Item 4 - ZA08-119FP Department of Planning & Development Services S T A F F R E P O R T January 16, 2009 ZA08-119 CASE NO: Final Plat for Kimball Circle Estates PROJECT: REQUEST: On behalf of Kimball Circle Estates, LLC, JDJR Engineers & Consultants is requesting approval of a Final Plat for six (6) residential lots on 4.55 acres. The Final Plat is consistent with the Concept Plan and Preliminary Plat that were approved by City Council on October 21, 2008. ConsiderFinal Plat Approval ACTION NEEDED: ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated January 15, 2009 (D) for Commission and Council Members Only (E) Full Size Plans () STAFF CONTACT: Richard Schell (748-8602) Dennis Killough (748-8072) Case No. ZA 08-119 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Kimball Circle Estates, LLC APPLICANT: JDJR Engineers & Consultants, Inc. PROPERTY SITUATION: 703, 722 and 750 S. Kimball Avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tracts 6G, 6H, & 6K, J. A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529 LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential CURRENT ZONING: SF-20A Single Family Residential District HISTORY: -A zoning change and concept plan from “AG” Agricultural District and “I-1” Light Industrial District to “SF-20A” Single-Family Residential District was approved by City Council on October 21, 2008. -A preliminary plat was approved by City Council on October 21, 2008. STAFF COMMENTS: Plat Review Summary No. 1, dated January 15, 2009 is attached. Case No. Attachment A ZA 08-119 Page 1 Case No. Attachment B ZA 08-119 Page 1 Plans and support information Case No. Attachment C ZA 08-119 Page 1 Final Plat Case No. Attachment C ZA 08-119 Page 2 Review summary ZA08-119One1/15/09 Case No.: Review No.: Date of Review: : Lots 1&2, Block 1 and Lots 1-4, Block 2, Kimball Circle EstatesFinal Plat Project Name APPLICANT: JDJR Engineers & Consultants OWNER: Kimball Circle Estates, LLC Jim Dewey, Jr. Adel M. Elborai 2500 Texas Drive #100 722 S. Kimball Road Irving, TX 75062 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (972) 252-5357 Phone: (817) 488-4444 Fax: (972) 252-8958 Fax: (817) 488-0672 E-mail: jdjr@jdjr.com E-mail: adel@memoparts.com; aelborai@parknatl.com CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 12/30/08 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT RICHARD SCHELL AT (817) 748-8602 OR DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 748-8072. 1. In Note # 9 on the plat, please change “Lots 1-5, Block 2” to Lots 1-4, Block 2” since the open space lot has been dissolved into Lot 4. Public Works Comments Cheryl Taylor, P.E Civil Engineer (817) 748-8100 GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. Public Works is concerned that the geometry of the intersection may limit sight distance. The engineer will be required to demonstrate that sufficient sight distance is available when preparing construction plans. A sight distance easement should be shown in Lot 1, Block 2 on the plat with a note clarifying that no structures or plantings may be within the easement that may obstruct visibility. * Use the City of Southlake GPS monuments whenever possible. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER COMMENTS: * There is an existing 8-inch diameter water line within the developments to the north and to the south that will be connected with the construction of this development. * There is an existing 8-inch diameter sewer line located along a portion of the southwest property line which the developer may connect into to serve this development. DRAINAGE COMMENTS: * This property drains into a Critical Drainage Structure and requires a fee to be paid prior to beginning construction. * The drainage from this development is generally to the west. There is an existing storm sewer pipe located along the south property line to serve this development. * The discharge of post development runoff must have no adverse impact on downstream properties and meet the provisions of Ordinance # 605. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS: * A ROW permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Operations Department (817) 748-8082 Case No. Attachment D ZA 08-119 Page 1 to connect to the City’s sewer, water or storm sewer system. * A Developer’s Agreement will be required for this development and may need to be approved by the City Council prior to any construction of public infrastructure. Construction plans for these improvements must be acceptable to Public Works prior to placing the Developer’s Agreement on the City Council agenda for consideration. * Any hazardous waste being discharged must be pretreated Ordinance No. 836. * This review is preliminary. Additional requirements may be necessary with the review of construction plans. Tree Preservation Comments TREE CONSERVATION: Keith Martin Landscape Administrator (817) 748-8229 TREE CONSERVATION: * The proposed development complies with the Existing Tree Cover Preservation Requirements of the Tree Perseveration Ordinance. * Please be aware that all existing trees shown to be preserved on the City Council approved Tree Conservation Plan must be preserved and protected during all phases and construction of the development. Alteration or removal of any of the existing trees shown to be preserved on the approved Tree Conservation Plan is a violation of the Tree Preservation Ordinance and the zoning as approved by the Southlake City Council. Please ensure that the layout of all structures, easements, utilities, structures grading, and any other structure proposed to be constructed do not conflict with existing trees intended to be preserved. The following should be informational comments only ============= ==================== * The existing residence shown to remain does not appear to meet the minimum floor area criteria for the proposed/existing underlying zoning district. The structure may remain in so long as it is compliant with the provisions for a non-conforming structure as defined in the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended. * Where adjacent property is unplatted or platted showing a 5' U.E., provide a 5' U.E. along the property line; if adjacent property is platted and shows no easement, provide a 10' U.E. along the interior of the The easements are adequate as provided. The additional 5’ easement along the property line. northern property boundary is not required. * It appears that a portion of this property lies within the 65 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone, requiring construction standards in compliance with the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. Additionally, the Avigation Easement and Release shown in Appendix 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 should be executed on subsequent Plats to be filed in the County Plat Records. * We recommend this plat not be filed until the construction plans have been substantially approved. This will ensure adequate easements and finish floor elevations. Minimum finish floor elevations may be required on the following lots pending review of construction plans: Block , Lots * Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. Case No. Attachment D ZA 08-119 Page 2 blackline * Original signatures and seals will be required three mylars prior to filing the plat. Also required are two sets of owner's dedications and notaries (8.5" x 11" or 14" paper) with original signatures and seals on each. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals, appear on the plat. * Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment D ZA 08-119 Page 3