarters. The second phase (Lot 2) of the project will consist of a mixed- use flex space and have a base zoning of I-1. REQUEST DETAILS: The applicant is requesting approval of a Zoning Change to S-P-2 Detailed Site Plan District with I-1 Light Industrial uses for the development of an 80,000 square foot facility for GMi Commercial Contractors. This first phase will consist of 7.42 acres and will have access through phase 2 to Nolan Dr. as shown on the site plan. It is also requested for approval of a Zoning Change to S-P-2 Concept approval with I-1 Light Industrial uses for the Phase 2 portion of the project. The Phase 2 portion will consist of 5.74 Acres. The development will consist four (4) lots which will include multiple office buildings along the front portion of the site, and the GMi Commercial contractors headquarter facility in the rear as well as all other components as shown on the submitted site plan. Parking has been dispersed around the site. Additional parking has been provided to allow for flexibility for uses in the future. The site has been oriented to try and maintain as much of the existing vegetation along Crooked Lane. Trees preservation along this corridor was emphasized to preserve the character of Crooked Lane. The S-P-2 Generalized Site Plan District zoning is proposed to allow any use permitted in the I-1 Light Industrial District with exception and addition to the uses listed in the submitted zoning document. Specific development details for the property is listed in the proposed S-P-2 zoning document which is included in Attachment ‘A’, pages 2-5 of this document. Thank you and please call if you have any comments or need additional information. Sincerely, Clay Cristy, PE Zoning Document GMi Commercial Contractors    Proposed Permitted Uses and Development Regulations for “SP‐2” Zoning  ZA20‐0040    August 17, 2020    Permitted Uses:    PHASE 1  This property is proposed to be divided into 1 lot all of which would include permitted uses as found in  the I‐1 Light Industrial District as described in Section 18 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.    Permitted I‐1 uses relative to this application consist of any use permitted in the I‐1 Light Industrial  District with the following exceptions:    1. Blacksmithing or horse shoeing  2. Creamery and Diary Product Processing  3. Compounding of Cosmetics and Toiletries  4. Farrier  5. Feed Stores  6. Glass Blowing  7. Mattress Manufacturing or Mattress Renovation  8. Mini‐Warehouses  9. Monument Manufacture  10. Ornamental Iron Works  11. Pest Control Businesses  12. Plastic Fabrication  13. Spray Painting Shop    PHASE 2  This property is proposed to be divided into 3 lots all of which would include permitted uses as found in  the I‐1 Light Industrial District as described in Section 18 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.    Permitted I‐1 uses relative to this application consist of any use permitted in the I‐1 Light Industrial  District with the following exceptions:    1. Blacksmithing or horse shoeing  2. Creamery and Diary Product Processing  3. Compounding of Cosmetics and Toiletries  4. Farrier  5. Feed Stores  6. Glass Blowing  7. Mattress Manufacturing or Mattress Renovation  8. Mini‐Warehouses  9. Monument Manufacture  10. Ornamental Iron Works  11. Pest Control Businesses  12. Plastic Fabrication  13. Spray Painting Shop    Uses that will be allowed in addition to the I‐1 Light Industrial District:    1. Administrative, executive and editorial offices for industrial organizations.  2. Computer manufacture and research.  3. Electronic manufacture, research and assembly.  4. Lithograph, engraving, printing and publishing.  5. Manufacture of medical and dental equipment.  6. Manufacture of musical instruments.  7. Medical clinics.  8. Optical instrument and lenses manufacturing.  9. Scientific and professional instrument manufacturing.  10. Small parts manufacturing and assembly.  11. Janitorial or cleaning services.  12. Pest control services.  13. Store fixtures sales facility.    DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (ALL PHASES):        This property shall be subject to the development regulations for the I‐1 Light Industrial District, and  all other applicable regulations with the following exceptions:     To facilitate a contiguous development, buffer yards and building setbacks will not be required  along internal boundary lines.   Allow for the impervious coverage to be calculated for the entire development as opposed to  individual lots.   Future developments will provide architectural design similar in nature to phase 1 of the  development.     Zoning Section 42.4.f establishes a F‐2 Buffer yard requires a masonry fence.  A Masonry Fence  will not be provided for the F‐2 Buffer.     Zoning Section 42.4.f establishes a F‐1 Buffer yard requires an 8’ opaque fence.  A screen fence  will only be provided along the property line to screen the truck docks.  This will be a minimum 8’  masonry fence.      Zoning Section 42 Table One establishes a F‐1 Buffer yard will be required along the northwest  corner of the site.  For a distance of 380’ along the northern property line due east from the  northwest corner will not provide a buffer yard.     Tree Preservation Ordinance & Tree Technical Manual Ordinance 585‐E 7.2.a Specifies that 50%  of the existing tree canopy shall be preserved.  25.5% of existing tree canopy will be preserved.   Coverage is approximately 42.7% and is predominantly located along the eastern and southern  boundary of the site.      Variance Requests:   Driveway Ordinance 634 requires that driveways maintain a minimum 250’ spacing between  driveway entrances. Driveway Spacing between driveways will be reduced to a minimum of 193’  along Nolan Drive.    Driveway Ordinance 634 requires that driveways maintain a minimum 200’ spacing between  driveways and intersections. Driveway Spacing between intersections will be reduced to a  minimum of 145’ spacing along Nolan Drive from Crooked Lane.   Driveway Ordinance 634 requires a minimum driveway stacking of 100’.  Stacking for the  Driveway to Nolan Dr. will be reduced to 59.7’.           Attachment A