West Beach Addition, Bob Jones Park (Lot 44, Block 15), 1998 - Judgement of Court in Absence of ObjectionsUtt. ~i- J~7 lrJ~1G LriW t-iK~'I ~, ~ ' ~ I! i ~' i. ( j~ I I~ J i !. i i {! CITY VS. c~ , iBE IT' i i ~i is a and '` ~ 97-50914367 ~; : , Gu ~~ ~F QK!'TSY,AI~, 'TEXAS ~ ~;, :R' FORNYAN AND I..AV~i1,Y~- ~lV~ O PI~YLLIS ALLEN ~:. . V l l J..~:... 11~ 1 . tJ..'+ V ~ .,~I~i~ QO~~~~+~ ~Ql~?~I~YiN'ATION PROCEEDINGS II~T x~iE ~lISTRYCT CQURT N0.367 pENTON COUNTY, TEXAS ~ G ENT F UR IN BSE E ~' O CTY NS d `!I , ;~, on this date came on to be heard and considered the decision of the Special 1` -ers files on the 2$~ day of Apri1,199$, in the above-entitled and number cause, which ration proceeding in which the City of Southlake, Texas is Plaintiffand Hurbert Forman Forman C/o Phyllis Allen are Defendants. pears to the Court, and it is so found, that said decision bas been filed with the Clerk of nd that no objections to said decision were filed withizt the tune required by law. this C ' urt It i ~~ ~~ i of th is acq 587 therefore, QRDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED by the Court as failows: the decision of -the Special Commissioners be, and the same is hereby, made the F this Court. ~: i t the Clerk of this Court record the decision of the Special Commissioners in the min+~tes ~. t byvu#ue of said decision of the Special Commissioners, the City of Souihlake, Texas ~ condemn and does hereby have judgment against the above-named Defendants for the 'I of.138'acres located inDenton County more specifically described in Volume 395, Page ~~ Benton County Deed Records, also described as follows: 4Q, Blpck 15, West Beach Addition, an addition to Denton County, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume X95, Page 587, of the Map Records of Denton ulty, Texas, and being within the City Limits of the City of Sauthlake, Texas: Pate 1 ~~. i a ~; n ~+ r k M ~l ~, c utL-~'r- yyy l~ ~ 1~ LI"IVJ r 1 fV'I ul 1 ..J...1C -r ~ -+c., . env ~~ ! ~ ~i 1 ~~ ~ w'f ~ i i i ~ ~ r~ 1s V i. i ~' V ~ , t t fee simple tide to the said heretofore-descn'bed land is hereby decrecd to and vested in ;Plaia ' , ~i of Southlake, Texas. t er ap~aars that the City of Southiake has deposited in this Court the amount of Idamag ` ~ a aided liy the Special Comrnissioners to the Defendants and all 'costs of these f '' j Croce I gs amd it is therefore ordered that a Writ of Possession issue on behalf of the City of i Southl ~ e. ~ , ,, ~. IG , RERED AND C?12DEI~tED ibis the y of , i 998. I ~ ;~ i ~ ~~ i; i ,~ , a °~ ,~ presiding edge 1 ~i ' r i 1 I i I ~ i ~ i ~ ~~ M A 1 ~i ~' w ~ ./ C ~~ J~~ LLI.-cl- 7yy 1~ ~ 1~ LHW 1' 1 KI~`I ~ of r ~JJL -. ~ -.c, r . ~ ~i r~~ ~ ' f ~I Z I a `~ ` ' ~ ~ ~ ~I i 1 I ! q ~ j l !~ ~ ',, ~ ~ I 1~ I t ~ i l :9 a ~ ' ; ~ ~ I II ii i I f 1 i c i ~' _ ...~.. - ~ ~` ~~ , ~~ , ~ ~ ..._.. +r.~. I 1 P t , t, t „i ~ ~~ ~ s 1 i ` i, .~ ,. i ~~ ;. Ii I, 1 ~ ~I ~ ~ ,, AwY PAPVrsICN H[RmN WNICYt fIf16TRILTO TW lALF. Rl~tl'EL OAl1RE oa tNE o~cwEa Fepf. raore,~ir eec~uas or raop ors AAtY ~ wvure~tauwt:;a~o xruNO~fEOraKUw. YNE STA7E CA TCNID~ GOUMY C- DRNTO'i ~ fM~+bY awyb !01 tly hrinnrit ra A: o„!1N fit. Nne.r.~wna. m ttw a.r ~ wr(~ •emtws tw~an qr nK Ana wao 61y RlCORCRD. to tlw 9etAi1 RIIIr' RU101d1 r Any PtoeM~ at 7~+~ CA+id. 7st~ m ~~"~ -- - ~~ ~~ Filed for Re~a'rd in: DENTOH COUNTY TX CYNTHIA PtYTCH~LL, COUNTY CLEf~K On San iv 199 At 10:07am Dac/Nuaa 99~-f(BBB442B Doc/Type LIDO Recordsng: 7. BB Daa/Mgot 6«~0 Receippt #: 1778 1Deputy - SH~LLEY