West Beach Addition, Bob Jones Park (Lot 19, Block 10), 1998 - Judgement of Court in Absence of Objectionsr ,~u~ a ~ lass N0.97-1Q915-16 CITY OF SOUT'HLAKE, TEXt1S § VS. § RUBY RESTER, GOLDIE BUTLER, § CABBIE BOUNTY, PHYLLTS RESTER, § CI,EO KINCHELOW, HORACE WISE § AIYD JA,~S BROWDER § DISTRICT Ct:£RIC coNDEmNATIaN p~pr, T o~mr IN THE DISTRICT COURT N0.16 DENTON COUNTY,'I'EXAS ~t3DG1ti1E~i'T OF COURT IN s NCE O Os.YE 'TL?NS BE IT REMEMBERED: i~;~at on this date came on to be heard and considered the dcCl5iOt1 of the Special Commissioners filed on the 29~` day of May, 1998, in the above-entitled and number eanse, v~rhich is a condemnation proceeding in which the City of Southlake, Texas is Plaintiff and Ruby Hester' Goldie Butler, Came Bounty, Phyllis Hester, Cleo Kinchelow, Horace wise and James Browder aze Defendants. It appears to the Court, and it is so found, that said decision has been filed ~~ the Clerk of this Court and that no objections to said dccision ware filed within the time required by taw. It is, therefore, ORDERED, ~-DTUDGED and'DECR,EED by the Caurt as follows: That the decision of the Special Commissioners bc, and the same is hereby, taadc the jud~ent of this Court. That the Clerk of this Court record the decision of the Special Commissioners in the minutes of this Court. That by virtue of said decision of the Special Commissioners, the City of Southlake, Texas is entitled to condemn and does hereby have judgment against the above-Warned Defendants for the acquisition of .138 acres located in Denton County more specifically described in Volume 395, Page 587 of the Denton County Decd Records, also described as follows: u.~, caQ.aut~SauAl~loelVVEST'BEaC,F~STER~pladle+6s~T~~'rpd ~,~ t J UL-17-~.~JtJtJ 1J • J7 Lots 19, Block 10, West Beach Additi~. sa addition to Denton Cou ~t~. a to the Piet thereof recorded in Voh~me 395, Page 587, of the Asap County, T~• ~ bem$ ~~ the City Limits of the City of Southl~e. 'f~• fee simple title to the said heretofore-descc~'bed land is hereby de~~ so aad vested in That ~ city of southlalce, T~- ~~ appears that the City of South-ake has deposited is this Court the amount of It awarded by the Speaal Commissioners to theDefendants ~ all costs of these p~ damages it ~ ~erefore ordered that a Writ of Possession issue on behalf of the C" of Southl~• aad the 7 day of • 1~' SYGIIED. R~'I~1DER•ID AND ORDERED this presiding Iudge ~~ i~: •ya ~1#~i ~ - - P~.Z g{~]g(~~AY1Sw~~~ ~ .,~~ ~: cvc,c, ~.,•.~~ t51-r J.:a~ ~ir41 1•'.I.,J~fi1b DENTQM C~tTYccT% in CYNTHIA lM1ITCH~LL, COUNTY CLERK On Dec 28 1993 At ll;ilam Doc/Hum 99-R0128~DQ Doc/Type 7,80 Recordlnq: 6.86 DQC/Mgmt 58338 Receipt ~: Deputy - FkANCHESKA