Item 6 - Narrative letter of intent Planning Department City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX 76092 Dear Sirs: The following is an overall description of the Master Plan for the property located at 1625 Brumlow Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 CLAFFEY POOLS MASTER PLAN NARRATIVE The existing building dates from 1970, and it’s a +/- 7,350 sf “L” shape construction that hosts office spaces towards the front of the lot, and an attached storage space on the back for the business operations of Claffey Pools Inc. The construction wraps around a central courtyard with shallow water features for display to potential clients and a loading/unloading area in front of the storage space. A driveway on one side the elongate lot access parking spaces and the large open space in the east side of the property which is reserved for movable construction machinery. THE INTENT The intent of the Master Plan we are presenting, is to set up the basis for further development of the site as response to the growing needs of Claffey Pools Inc. • A remodeled and enlarged courtyard. The new courtyard will be a fun and interactive area that showcases the flow and function of the pools. with a variety of shallow water features, display of pool technologies, equipment options, landscape options, etc. The remodeled courtyard will incorporate the current loading/ unloading area in front of the storage. The entire courtyard will respect accessibility requirements and will comply with ADA standards. • Existing building o Exterior. Rework Entry to be more inviting as clients may still access this building for service type request/dealings. o Interior. Renovation of existing building to house design and purchasing teams. • Current Storage building Conversion. This space will be conditioned to host more offices for the company operations. • New Proposed office Building. A complete new built building to house sales team and client experiences will contain the remodeled courtyard from the east side, and it will be accessed through it. This will be a one story, NOT SPRINKLERED, 4,236 sf building. That will host marketing, sales, and letter of intent operation areas. In the north side of this component there will be an open area for employee break time. • New prefabricated metal storage building. In order to replace the storage space in front of the courtyard (to be converted into offices), a new detached metal building of 3,346 sf, NOT SPRINKLERED will be located behind the new office building, and it will have a small office and restroom. • New parking spaces and driveway. The proposed new driveway with parking spaces over the minimum required by code, complies with accessibility requirements, and manages surface drainage accordingly. The new drive way also complies with the fire department requirements for fire truck turn and fire hose distances to any new building areas. • A new fire hydrant is part of the proposed master plan. it is located at a distance no larger than 300’ to any building in the property, allowing buildings to be NOT SPRINKLERED. • Front yard enhancement. The proposed front yard includes landscape improvements that will be attractive to Claffey Pools’ clients, and will add value to the overall look of the street. RESOLVED ISSUES FROM THE INITIAL SUBMITTALS: Please refer to the SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY (attached) Case number: ZA20-0026 Review Number: 2 General Comments • Reply: o As we have removed paving to facilitate the bufferyards, we have reduced the amount of runoff leaving the site. Detention is not required as we are not increasing the flows from the site. o We included a new sheet C-5 showing the retaining wall layout as requested. o We included structural details of the retaining wall by structural engineer. o Water, sewer, and drainage plans are included. Planning Comments • Reply to comment #1: A 5’ tall chain link fence with privacy slats will be utilized around the perimeter of the property as show on sheet C-1 and L-1 letter of intent • Reply to comment #2 It was revised on sheet C-1. • Reply to comment #3 Detailed elevations of the shade structures within the courtyard were added to the set of elevations as requested. • Reply to comment #4 The new buildings will not require to be sprinklered. This was discussed and approved by the fire marshal. As long as any part of the buildings is within 300’ from the fire hydrant, and within the required max distance to a fire lane, the buildings can stay not sprinklered. Easements Comments • Reply to comment #1 The Owner is not open to extending the water main across their property at their expense. The adjoining property to the north is undeveloped at this time and could facilitate water system expansion when it is developed. • Reply to comment #2 As we have removed paving to facilitate the bufferyards, we have reduced the amount of runoff leaving the site. Detention is not required as we are not increasing the flows from the site. Water Comments • Reply to comment #3 No, the new proposed buildings will use the existing water service. • Reply to comment #4 The Owner is not open to extending the water main across their property at their expense. The adjoining property to the north is undeveloped at this time and could facilitate water system expansion when it is developed. Drainage Comments • Reply to comment #1 As we have removed paving to facilitate the bufferyards, we have reduced the amount of runoff leaving the site. Detention is not required as we are not increasing the flows from the site. letter of intent -END OF COMMENTS- CONCLUSION The overall development and improvement of the property is a great effort by Claffey Pool’s, and we believe it will become and inspiring initiative to other business owners in this light industrial neighborhood to enhance the street character. We hope you find our submittal satisfactory, and we are ready to hear your and recommendations. Sincerely yours. Laura Baiamonte, AIA, NCARB THIEL&THIEL ARCHITECTURE May 19, 2020