R.D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 992, 1995 - Warranty Deedf
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Date: June 9, ' 1995! ~'. f~ " ~ ~ ~ .
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Grantor: Jeremy Dwayne Downirig;arrd.:Jons! an ra! Dowt~irp, X01! heirs .and
Devisees 'of• the Estate of bti3liam' Bennet. Dorruinq, DiC~a~d~
. ~:
Grantor's nailing,At9dress: 1,005 Tiffany; ']1sla, b.aEon County, yy~,s.
Grantee: City ~f Southlake' .
Gzaritee's Mailinq.lyddxes8r ,667 N. Carroll Avlqui,.soutblwlos. 7'~rrant
^ount. ~, Texas , 7fi092. ~ .
TEIJ. AND NO/ 100 ($10.00 } DQI,I,AR$ and tither . valuabl! COrisi derltioa the
receipt of which is hereby ,acknowledged. "
Property (,including any improvetneAts}:
All that certain lot, tract or parcel.df land located wnd sitwtsd in
the.County.of Benton and the State of Texas, apart o~ th! A.b: lric!
Survey AbstracC No. q9~, about' four. miles eaat of Roanoke, in Dsinton
County, Texas and being more partiirulariy dlscribed'6y ollRtta and bound
attached hareto'end made a pert hereof.
Reservations Barn and Exceptioris.to Conveyance acrd Warzanty:
,-ny an$ alI r.strictions and •~rs~nt^ o! racaid.
Grantor, for tho consideration and subject to the r~sslrvations t~os-~,
exceptions to cOgVeyance a~td warranty; grnpt~s, sells, and conveys to
Grantee the property, together with all axM! singular• the rights and
appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to hevst a~ hold iC tv
Grantee, Grantee's heirs, execuCOrs, 'administratoru, successors, or
assigns fnr.PVPr.' Grantor harQby binds Grantor and Grantors bairn,
executorb, administrators, and successors to xarrant and torevax d*fand
all and singular.the property to Grantee and Grantee's hair!, exlCUtors,
administrators, successors, and assigns, against every person wtromsoevar
lawfully r_laa~mirtg vz to claim the same or any part therRoE, except as, to
the reservations from and excepGiorls to warranty.
When the context requires, singular nounL and pronouns include the
e yne, Downs
Jonathan Lee [')owning
by: Sheila Downing wa drop, Guerflian~~ .,~
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COUNTY QF 'Tarrant. ~ '~`
_ 7'liiu inslrumenr. wd~ acknow].edged:;before me otY,:the:'~. ~`C^ •
~~~`t~-~;:x~._._ 1995, by :JexemY Qway~~e. Downiny~.
i~fa.i. ~op., ~ C;u~rdiun for• Joaathen Lee ri6rrriang:.
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After Rtcurr3irig Return,to• Prepared ~.~ the I,srY Oftc!'oif:,
Cit caf svl~ehlake ~~'
Y Jeffry R. Uavis :^' ~: ...`.>,,:r<• M
667 N. CSYrrol'1 Avenue 777 Main 'Street, C~-10 .. _ ~,~-~ ,
So~.~thlake, Texas 76Q92 ~orC Morth, ~'f~xAa 76IO2 ~ . '~
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ii/~ #~9~66 G9Z LI8
~~ ~ ' • Ex}tihxT ..~,
1-ll.tha.t certain lot, tmct or parcel of Land loctaed wnd situdtea in this
COuisky~of .Denton and .the' Stat• o! Texas. t1 ysrt of the 1F. D. Ttiea ~Y11ay, '
]CbetracC No. 993, about Eovr miles east o! Roanoke, fa Alston Cwnty, Texas,
and*b~ing more,partxcularly.described as Eoliaws:
B~GriVIYING at the southwest corned 'of a certain Cr'acC o! 50 acres .ot! lewd cwt
of. the R: p.. Pricesurvey;',aa ahwn• by deed of Trust lrosi Ursa .3ows an~1 wits
Ella Jones•to ceo. C•.•sishop Trustee, for. N. C., Boyd, said dead 4! truaC bain~
of record in Vol. 133 page •128 d~ the dead of trust raoerda of Denton Cvrnt~-,
THENCE'ea9C on the •south~bbundary'line of sa3d•SO acre tract avow aisntionad~a
distance o~ 77 varas, more o; less, to .the cancer off' the llaln4t Grow card . '
which Hoer ext ends south .. to the Northwa'at lIightipy;
THENC£.in d, northeasterly direction with the meauaers of center of said road
to the rsor.t6 boundary line o! said.S'O ecxe t~cact above wsntioned;,
'THENCE west an the ttoXth boundary line of said 5D .acre tract a diatanra o! 1~S
vcres, more or less, to the ni~rthwest corner of said'SO acre tract;
THENCE south with the west boundary 1ine~of the said SO acre trect.2t3.~ varaa
to the.plaee'of beginning containing 4' acres of land.swre or legs, said
property being described icy deed recorded at volt+rne 383. paq~ SS7, Deed
Records, Benton County, Texaa.
NOTE: The Company does not represent that the above acraaye or square Footage
calculations ale correct.
ii/9 #~9~66 L9~