1986-02-22 Special MeetingCity of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Special Meeting February 22, 1986 9:00 a.m. Attending: James Arnold, Ann Barnes, Phillip Bressinck, Betty Springer, Aloha Payne, Dan Tanner, Tom Walker, Bill LaFavers, City Councilmember Johnny Westerholme, and Public Works Director Bill LeGrand. Absent: Freddy Cate A special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held Saturday morning, February 22, 1986, in the council chambers at City Hall. The main purpose of this meeting was to give the Board members an opportunity to review the architectural drawings for the proposed concession stand at the city park. After considerable review and making revisions, the plans were deemed ready to be sent back for final drawing. Dan Tanner moved and Tom Walker seconded that the plans after being redrawn as specified be put out for bids. The motion passed unanimously. Betty Springer questioned if there would be a drainage problem with the location of the concession stand particularly if the parking area were to be seal coated. The current playground area already sits in water when it rains and will probably need some drainage correction work. Bill LeGrand said he has had the site plannerr, Mike Monroe, looking at the park, and hopes to get some recommendations from him soon. Bill also asked that we preoare a letter to the Council asking for an extension of approximately $5,000. on the H-E-C Electrical Contract to cover realigning outfield light poles to conform to field regulations. A motion was made by Dan Tanner, seconded by Ann Barnes, and passed unanimously to this effect. (This figure was revised verbally to $6,200. by Bill LeGrand to Betty Springer via phone.) James Arnold said the official start of baseball season is scheduled for April 1st. The next meeting is set for Thursday evening, February 27th, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting was adjourned at aooroximately 10:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted: 4r:-_9 _VI-I Bett er retary>