Cedar Creek (Lot 4, Block A) - Public Utility Easement OFFICIAL REC~ J N-t -.."-'. ,- ,'- CITY OF SOUTIILAKIC PIJBI.lC UTILITY EASE!\IENT '.' !'T ; '.- -- .. -~-_:. ....:.-.-.,- .;Y TilE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That We, J~\~~~- '\ - *. <:~:C\J'i\\E... _L._~_(\-~c..- ("Grantor"), for and in consideration of the SUlll ofTen ($10_00) )ollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufliciency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these plesents do grant, sell and convey to the CITY OF S(){ JTllldi\KE ("Cìl antee"), of Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas a permanent and perpetual eé1Sell1ent for the purpose of installing, repaiIÎng, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating, and opel ating a sanitary sewer line and other public utilities in, into, upon, over, across and under that land in Tallant County, Texé1s, described as (JIIO\vs, to..wit: ;\ non-exclusive 20 fool wide permanent Public Utility Easement as more particularly described on Exhibit" ^" attached hel eto and shown on Exhibit "13" attached hereto, logether with the light of ingress and egress as necessary for such purposes. Grantor covenants alld agrees that ()rantee shall have the right to excavate and fill upon said pel mallent easement and to remove fìonl said permanent easement, any fences, buildings or other obstillctions as may now be ((Julld upon said permanent easement. Grantor has this day additionally granted, sold and conveyed and by these presents does hereby grant, sell, and convey to Grantee an additional contiguous temporary constlllction easement fi¡r a 1)('1 ¡od of one (1 ) year (ì-om the date the easement is filed of record with the County (,Ielk or \lntil completion of the instal1é1tioll, for the purpose of installing utilities on the P ()pclty known and desclibed as f(Jllows, to..wit: I 2 I ¡ 7 0237 ^ temporary 40 foot wide ( 'onst ructioll Easement, said easement being located immediately adjacellt to the above-desCi ibed pel manent easement in a configuration as shown on the attached Exhihit "13" Such Temporary easement shall illcillde the right to excavate and fillllpon said temporary easement, but (11 antee shall t eplace any fences or other fixtures upon said temporary easement without cost to Glantor, and shall restore the glade of the property which is the subject of the temporary construction easement, as nearly as possible to it's grade prior to entry thereon. (ÎI ant or covenants and agrees that (ÎlillltOi êll1d Grantor's heirs, representatives, successors and assigns shall at no time erect, place or colIStruct, or cause to be erected, placed or constmcted any easements grated hetein any temporary or pellllanent structure in, into, upon, over, across or lInder. TO IIA VE AND TO (IOU) the above-lIescl ibed permanent easement forever and the above descril>ed temporary easement for the period stated above, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, any wise l>elonging unto Grantee, it's successors and assigns; and We do hel eby bind omselves, (JIll heirs and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend all and singular the premises unto the said GI antee, it's sllccessors and assigns, against every person whomsoe\'er lawfully claiming or to claim sallie or any part thereof EXEC'UTE ) this the - ¿z.!4 day of ~\~\ ------' 1995. . ~vyC~~~L,,-- Grantor uâ/.....- c/4~ //~ {/ Grantor 2 1211 ¡ 0238 SINO' J~ ACKlJOWIEDOMEl'lr STATE OF TEX^S § § § (:()l JNTY OF BEH>l~E ME, the unllcuigncd HllthOlity ill ~ud for said County, Texas, on this day personally Appell I ed______-------------- known to me to be the pelson whose name Is subscribed to tht'! fmegning instrumcnt, and Acknowledged to mc that he/she executed tho same for the purposes owl eollshklfHion therein eJpressed. GIVEN UtU>l.m. My HAND An ) SEAl. OF OFFICE. this - day of 19 --------------- -' .---- Hèïíii.y -p,~íircln and for thë--- State of Texas My Commission FxJlÍlcs: ~I'yp" orFiIm- Notß'Y'¡¡ Name -----.------.. ------ Joun' ACKNOWI .I~I KH\mrn' STATE (JF TEX^S § § § ('(){ JNTY OF BEFOHE ME, the Hilden! 'lied ulltluJIity ill and fof srlill - ù{JÜV\<:' ,011 this dny personally nppenrqcl..1- ' t J(M)}lt..lçLU In.' - J¡tlO\\1T~~fõl)e¡iiëïjërSons whose IJames file slIbscribelil to the for going illstl limtñi; Olll( odnowledgcd to me that they e)((~Gl1ted the sallie for the purposes [1m) colIsiclemliulI thelcill expressed. , GIVEN tJln)~n. MY HArII) _J~r i ---' 9.Jf.J -' --, HEA fHER M. GF1AFF J NOTARY PUBLIC ST A TE OF TEXAS My Comm Exp 02-~9~. My Commission E)(pÏtes: AI1I) SEAL OF OFFICE, this -l-2- clay of Hi;~~.-PI "e Iläiiiïfor the St~~~ Tcxus -\kLt,fhU- I H. ßy Clff IFý(ïê or' Print Notal-ýiš'I4amë- _1J ?J12__.___-_._-~. t ' I 2 I I 7 0239 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ,1 ACCEPTED BY ¡r~E,ÇITY OF SOUTI!MKE, TEXAS, THIS THE DA Y OF ¥71ïlJUt-' , 19~ BY: G' d f ffi . i{:? ",/, ,r; '. lye,n ,under my(/~~ an seal 0 0 lee on thiS the I .- yt k U; /i'vtt¿ <.. ' , 19 tl . I - /'~ l ' (j, oJ é: /. , ìi'/L;Ú(Y II AL;).U'AL Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission Expires: ,J-,/ t.//f/,7 day of SANDIA L LEGRAitD NOTARY PUBLIC State of Texas Comm. Exp. 02-04.97 RETURN TO: CITY SECRETARY CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 NORTH CARROLL A VENUE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 121 ¡ 7 0240 TR. 6231-0S4A March 6, 1995 FIELD NOTES Being a description of a 20 foot wide sanitary sewer easement across that certain Lot 4, Block A, CEDAR CREEK PLANTATIONS, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-188, Page 78, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R., T.Co., Tx.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the common South line of said Lot 4, Block A, and North line of that certain 10.338 acre tract conveyed to Rex W. Moore, et ux by deed recorded in Volume 6305, Pgae 23, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas (D.R., T.Co., Tx.), said point bears along said common line North 89 degrees 59 minutes 46 seconds East 11-14/100 feet from a 5/8 inch iron pin found for the Southwest corner of said Lot 4, Block A; THENCE departing said common line, North 01 degree 50 minutes 42 seconds West 243-32/100 feet to a point in the common North line of said Lot 4, Block A and South line of Plantation Drive (a dedicated 50 foot wide street) I said point bears along said common line South 89 degrees 57 minutes 37 seconds East 1-50/100 feet from a 5/8 inch iron pin found for the Northwest corner of said Lot 4, Block A; THENCE wi th said common 1 ines, South 89 seconds East 20-01/100 feet to a point; degrees 57 minutes 37 THENCE departing said common line and recrossing said Lot 4, Block A, South 01 degree 50 minutes 42 seconds East 243-30/100 feet to a point in the South line of said Lot 4, Block A; THENCE with said South line, South 89 degrees 59 minutes 46 seconds West 20-01/100 feet to the place of beginning and containing some 0.112 acre or 4,866 square feet. ,.d" :i ò.",-, -,~,- .. . .-. '"', í; Prepared from records and surveys made on the ground in February, 1995. ~M~~ {{. ~ OF r ~\>:~ß \~;t~~f.-r~ ,ri:~t~ '. ~~ì /'~ 1824 '«'.~ \ .~ .... 'r-,~, ~ 'op,.. o~'.J...~t 1i6"of.~.~.\.~y ~, ,Ii .é to David A. White R.P.L.S. No. 1824 \.. 12117 Ù241 ........, ........",.............. CEDAR CREEK PLANTATIONS Volume 388-188 Page 78 P.R.,T.Co.,T><. ~~ f PLANT A TION DRIVE , ~ 5 C. DART SURVEY ABST. 2003 J. (10.338 AC.) REX W. MOORE ET UX PATRICIA M. Volume 6305 Page 23 D.R.,T.Co.,TX. PREPARED FROM A SURVEY MADE ON THE GROUND ;JHCH 1.1995. ,k fìAt~&~.L ' DAV D A. WHITE~ R.P.l.S NO. 1824 CHILDRESS SURVEY ABST. 253 L II Z , \ 1/2" I.P.F. H..I/ I I~ I 5/8" LP.FJ I J.SO' ~2 Original Scale: 1" = 100 a so 100 eoo ~-..I . , I Grcphic Scale in Feet I .- .-' 20.0'- . ..-S 89'57'37" E ,.'., 5/8" I.P.F \ .........Area = 0.112 Acres or 4,866 Square Feet ::= w Ñ~ I ~o ~'o \ 0 ~ ,¡- ~ ~,¡- NOON Z If) ............... SEWER LINE ¡-:...... t ....".... 10.0' 4 EXHIBIT SHOwING 201 SEwER EASEMENT AC ROSS LCn 4, BLOCK A CEDAR CREEK PLANTATION SOUTHLAKC TARRANT COUNT~ TEXAS C. DART SURVEY, ABST. 2003 (See ot-to.ched field no-tes) " .- í 11.14' P.O.B.  S E M P C 0 I J N C. SUR>£'1INIHIAPPING-PlANNING-CONSULTANTS 3208 S, MAIN ST. FORT WORTH, TX 76110-4278 TEL: (817)926- 7876 FAX: (817)926- 7878 Project No. 62310S4A ......., .....,. - ...................... CEDAR CREEK PLANTATIONS Volume 388-188 Poge 78 P.R.,T.Co.,TX. ~~ ! PLANT A TION DRIVE , ~ 5 C. DART SURVEY ABST, 2003 J. (10.338 AC.) REX W. MOORE ET UX PATRICIA M. Volume 6305 Page 23 D.R.,T.Co.,TX. PREPARED FROM A SURVEY MADE ON THE GROUND ~H ': 1995 I. fìA" & fZ. DAV D A. WHITE R.P.L.S NO. 1824 CHILDRESS SURVEY ABST. 253 \ 1L'r I.P.F. . .........j................................ I I~ I I ~2 Original Scale: 1" = 1 00 6 50 100 cOO L.....I . . I Graphic Scale in Feet 5/8" I.P.F,!. I ,r^' I....' 20.01' .:./S 89'57'37" E 5/£5' I.P.F \ .........Area = 0.112 Acres or 4,866 Square Feet 3: w N'N I No ~~ I ~ ~ v I'"' I'"' v N5 5N z t/) t" ..................<t SEWER LINE """""10.0' 4 EXHIBIT SHO\JING 20' SE\JER EASEMENT ACROSS LOT 4) BLOCK A CEDAR CREEK PLANTATION SDUTHLAKC TARRANT COUNT~ TEXAS C. DART SURVEY) ABST, 2003 (See attached field notes) P,O.B, M S E M P co. I N C, SUR'Æ'tlNG-M~NING-CONSUl T AN1õ 3208 S. t.AAIN ST. FORT WORTH, TX 76110-4278 ìEL: (817)926- 7876 FAX: (817)926- 7878 Project No. 62310S4A TR. 6231-0S4A FIELD NOTES March 6, 1995 Being a description of a 20 foot wide sani tary sewer easement across that certain Lot 4, Block A, CEDAR CREEK PLANTATIONS, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-188, Page 78, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R., T.Co., Tx.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the common South line of said Lot 4, Block A, and North line of that certain 10.338 acre tract conveyed to Rex W. Moore, et ux by deed recorded in Volume 6305, Pgae 23, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas (D.R., T.Co., Tx.), said point bears along said common line North 89 degrees 59 minutes 46 seconds East 11-14/100 feet from a 5/8 inch iron pin found for the Southwest corner of said Lot 4, Block A; THENCE departing said common line, North 01 degree 50 minutes 42 seconds West 243-32/100 feet to a point in the common North line of said Lot 4, Block A and South line of Plantation Drive (a dedicated 50 foot wide street), said point bears along said common line South 89 degrees 57 minutes 37 seconds East 1-50/100 feet from a 5/8 inch iron pin found for the Northwest corner of said Lot 4, Block A; THENCE with said common lines, South 89 seconds East 20-01/100 feet to a point; degrees 57 minutes 37 THENCE departing said common line and recrossing said Lot 4, Block A, South 01 degree 50 minutes 42 seconds East 243-30/100 feet to a point in the South line of said Lot 4, Block A; THENCE with said South line, South 89 degrees 59 minutes 46 seconds West 20-01/100 feet to the place of beginning and containing some 0.112 acre or 4,866 square feet. RO~ '\ .""'. f' ^' \>-:i(:,G \ S Tf:i;>~:+-1 ~:'~ ...&:.. c".~~ tJ, N " ~ P.A~:Ä-::~ , ...,J. ("'~ 1824 <r:'~ ,1\ -"-, ,,-, ? ',9,.. o~'~~f 1'6"'~,~,:;¡,\,~y ~, Prepared from records and surveys made on the ground in February, 1995. ~~& Ít~~ David A. White R.P.L.S. No. 1824 I 2 I I 7 0244 D195176876 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE CITY SECRETARY SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N lNG-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY IN D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK 0 F F I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 195308067 REGISTER DR93 RECD-BY TO03957 PRINTED DATE TIME 09/28/95 10:17 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D195176876 WD INDEXED 950928 TIME 10:17 CG TOTAL: DOCUMENTS: 01 FEES: 23.00 B Y: ~..J ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. I 2 I I 7 0245