Item 8 - 1963 W. Southlake Blvd M E M O R A N D U M April 5, 2019 To: Southlake 2035 Corridor Planning Committee From: Kenneth Baker, Sr. Director of Planning and Development Services Subject: Item #8 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. Purpose Review, discuss and make recommendations on proposed retail/office development on approximately 14 acres located at 1963 West Southlake Boulevard, currently known as Green Oaks Tree Farm and generally located on the south side of W. Southlake Blvd. between S. Peytonville Ave. and Players Circle. Property Location The property is located to the west of S. Peytonville Ave., south of W. Southlake Blvd., and east of Players Cir. The Myers Meadow residential subdivision is immediately to the north across from W. Southlake Blvd. Immediately to the south of the subject property is the Stonebury residential subdivision, which has connectivity to the Southlake Woods residential subdivision. This property is the location of the existing Green Oaks Tree Farm. The property includes one (1) unplatted tract and is addressed as 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. See the aerial exhibits on pages 5 and 6. The approximate size of the tract is approximately 14.2 acres. Comprehensive Plan Analysis This property is in the FM 1709 Corridor planning area. The property has a Retail Commercial Land Use Designation on the front portion of the tract, nearest to W. Southlake Blvd. The southern portion of the property is designated as Medium Density Residential, which was carried over from the Southlake 2030 Consolidated Future Land Use Plan. Note: To the east, 190 S. Peytonville Ave. was previously designated as Retail Commercial, and 200 - 280 S. Peytonville was previously designated as Medium Density Residential in the Southlake 2030 Consolidated Future Land Use Plan. These properties 190 – 280 S. Peytonville Ave. were given the Office Commercial Land Use designation as part of the Southlake 2035 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Future Land Use Map Page 2 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. Retail Commercial Land Use Category – Approximately 6.8 acres of site The purpose of the Retail Commercial land use category as defined by the Consolidated Future Land Use Plan is as follows: A lower- to medium-intensity commercial category providing for neighborhood-type retail shopping facilities and general commercial support activities. It is intended to provide limited local retail and/or office uses which serve neighborhoods in close proximity. It is intended that all uses in this category will be compatible with adjacent single family uses, thereby maintaining the character and integrity of existing neighborhoods. This category is intended to encourage comprehensively planned developments. In areas where the Retail Commercial designation is adjacent to residentially zoned properties or areas with a residential designation on the Land Use Plan, lower intensity activities such as office or office-related uses should be planned adjacent to the residential uses. Other suitable activities are those permitted in the Public Parks/Open Space, Public/Semi-Public, and Office Commercial categories previously discussed. Medium Density Residential Land Use Category – Approx. 7.4 acres of site The purpose of the Medium Density Residential land use category as defined by the Consolidated Future Land Use Plan is to promote a neighborhood setting primarily comprised of single family detached houses. The Future Land Use Plan also provides scale and context criteria for this land use designation. These are shown below for reference. Residential Uses:  Single family detached dwellings. Open Space:  Open spaces should be designed to add value to the development and may include parks, playgrounds, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, gardens, and conservation areas.  Provide natural walking paths along stream and creek corridors.  Preserve existing wooded areas and stream corridors when feasible.  Emphasize environmental elements as “features” rather than constraints. Civic Uses:  Small scale government offices and facilities, schools, churches and related facilities Zoning The current zoning on the property is “C-2” Local Retail Commercial District. This district is a low to medium intensity commercial category providing a uniform set of standards for neighborhood type retail shopping facilities and general commercial activities. It is intended that this zoning district be served by appropriate thoroughfares and be of such size that all parking and traffic maneuvering can take place on the commercial site. It is intended to provide limited local retail and service commercial uses which serve one or more neighborhoods Current Zoning Map Page 3 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. Site Drive Median lying within a one and one-half to two mile radius of the site. Note: The Current tree farm use is a legal nonconforming use, incompatible with the C-2 zoning district. Environmental Legend for environmental map above:  blue lines – 2-foot contours (elevations labeled in yellow)  light green shaded areas represent existing tree cover Master Thoroughfare Plan / Transportation Per the exhibits provided by the applicant, there is one (1) proposed driveway along W. Southlake Blvd. See graphic below. Per the Master Thoroughfare Plan, W. Southlake Blvd. (FM 1709) is classified as an A6D – 130 - 140’ Arterial roadway. The site also proposes four (4) internal driveway connections to existing developments on the east and west, as shown on the next page. Proposed Detention Pond Page 4 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. The narrative provided by the applicant indicates that there will be one access point planned to the east, and two accessed points are planned for the west, where there are existing access stub-outs. Master Pathways Plan 8’ sidewalks have been constructed at this site in accordance with the adopted Pathways Master Plan. Site Drive Access (Walgreens) Drive Access (Players Cir. Development) Page 5 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. Applicable Comprehensive Plan Recommendations: Southlake 2035 FM 1709 – FM 1938 Corridor Plan LU7 (Players Circle and Peytonville Properties) Recommendations  Extend the Office Commercial land use category to the north along Peytonville Avenue to include the Varsity Orthopedics office building property.  Future retail or possibly office uses on F.M. 1709 (Tree Farm) should be consistent with the City’s identified target industries.  As the undeveloped office properties along Peytonville are developed ensure cross access (north –south) between properties is provided. Limit the number of drives onto Peytonville Ave. to a maximum of 2 by sharing driveway access.  Provide internal cross access from Players Circle to Peytonville Ave. as the properties are developed.  Encourage residential development consistent with the medium density land use category on the back (southern) portion of the tree farm. Office development may also be considered as an appropriate use. The scale of the office development is intended to be consistent with the surrounding area and uses.  Development of the southern portion of this area should be approved in a manner that is sensitive to adjacent residential properties in the Southlake Woods neighborhood, particularly related to noise, traffic, building heights, lighting and views. Southlake 2035 Economic Development Master Plan At the end of this report is a copy of Southlake’s target industries from the Economic Development Master Plan. Aerial – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. Page 6 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. Close-Up Aerial – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. Google Street View Images of Site View looking southwest along FM 1709 toward the subject property. Page 7 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. View looking southeast along FM 1709 toward the subject property. View looking southeast along FM 1709 toward the subject property. Page 8 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. View looking slightly southwest along FM 1709 toward the subject property. Driveway access to existing Walgreens shown. View looking southeast along FM 1709 toward the subject property. Page 9 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd. View from the Walgreens parking lot looking southwest toward the subject property. View from the Walgreens parking lot looking northwest toward the subject property. Page 10 Item #8 – 1963 W. Southlake Blvd.