City of SouthIake Parks and
Recreation Board Meeting
January 30, 1986 - 7:00p.m.
Attending: James Arnold, Ann Barnes, Phillip Bressinck,
Freddy Cate, Betty Springer, Aloha Payne, Dan Tanner, Tom
Walker, City Councilmember Johnny Westerholme. and Public
Works Director Bill LeGrand.
Absent: William LaFavers
The City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board met
Thursday evening, January 30, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. in the
council chambers at SouthIake City Hall. James Arnold,
having been appointed Chairman by the outgoing commissioner
and approved by the council° called the meeting to order and
introduced all the members present. Additional officers
elected during the course of the meeting were Vice Chairman:
Tom Walker, and Secretary: Betty Springer.
Johnny Westerholme spoke to the board regarding the existing
park layout, facilities, and currently proposed
improvements. A new concession stand is currently budgeted
and will attempt to utilize existing appliances. The
purchase of a new microwave oven is anticipated. Bids are
being received for lighting an additional baseball field.
The current budget includes $6,000. to hire a full time
maintenance person from April 1st thru Sept. 30th, and an
additional $1,350. for "part time" labor. It was noted that
Parks and Recreation should also take into consideration the
landscaping needs around City Hall.
Johnny Westerholme suggested the Board should make the
evaluation of future park requirements a priority item in
the coming year. He gave copies of a College Station park
land ordinance to all Board members. James Arnold indicated
the present park facilities are already at least a year
behind the community's needs,
Phillip Bressinck asked if there was a master plan for the
existing park and indicated the advantages of having a full
plan in hand prior to further development. There is no plan
now in existence. Johnny Westerholme advised the Board how
the original road into the park had been relocated to
maximize landspace and minimize traffic/pedestrian problems.
Phillip also spoke about Keller's and Trophy Club"s recent
grants for park sites and improvements and discussed some
ideas to help in locating possible park sites.
Mr. Randy Stacy came and addressed the Board regarding the
�^ property Just north of the ball fields. "Posted" signs had
appeared along the fence row. Jim Truelove owns the
property and says it is okay for kids to retrieve balls from
his land, but due to the possible liability, he would rather
kids didn't play in that area. A possible solution to the
problem is to install a self closing gate in the fence and
� to padlock it when the ball fields are not in use.
Betty Springer asked whether there were plans to put a
locking gate and signs at the entrance to the park as
outlined in Ordinance 85-309. The money for these items is
not in the current budget.
Bill LeGrand indicated he would like to have the items
needing to be done prioritized so that his crews might get
to work on them. He agreed to meet with members of the
Board on Saturday (2/1/86) at the Park to discuss these
items. Bill reported some posts still need to be set before
guard cables can be strung to regulate the parking areas.
Dan Tanner asked if the existing parking facilities would be
adequate in the future, and James Arnold replied probably
not. James asked Bill to try to finish getting the
necessary water lines in and well marked prior to additional
electrical going in for lighting.
Other items of interest were:
a) a schedule of ball games needs to be prepared and
submitted to Sandy LeGrand as soon as possible so other
groups (e.g. churches) can make usage requests,
b) concession stand monies go to pay umpires, replenish
supplies, etc., usually with very little left over,
c} miscellaneous playground equipment needs to be
assembled and installed, but cushion sand is required first
in the playground area, and
d) what is the possibility of utilizing school facilities
for some community activities?
Johnny Westerholme reminded the Board that the budget -
process will begin in June and we should be prepared to
submit our input by that time.
Standing Committees as follows were appointed:
a) Future Park Sites - Phillip Bressinck & Dan Tanner
b} Citizens Survey - Ann Barnes & Aloha Payne
c> Maintenance - James Arnold & Freddy Cate (Johnny
Westerholme & Bill LeGrand)
Regular monthly meetings are scheduled to be the third (3rd)
Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall. The
meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
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