2011-06-15City of Southlake Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting 06/15/11 SOUTHLAKE CRIME CONTROL & PREVENTION DISTRICT MEETING Wednesday, June 15, 2011 MINUTES LOCATION: Southlake DPS East Headquarters Facility 600 State Street, 41h Floor Southlake, Texas 76092 REGULAR SESSION: Board Members Present: Bob Mundlin, William McGuire, Frank Powers, Ken McMillan, Craig Sturtevant, Richard Sandow Staff Present: DPS Director — Jim Blagg, Interim Police Chief — Rusty Daniels, Fire Chief — Mike Starr, Board Secretary — Melissa Mensch, Finance Director — Sharen Jackson, Asst. Finance Director — Sean Leonard, Professional Standards Lt. - Cynthia Tripp and Patrol Lieutenant - Mike Dunn Contractors & Consultants: None Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order: Bob Mundlin called the June 15, 2011 CCPD meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A. Administer oath to reappointed board member Richard Sandow. Melissa Mensch administered the oath to Richard Sandow Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session: No executive session Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene: No action necessary Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum: Bob Mundlin opened the public forum; no one present. Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments: A. CCPD Sales Tax Update Sharen Jackson gave the update on the sales tax. Year to date sales tax collections are 9.62 % above sales tax collections for the same period the prior year. Compared to budget, sales tax collections are 13.96 % above budget. Sales tax collections are trending really well this fiscal year and staff will continue to monitor the sales tax. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. Agenda Item No. 6. Consent: A. Approve the minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Meeting held on April 12, 2011. The Board requested a change to Agenda Item No. 6 A In the second sentence, correct the word proper to prior. Bob Mundlin entertained a motion to approve. A motion was made to approve the April 12, 2011 meeting minutes as amended. Motion: William McGuire Second: Ken McMillan Ayes: McGuire, McMillan, Powers, Mundlin Nays: None Abstained: Sturtevant, Sandow Approved: 4-2 REGULAR AGENDA: Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion: A. FY2012 CCPD Budget Proposal The Boards packet included a Budget Proposal Memorandum, FY2012 Proposed Budget Report and the DPS Business Plan. Director Blagg briefed the Board on the items proposed in the . FY2012 CCPD budget. Items included in the proposed budget are: - Uniform items for SWAT team - Firearms for SWAT team - Taser weapons for SWAT team - Vehicle lift for vehicle bay at DPS HQ - Body mic/camera/recorders for CID - Funds for the City of Southlake's portion of Town Square security initiatives - Funds for recurring cost of updated mobile radios - 23 APX6500 Motorola mobile radios - Patrol Rifle for Warrant Officer - Gun Safe for Warrant Officer Vehicle Staff addressed questions from the Board in regards to the proposed budget, department business plan/police & fire response times, status on North DPS Facility and status on the initiative to negotiate a contract with a laboratory for laboratory services at DPS HQ. Agenda Item No. 8. Consider: No items to consider Agenda Item No .9. Adjournment: Bob Mundlin entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion: Richard Sandow Second: Craig Sturtevant Ayes: Sandow, Sturtevant, McGuire, McMillan, Powers, Mundlin Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m. Melissa Mensch, Board Secretary Bob Mundlin, President