Item 4N City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork M E M O R A N D U M August 13, 2019 To: Shana K. Yelverton, City Manager From: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services Subject: Approve a revised contract with Geo Surfaces, Inc. for the purchase and installation of synthetic turf on Field #9 at Bicentennial Park through a TIPS Cooperative Purchasing Contract for an amount not to exceed of $183,745 Action Requested: Consider approval of a revised contract with Geo Surfaces, Inc., for the purchase and installation of synthetic turf on Field #9 in Bicentennial Park for an amount not to exceed $183,745 Background Information: In October 2018, a SPDC matching funds project with Dragon Youth Baseball (DYB) was approved in the amount $75,000 (half of total project cost) for installation of synthetic turf on the Field 9 infield at Bicentennial Park. The total cost for the proposed project was estimated to be $150,000. The estimate from the contractor was based on the current infield size that accommodates base settings of 65’, 70’ and 80’ distances. These base setting distances are what the Parks Division understood was being requested from their discussions with DYB. However, the SPDC Matching Funds application form that was submitted by DYB requested 90’ base settings, requiring a larger infield size. I did not share the application form with the Parks Division, and did not catch that the application form differed from the estimate from the contractor. The additional $33,745 is the cost to expand the scope to accommodate 90’ base settings. ITEM 4N City Council Meeting Date – August 20, 2019 Page 2 of 3 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork DYB approved the additional matching funds for their half totaling $16,872.50 at their Board meeting on July 28, 2019. The revised project cost, including contingency, to expand the scope of the project to include 90’ base distances is $183,745. Geo Surfaces, Inc. is a TIPS contractor and meets the City and State bidding requirements by utilizing the TIPS cooperative purchasing group contract. A copy of the proposal is included with this memo. Financial Consideration: Funding for the project is available in the FY 2019 SPDC Matching Funds budget. The total anticipated project cost is estimated to be $183,745 to be split 50/50 ($91,872.50 each) between DYB and SPDC. If the additional SPDC Matching Funds are approved, an unencumbered balance of approximately $308,323 will remain in the matching funds budget. Strategic Link: Approval of the purchase and installation of synthetic turf for Field #9 is linked to the City’s Strategy Map related to the focus area of Infrastructure and Quality Development and meets the corporate objectives to provide attractive and unique spaces for enjoyment of personal interests and invest to provide and maintain high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: SPDC recommended approval 6-0 on August 6, 2019 City Council to consider August 20, 2019 Legal Review: N/A Alternatives: Alternatives may include:  Approve as presented  Approve with modifications  Deny approval ITEM 4N City Council Meeting Date – August 20, 2019 Page 3 of 3 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Supporting Documents: A copy of the revised proposal is included with this memo Staff Recommendation: Approval of a revised contract with Geo Surfaces, Inc. for the purchase and installation of synthetic turf on Field #9 at Bicentennial Park through a TIPS Cooperative Purchasing Contract for an amount not to exceed of $183,745 ITEM 4N ITEM 4N ITEM 4N ITEM 4N ITEM 4N ITEM 4N