Myers Meadow Phase 1 (Lot 23, Block 6) - Permanent Utility Easement . \ -' i ,/ iJ OFFICIAL RECOi~1... CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS * * KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT * That NEWMARK HOMES, L. P., acting by and through its duly authorized officers (Grantor) for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10_00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant sell and convey to the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, Grantee herein, of Tarrant County, Texas, generally a ten (10) foot wide strip which width enlarges on one end, said easment defined on Exhibit A attached hereto, as a perpetual utility easement in, into, upon, over, across and under the following described lot in the MYERS MEADOW, PHASE TWO, a subdivision to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, as follows, to-wit: Lot 23, Block 6, MYERS MEADOW, PHASE TWO, an Addition to the City of South1ake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 2160, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and further described on Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said Easement unto the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, its successors and assigns, and Grantor hereby binds itself, its successors and assigns to warrant and forever defend, all and singular. said premises unto the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. 127\2 "656 The terms of this dedication shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE and its successors and assigns. day of !£ð/(U/J/?Y , 1997. EXECUTED this dl5rH GRANTOR: NEWMARK HOMES, L.P. By: NEWMARK HOME CORPORATION, SOI~e~ 11 - /'( ~~ By: Title é)(.e<:... V p THE STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF TARRANT * * This instrument was acknowledged before me on the oJ-) to'/" day of 't:-{ LJ I' (., d, ,. '-/ , 1997, by -S l~, v (' 7 X) e e c C . as Zi Ii? c It.. -, / of NEWMARK HOME CORPORATION, SOLE GENERAL PARTNER OF NEWMARK HOMES, L.P., a Texas L, imited Pa, rtnershjP, on" behalf of said Limited Partnership. " , ,. j . ,,~ t,., (\ ¡j. Þ-C¿~k../ù. I J ","~~'t....- N6ta:r Public, Stat~, ofTe~as,. ~ ¡ <~~~:-: ~yl;ONMAMD s'sSloULLIVAN '1 " / -f,:: ,\,.1 l'J J - II. yO tt A....' f ~-:,~l~\~V 'J N EXPIRES Print~d Name of Notary -" OF '." August 19. 1999 ,... '('~ C. (.- --_..:~".., My Commission Expires: tJ / /". I / GRANTORS NAME AND ADDRESS: Newmark H°r¿es., ,L.P. 10435 Green~, Suite 101 Stafford, Texas 77427 .-- ~-r) '0 RETURN TO: City of Southlake CITY Of SOUTHlAKE ADMINISTRATIVE OffiCES OfFICE Of CITY SECRETARY 1725 E. SOUTHLAKE BLVD. SOUTttlAKE. TEXAS 16092 ,::"\j ¡'- .:'-J CERTIFICA TE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that the interest and real property conveyed by this dedication instrument dated from to the City of Southlake I County of Tarrant, State of Texas, has been duly accepted subject to all terms and conditions contained therein by resolution of the City Council adopted the day of , 19_, and the City Council has consented to recordation of such dedication instrument by its duly authorized officer. I f DATED: \ ,,(}fU¿/i tA-' ~~ ' ~ ' _v'~ - MA OR, C OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: £JA .. -, .. 11' " ,þ .'" .. ; I~LL{.l\. 1\ 1~ ,~Ltt j kL 1TY SECRETARY AFTER FILING, PLEASE RETURN TO: GRANTORS GRANTEE City of Southlake c/o: Sandy LeGrand City Secretary 667 N. Carroll A ',Ie, Southlake, TX 76092 f:\word\forms\inslrume. ded 3 . r, -', , n t ¿ I I ¿ ¡558 01/tJ'jl J. :U/ 13: 16 . 44b,jllE. GOODWIN MARSHALL PAGE 02 EXHIBIT -A. ..-/' ~o ð. - 12°19.5708 'Q), R . 50.00' 0,<- L - 10.76' ~4': ~ð ~ ./' Jrl1 ........- --- ............--- 15' Uti POll NT Ofl BBG][NNING / ..:::(i!i¡!!i-!![!i!Jii/:-' Lo. ~:::::;:::;:;:::, /'\~6:::~{:;:>:'" )oJJ"."".""'.X7'< ,.:/>}{:~Y-9 \ ~ .'.',',','.',',',','. . PROPOSED Æ..::/r.::.{{l.~ 5' UTILITY .::»»~¥ 'f: EASEMENT .-:::::::::::::::-. I.,,::,:.:!!!'./' / 4:-:-:.:.::.:.:- PROPOSED ()))}Y 10' UTILITY / Â\;' EASEMENT j;V 0 050 Ac //~ /..~~I~~ ¡~.;:;:.7:;:;::::: r-. õ/j}/:-¡':::' -.I 4'¡:"7)\:;:::;:;:;::- &~~i~. ~ ..",...."..:À ~635.~7" W--' C 5 81°10'30. W , .60 15.00' 24 6 OC~ ~\.-. 23 o~ \'I\- ~ p.. ~ '). \ 6 () ~~ S~ fJ~ ~i'ß V"t\þ9. ~\.t\ (.,5. þt.t 1. C~~ ~~. . . ~9-~ ~ \1~1> ..1-' :0 S ,f,' ,.0"'1').11'" G:t' d~ 't, v ~ð\' "J.' ---I \ I i " . . . m l.1') ',0 ~ Scale: r - 20' Date~ ..JUtt£ 1995 Job No: 9491 Draf fed: BA T Checked: RDH She., ("'-1 ¡-" of l""-! 2 GOODWIN' CI¥L .. I - III UI- - 88WY088 eaot BttdrJI StreIt. a.te 100. Fort Worth TÞOI 1812 Uetro (817) .10..373 Ul!B~/l~~! 13:1b, 44(:;,::011 D GOODWIN MARSHALL PAGE 03 EXHIBIT -A- LEGAL DESCRPTION BEING a 0.050 acre tract of land in the J.G Allen Survey, Abstract No, 18 being .ìtuoted in the City of Southlake, T arrl..I1t County. T 8)(1.';11 olld beinq a portion of Lot 23, Block 6 of Nyer. Meodolf, Pha¡e Two, an oddìtion to the CITy of South/eke, TarranT CounTY, T exa¡ as recorded in CabineT A, Side 2160 of the Plot Records of Tarrant COIIWY. T .xos and tieing lnOre patticulcrfy d..cribed 08 f oHo".: BEGINNING at 0 1/2- in;¡n pin let for the North...t corner of laid Lot 23. Block 6. said pin beìng the NortheaaT corner of Lot 24. Block 6 vI' said Myers Meadow. Phew Two. laid pin also beìng on the right-of-way ane of the cui-de sac for Bob-Q-Llnk Drive. said pin also being the Point of CW"votUre of (] circular curve To the left h,.Jvinq. a rodiul of SO.OO f.et. a central antje of 12°I9'S'-, a chord length of 10.74 and a ~hord bear!,,':] or S 79°09'17" E: THENCE along ¡aid curve to the left. 10,76 reet: THENCE 5 32°15'29- W, 144.07 reet: TÆNŒ s 49844'31- E, 34.58 feet: TI-ENCE S 8/8j()'30. W, IS.OO feet: THENCE N 83á3S'3r W, 36.60 f..t; Tt-ENCE N 32°15'30- E, 170,78 feet to tOt; POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2,193 IlquGre feet or 0.050 oçret or lond, . . 2 GOODWIN I RSHALLM CIVL'" . .. IIl.A IIIlT . ....,0118 8001 BndQe $net. SUIe 100. Fort Wonh T-. 7812 Wetro (&t') .~e-.3'3 Scale: NONE Dote: Jl»E 1995 Job No: 9491 Drafted: BAT Checked: RQH S h.. t of 2 .-, , -- ,-, ,-, - c¡ ,-, _L PM f L, -, D197052395 CITY SOUTHLAKE 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BLVD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY IN D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK 0 F F I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 197147348 REGISTER DR96 RECD-BY TOO0224 PRINTED DATE TIME 03/26/97 14:01 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D197052395 WD INDEXED 970326 TIME 14:01 CK TOTAL: DOCUMENTS: 01 FEES: 17.00 B Y: ~ ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. 12712 1661