Item 4L Item 4L Page 1 of 2 M E M O R A N D U M (August 20, 2019) To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Rob Cohen, Director of Public Works Subject: Approve the dedication of a franchise utility easement to Atmos Energy within the Federal Way right of way within Southlake Town Square. Action Requested: Approve the dedication of a franchise utility easement to Atmos Energy within the Federal Way right of way within Southlake Town Square. Background Information: The purpose of this item is to seek City Council approval of dedication of a franchise utility easement to Atmos Energy allowing them to serve the Parkview Residences development. Atmos Energy proposes a new tap on the existing gas main, installation of a new lateral line and placement of gas meters adjacent to the multi-story residential building within the Federal Way right of way. Franchise providers are permitted to place facilities within the right of way via franchise agreements however Atmos wishes to memorialize the placement of these specific facilities with a formal easement capturing the proposed facilities. The proposed easement is approximately 312 square feet, located within the Federal Way right of way, adjacent to Central Avenue. City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a similar agreement with Oncor in December 2018 for electric service to Parkview Residences. Financial Considerations: None. Strategic Link: This item links to the City’s Strategy Map strategic focus area of Quality Development. It specifically relates to the City’s Corporate Objective, C4: Attract & Keep Top-Tier Businesses to Drive a Dynamic & Sustainable Economic Environment. The Critical Business Outcome is, CB03: Engage in Thoughtful Planning to Ensure Continued High Quality Development that is Integrated Well into the Current Built Environment. Item 4L Page 2 of 2 Citizen Input/ Board Review: None. Legal Review: The City Attorney has reviewed the agreement. Alternatives: The City Council may approve or deny the agreement. Staff Recommendation: Approve the dedication of a franchise utility easement to Atmos Energy within the Federal Way right of way within Southlake Town Square. Supporting Documents: Attachment A: Easement and Right of Way Documents Attachment B: Location Map Staff Contact: Rob Cohen, Director of Public Works Kyle D. Hogue, P.E., Deputy Director/City Engineer Lo c a t i o n M a p