2012-01-10 CCPDe% City of Southlake Crime Control & Prevention District Meeting 01/10/12 �Y�Ii�I Y:111:� ►i3[�:� iu I�K�]�Ft � �Z�7:ri'_� i����►Y Y [�7►i 7 f.�l Y:i[�I II MEETING Tuesday, January 10, 2012 MINUTES LOCATION: Southlake DPS East Headquarters Facility 600 State Street, 41h Floor Southlake, Texas 76092 REGULAR SESSION: Board Members Present: Bob Mundlin, William McGuire, Ken McMillan, Craig Sturtevant, Frank Powers, Robert Williams, Richard Sandow Staff Present: Director of Public Safety — Jim Blagg, Police Chief— Stephen Mylett, Deputy Fire Chief — Wade Carroll, Board Secretary — Melissa Mensch, Finance Director — Sharen Jackson Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order: President Bob Mundlin called the January 10, 2012 CCPD meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. A. Administer Oath of Office to re -appointed Board Members. Board Member not present for Administration of Oath. The Board moved on to Agenda Item No. 2 Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session: No executive session Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene: No action necessary Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum: No one from the Public Present Before moving on to the Consent Agenda, Director Jim Blagg introduced the new Chief of Police, Stephen Mylett. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. Agenda Item No. 5. Consent: A. Approve the minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting held on October 19, 2011. Board Member McMillan requested to change the second to last sentence on Agenda Item No. 7 to read as follows, "President Mundlin asked if there was any further business to discuss." President Mundlin asked if there is a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Motion: Craig Sturtevant Second: Ken McMillan Ayes: McGuire, McMillan, Mundlin, Sturtevant, Powers, Williams and Sandow Nays: None Approved: 7-0 REGULAR AGENDA: Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: A. Sales Tax Update Sharen Jackson gave an update on the sales tax. Ms. Jackson advised that for the month of October 2011, sales tax collections were right at 9% less than October of the prior year. Ms. Jackson reminded the Board of her conservative projections and there is no reason for concerns. Staff will continue to monitor sales tax collections. Ms. Jackson addressed a question from the Board. B. CCPD Fund Update Sharen Jackson gave the overall fund update. Ms. Jackson provided the Board with an updated Crime Control District Financial Forecast Document. Ms. Jackson advised the Board that the forecast is updated with the 2011 actuals and with the projections going forward through fiscal year 2017. Ms. Jackson covered the contents of the Financial Forecast Document and addressed questions from the Board. Jim Blagg spoke briefly about an upgrade to the DPS Radio Communication System that will affect primarily the Crime Control Operating Budget and the out years of the Crime Control District Fund. Mr. Blagg and Ms. Jackson addressed questions from the Board. C. North DPS Facility Update Jim Blagg gave the update on the North DPS Facility. The update included: • Construction and funding of the North Park/DPS North Facility drainage system • Construction and funding of the main public parking area for North Park, which includes North DPS parking • Rapid growth of the North part of the City and the need for a North Facility to improve response times, ISO ratings and maintain Fire Dept. accreditation status • Interim staffing plan for North DPS Facility • A possible time frame to begin construction of North DPS Facility President Bob Mundlin requested to see the North DPS Site Plans again at the next meeting. Mr. Blagg and Staff addressed questions from the Board. Brief discussion took place to move the February meeting to an earlier or later date in the month. President Mundlin asked that we return to Agenda Item No. 1 A Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order A. Administer Oath of Office to re -appointed Board Members Melissa Mensch administered the Oath of Office to Board Member Robert Williams Agenda Item No. 7. Consider: (No items to consider) Agenda Item No. 8. Adjourn: President Mundlin entertained a motion to adjourn. Motion: Richard Sandow Second: Ken McMillan Ayes: McMillan, Sandow, Williams, McGuire, Powers, Mundlin and Sturtevant Nays: None Approved: 7-0 The meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m. Melissa Mensch, Board Secretary