West Beach Addition, Bob Jones Park (Lot 6, Block 9), 1998 - Judgement of Court in Absence of Objectionsi' _ l ,1 a~ ,M '~ I j DEC- . ~i CITY vs. ~II~ ~ .~ L9y9' 12 ~ 1 ti LHW F 1 kM ~ ~ ~ ~ 817 332 4 roe r • e~~ ~`~ •' ~~ '~ NQ. 97-20597-15$ ~~~ '~I ~, ~ 'P 5~ ~~ mpg § CUNDEMNATION PRO § THE DYSTRICT CQURT NO. ' §~ § ~iy. ~~ § DENTON CCl'UN'1'Y~ ~~ T COLN ~ i '~, BE IT~: Comm '~ Iwhich ~ 'Linco '~ of this 'jud ~e ~ the oa this~;date came on to be heard and considered the decision of the Spec '01ers filed on the ~0 y of~~'+'~998, in the above-entitled and number cause, I~ . ~ a , ndennn~tion proceeding in which the City of Southlake, Texas is Plaintiff Crslbert ; ~, is a Defendant. . said decision has been filed, with the Clerk It a pears to the Court, and rt is so found, that , j o ~ and that no objections to said decision were filed within the time required by ~w• follows: 'It ' therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECRE~:D by t1~ Court as ~; ;~ j the derision of the Special Commissioners be, and the same is hereby, made the Y ,; 1 ,; t o this Court. J ~f; ~'1'b the Clerk of this Court record the decision of the Special Comznissioaers is the ~. ~~ ~~ ok 's Court. i• ;,. ~' ~ by vir~ue of said decision of the Special Commissioners, the City of Southlalce, exas ~~ . ' ~' ~ ~ the above-~naaied Defendacrts for ;i ed condemn and does hereby have 'ud ent against ... re s eafically~descn'bed in Volume carnusi~on of .138 acres located iA Denton County mo p ' e ~ 85 of tha Denton County Deed Records, also described as follows: 395, ag Y,o~s 6, Block 9, West Beach Addition, as addition to Demon County, according to a Plat;thereof reearded in Volume 395, Page 585, of the Map Records of j { !' ~ a, ~~ ', . ~~ ~, 5 ~ ^_. a i i ,; Ltl.-c r - y7y~ lc ~ lc LHW r 1 KI'7 bl f J.~G 4 r •+e.i r . r~.~~ ~~ ~~ i', i J• i on County, Texas, and being within the City Limits of the City of Southlake, ''x' ' ,: fee simple tine to the said heretofore- cscriyed land is hereby decxeed to and vested in l3i '` I tiff, City a ~~Southlake, Texas. I ;, ~ It : appears that the City of SouthIake hag deposited in this Court the amount of ~~ d ~ a ed by the Special Commissioners to the S~efeadaats and all costs of these j pros ~. ~ ' ,and ~~ is therefore ordered that a Writ ofPassession issue an behalf of the City of ~ ~~ 'Sou ~ , ' ~~ . ~ SI , RENDE1tED AND QRDERED this the ~ I day o , 199$. _... , ~~ i ':~ •, Presidsn$ Judge ,,w r :.~ '~ F ~ i ~~ y, i(: 1 f, .~ 1 ~ i ,f ,j II ~• {, r i. III ;, E ; ~ ' ,, i `1 - ~ ~ ~ ' I ,~ ' r. 1 I P ~ ~ ` I I I 1 '~ I f 1 t, i I; r ~ Lhw r r,ttrl I 1 6 N 1 + ~ ,~ ! ~ 1 ~ ~ I ~ 1 1 , ~.r... ~ . 4 .. -• •~; i I. ,, I I. j ii I ' 1 ~ ' 1 1 p 1 „ , li I ~ ;, i, ,~ i, i ~ A ,: ,, r 1'. 1 l I Ol ~ JJG "Y 1 "ICJ 1 ~ . lJ~t~ CJJ 1 .. i - _.. Filed #or Record zn: D~NT0~1 COtlHTY TX CYNTHIA MI'iCN~LL~ CQUHTY CLERK ~n Jan 1'S 1999 At f6:87am Dac/Num 99-88884418 Dar/Type MDO Recording: 7.88 Dac/Algmt 7 ~-- 88 Receipt #: 1778 Deputy _ SHELLEY