R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 992, 1995 - Warranty Deedf `\ . .. .. .... ...._._~-. ..- ._ ~ P Ay'e.'. ~• --_ -.g.. r i:FIfRF'9~i-'x11.37 ^a LTC / RMW r, ,i ]2s3 proparod by tht St~ta~ 9A; of Ted ~Sssid , ~ x9RS ~r~eha seat ~. , ~r~. . j~. . .: ,, YfOf",. p, ~EOY Litt iry rj Lry~ Date: June 9, ' 1995! ~'. f~ " ~ ~ ~ . ~` r ', ` ~ -~ .; Grantor: Jeremy Dwayne Downirig;arrd.:Jons! an ra! Dowt~irp, X01! heirs .and Devisees 'of• the Estate of bti3liam' Bennet. Dorruinq, DiC~a~d~ . ~: Grantor's nailing,At9dress: 1,005 Tiffany; ']1sla, b.aEon County, yy~,s. ~fioao Grantee: City ~f Southlake' . Gzaritee's Mailinq.lyddxes8r ,667 N. Carroll Avlqui,.soutblwlos. 7'~rrant ^ount. ~, Texas , 7fi092. ~ . Consideration: TEIJ. AND NO/ 100 ($10.00 } DQI,I,AR$ and tither . valuabl! COrisi derltioa the receipt of which is hereby ,acknowledged. " Property (,including any improvetneAts}: All that certain lot, tract or parcel.df land located wnd sitwtsd in the.County.of Benton and the State of Texas, apart o~ th! A.b: lric! Survey AbstracC No. q9~, about' four. miles eaat of Roanoke, in Dsinton County, Texas and being more partiirulariy dlscribed'6y ollRtta and bound attached hareto'end made a pert hereof. Reservations Barn and Exceptioris.to Conveyance acrd Warzanty: ,-ny an$ alI r.strictions and •~rs~nt^ o! racaid. Grantor, for tho consideration and subject to the r~sslrvations t~os-~, exceptions to cOgVeyance a~td warranty; grnpt~s, sells, and conveys to Grantee the property, together with all axM! singular• the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to hevst a~ hold iC tv Grantee, Grantee's heirs, execuCOrs, 'administratoru, successors, or assigns fnr.PVPr.' Grantor harQby binds Grantor and Grantors bairn, executorb, administrators, and successors to xarrant and torevax d*fand all and singular.the property to Grantee and Grantee's hair!, exlCUtors, administrators, successors, and assigns, against every person wtromsoevar lawfully r_laa~mirtg vz to claim the same or any part therRoE, except as, to the reservations from and excepGiorls to warranty. When the context requires, singular nounL and pronouns include the plura],. e yne, Downs Jonathan Lee [')owning by: Sheila Downing wa drop, Guerflian~~ .,~ -~ ~ ii/~ #~9Z66 L92 Lib ~-~TI I ns ~ ~~"i o~~~s wazz : s L6-~ -6 ~tQ ~ -~~ M ,, „ .,,, r. , • .. ... .. ~~` ": c} :... ,. ~. .. _ -. . ... .. ...~....._....-.... _....F. -..-.~.. _.. . ' ,'.S 1 (Atknwledg^ppE} ' ' '`r' COUNTY QF 'Tarrant. ~ '~` _ 7'liiu inslrumenr. wd~ acknow].edged:;before me otY,:the:'~. ~`C^ • ~~~`t~-~;:x~._._ 1995, by :JexemY Qway~~e. Downiny~. i~fa.i. ~op., ~ C;u~rdiun for• Joaathen Lee ri6rrriang:. ' ~ ~ <<r 1. ~ '..~ . 9"• . ' NOfAr1}• a~~a:.,G: Notexy' P-~lalir~,<i'~ta, ~.~,p, ~~' STATE 0!~ Tfi~AB Not4~r,•..a ~ n~ ' ,. , ..,. ~.,..,. Natary~s C~ ~ d~!- • ~',h'. •. G.' • :~ •: ~ ,~ ;~, r ~+' ~•~ . •~:..• .fir. After Rtcurr3irig Return,to• Prepared ~.~ the I,srY Oftc!'oif:, Cit caf svl~ehlake ~~' Y Jeffry R. Uavis :^' ~: ...`.>,,:r<• M 667 N. CSYrrol'1 Avenue 777 Main 'Street, C~-10 .. _ ~,~-~ , So~.~thlake, Texas 76Q92 ~orC Morth, ~'f~xAa 76IO2 ~ . '~ ,. • ": ' ~. ~.. 'y i' . ' ,~: ~ - ~:, .. i . ~~ ~::~~ ~-dTl l AS 1 Mil O~d3VS ~ Wd£Z ~ £ G6-~ -6 : A9 .Lf~S ii/~ #~9~66 G9Z LI8 ;: •• ~~ ~ ' • Ex}tihxT ..~, ;'if 1-ll.tha.t certain lot, tmct or parcel of Land loctaed wnd situdtea in this COuisky~of .Denton and .the' Stat• o! Texas. t1 ysrt of the 1F. D. Ttiea ~Y11ay, ' ]CbetracC No. 993, about Eovr miles east o! Roanoke, fa Alston Cwnty, Texas, and*b~ing more,partxcularly.described as Eoliaws: B~GriVIYING at the southwest corned 'of a certain Cr'acC o! 50 acres .ot! lewd cwt of. the R: p.. Pricesurvey;',aa ahwn• by deed of Trust lrosi Ursa .3ows an~1 wits Ella Jones•to ceo. C•.•sishop Trustee, for. N. C., Boyd, said dead 4! truaC bain~ of record in Vol. 133 page •128 d~ the dead of trust raoerda of Denton Cvrnt~-, Taxes: THENCE'ea9C on the •south~bbundary'line of sa3d•SO acre tract avow aisntionad~a distance o~ 77 varas, more o; less, to .the cancer off' the llaln4t Grow card . ' which Hoer ext ends south .. to the Northwa'at lIightipy; THENC£.in d, northeasterly direction with the meauaers of center of said road to the rsor.t6 boundary line o! said.S'O ecxe t~cact above wsntioned;, 'THENCE west an the ttoXth boundary line of said 5D .acre tract a diatanra o! 1~S vcres, more or less, to the ni~rthwest corner of said'SO acre tract; THENCE south with the west boundary 1ine~of the said SO acre trect.2t3.~ varaa to the.plaee'of beginning containing 4' acres of land.swre or legs, said property being described icy deed recorded at volt+rne 383. paq~ SS7, Deed Records, Benton County, Texaa. NOTE: The Company does not represent that the above acraaye or square Footage calculations ale correct. ii/9 #~9~66 L9~ ~. N