West Beach Addition, Bob Jones Park (Lot 6, Block 15), 1998 - Judgement of Court in Absence of ObjectionsJUL-17-.^'t:Jk:Jl'J 1J•J? ~t1~r' :+~~ 4"r'41 F'. k]b;'1b ,. ~ 2 8 1998 CITY OF SOUTSLAt~E, TEXAS ~ CONDEMNATION PR~~~~ ~ VS. § IN COUNTY CO oeounr § COMER BROWN § DENTON COUNTY,- TEXAS MEN'T F O T BS N OF O ON 4 AT~.aaoac~M N0.97-36'738-367 JV $E YT REMEMBERED: That on this date carne on to be heard and considered the decision of the Special Commissioners filed on the 3id day of June, 1998, in the above-entitled and number cause, which is a condemnation pre~eeding in which the City of Southlake, Texas is Plaintiff and Comer Brawn is the Defendant. It appears to the Cwrt, anti it is so found, tbat said decision has been Sled with the Clerk of this Court and that ao objections to said decision were filed within the time required by law. It is, therefore, ORDERID, ADNDGF.D anti DECREED by the Court as follows: That the decision of the Special Commissioners be, and the. same is hereby, made the judgment of this Court. That the Clerk of this Court record the decision of the Special Commissioners in the minutes of this Court_ That by virtue of said decision of the Special Commissioners, the City of Southlake, Texas is entitled to condemn and does hereby have judgment against the above-nazned Defehdants for the acquisition of . I38 acres located in Denton County more speafically described in Volume 395, Page 587 of the Denton County Deed Records, also desenbed as follows: Lots 6, Block I5, West Beach Addition, an addition to Demon County, according tt> the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 395, Page 587, of the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, anti being within the City Limits of the City of Southlake, Texas. tL'iL~R~tRYVa+FN~~£ST8EAG1BAOwN14LEADIN ,Nodpaen~apd ~~ Vi 1 JJG '-•1'-ri r1J~ 10 Records of Deacon County, Texas, and being within the City Limits of the City of Southlake, Texas. That fee simple title tv the said heretofore-descn'bed land is hereby decreed to and vested is Plaintiff City of Southlake, Texas. It further appears that the City of Southiake has deposited in this Court the amount of damages awarded by the Special Cottssnissioaers tv the Defendants and all costs of these proceedings, and it is therefore ordered that a Writ of Possessiaa issue on behalf of the City of Southlake. SIGNED, RENDERID AND ORDERED this th~~ day o 1998. presiding Judge J VL-17-GrJ/JyJ 1.J • '~l Ol f J.:Jd 4 ! Hl r . 10~ 10 1 .. ....._... .. • Mr. vaovlttro++ nepe+N vuwew t4E/f~ *Me f~4II. ar-na~ N u~ 9t COl OR 014 pprJ ~ r~tdiM1 ~ O° T41[ t:t:!!0 flMt. MO UpN „ .. . ~ •• - •.• . ~ ~ •.- .. ~ '~•'~•" " ~ p . , tlf IDNNLt~ Mip w4t,A0 Tl sTArt; O~TOt14~ - ~ • . t:OUMY OR IfpRON 11 b M +~ .p n Pw f t1re1 alHii RiM /N nyy~t wR fn{Ca a +n~ A+y M Orl IfN /RM1M ~lIIpO Mlpl b n ..-. ...-..:... •-•-,••.: .,. ~ ORe~t~loNAaeMdp~ff#M4dti~Gw~b-TOO .-....., ti r i .~~i1~~ti.. ~a ..~... JAN 1 5 199 _ .~ _ :.. ... r ~ •.!~ .• . D~-TOH couNTrCQTx 1°: CYNTHIA ltITCH~LL, COUNTY CLERK pn Jan 15 1939 At 18:87ar: Doc/Num 99-R89B4419 Doc/Type ~ MDO Recording: 7.68 Dar/Mg1at : 6.00 RecQi t 6: 1778 Depu~r - SHE~LEY TOTAL P. 16