Item 5C - 2035 Corridor Committee Meeting ReportCITY OF
Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Meeting Report
Meeting 26 — January 29, 2020
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas 76092
V Floor Training Rooms C & D, Town Hall
• City Council Members: John Huffman, Chad Patton, Ronell Smith
• Planning & Zoning Commission Members: Scott Dyche, Michael
Springer, Dan Kubiak, Amy Torres-Lepp
• Park Board Member: Frances Scharli
• Zoning Board of Adjustment Member: Austin Reynolds
• City Staff: Ken Baker, Dennis Killough, Jerod Potts, Madeline Oujesky,
Patty Moos, Alison Ortowski, Daniel Cortez
1. Call to Order.
2. Administrative Comments.
3. Review, discuss and make recommendations on proposed modifications to
Park Village to include revisions to the fountain, paving treatments and
landscaping, located at 1001 through 1161 E. Southlake Blvd., generally
located at the southwest intersection of E. Southlake Blvd. and S. Carroll
4. Review, discuss and make recommendations on proposed Gifford Court
Cottages, a single family residential development consisting of 109 single
family homes on approximately 11.09 acres, located at 755 Randol Mill
Ave., generally located northeast of the intersection of Florence Rd. and
Randol Mill Ave. and southeast of the intersection of the private drive known
as Dream Maker Ct. and Randol Mill Ave.
5. Review, discuss and make recommendations proposed redevelopment of
Florence Elementary School within the Keller ISD on approximately 13.89
acres located at 3095 Johnson Rd., generally located on the southeast
Johnson Rd. and Harrell Dr.
6. Review, discuss and make recommendations on proposed changes to
Kimball Park for a new business known as Artful Living to be located at 2112
E. SH 114, generally located northwest of the intersection of E. SH 114 and
N. Kimball Ave.
7. Review, discuss and make recommendations for Dogtopia, a proposed
daycare and spa for dogs, located in Southlake Market Place at 2225 W.
Southlake Blvd., Suites 451 and 459, generally located at the southeast
intersection of Davis Blvd. and W. Southlake Blvd, just west of Urban Air
Adventure Park.
8. Review, discuss and make recommendations on the Wilks property for a
proposed development to include a hotel and two (2) restaurants located on
an approximately 6 acres of property addressed as 1901 W. Kirkwood Blvd.
and located at the corner of W. SH 114 and W. Kirkwood Blvd.
9. Adjournment.
On January 29, 2020 the Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee
held their twenty-sixth meeting. The Committee was sent a packet of
materials prior to the meeting that were to be discussed during the
session. A meeting agenda was posted and the meeting time was
advertised on the City's website. The following meeting report focuses on
discussion points made during the meeting by members of the
Committee, public and City staff. This report is neither verbatim nor does
it represent official meeting minutes; rather it serves to inform elected and
appointed officials, City staff, and the public of the issues and questions
raised by the Committee, City staff, and any attendees of the meeting.
Interested parties are strongly encouraged to follow development cases
through the process. Please visit for more
ITEM #6 DISCUSSION — Review, discuss and make recommendations on proposed
changes to Kimball Park for a new business known as Artful Living to be located
at 2112 E. SH 114, generally located northwest of the intersection of E. SH 114 and
N. Kimball Ave.
Staff presentation: Madeline Oujesky
• Proposed re -zoning to S-P-2 to amend Ordinance No. 480-657C to modify the
permitted uses to include office and showroom.
• Future Land Use: Mixed Use
• Current Zoning: S-P-2 (Ordinance No. 480-657C)
• Existing building is 9,176 SF
• Artful Living intents to use entire space for their operations
o Headquarter offices for CEO, VPs, and associated staff
o Gallery/showroom to display art pieces and showcase artists
o Host events and conferences for local artists to attend development
Questions for staff by the Committee:
Applicant presentation: John Hasting (CEO Artful Living)
• Artful Living — art -based design company that would like to use the building as
their global headquarters.
• Provide branding, marketing, order management and distribution of art for artists
and art publishing companies
• Help artists with product development, branding (telling their story), building their
websites and how they sell their art on those websites
• Web development, digital marketing — IT/marketing team housed in the building
• No manufacturing at this location
• Large gallery area to hang original art
• Bring artists in from around the world to talk about their capabilities
• Advertise to community to attend events to meet with artists
o Events where artists can display their art
• Collaborative spaces and resource library (1,000s of art books for research)
• Podcast studio
Questions for applicant by the Committee:
John Huffman: Question about the combination of the use and actual property. Kimball
Park has an abundance of parking; however, around the building it is a little tight, so
when you talk about holding events and conferences, how often would those occur and
what will traffic look like? Do you have a shared parking arrangement with other
developments in Kimball Park?
Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee
Meeting #26 — January 29, 2020
Item #6 — Artful Living Kimball Park
Page 3
Applicant: We have agreements from Jeff Medici to share the parking garage, as well
as a shared parking agreement with Cambria Hotel to share their parking.
John Huffman: So, on a day to day basis only a few executives would be accessing the
Applicant: Yes, 8-10 executives will office here.
Chad Patton: How long have you owned the property?
Applicant: Bought it about 2 '/2 years ago. I've had the finished product since
December 2017.
Chad Patton: You've had two lease tenants?
Applicant: Yes, they were both local restaurants that we thought would perform on their
lease; however, neither happened to follow-through.
Daniel Kubiak: Concept very complimentary with hospitality and office space. Sounds
like it can create demand for hospitality, flows very well.
Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #6 — Artful Living Kimball Park
Meeting #26 — January 29, 2020 Page 4
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Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #6 — Artful Living Kimball Park
Meeting #26 — January 29, 2020 Page 5
Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee Item #6 — Artful Living Kimball Park
Meeting #26 — January 29, 2020 Page 6
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View• southwest from Kimball Park
Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee
Meeting #26 — January 29, 2020
View south from Kimball Park
Item #6 — Artful Living Kimball Park
Page 7
Artful Living
Artful Living is an art publish agency
that provides business development
services for local artists_ Their services
• Funding Acquisitions, Partnerships
• Artist Management
• Strategic Brand Marketing
• Art Publishing, Global Licensing
• Multi Channel Sales Distribution
• Innovation with Technology
Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee
Meeting #26 — January 29, 2020
' 'INTER 2020 TSSI I
Item #6 — Artful Living Kimball Park
Page 8