Item 6F - Narrative
May 1, 2019
Mr. Lorrie Fletcher
Department of Planning & Development Services
City of Southlake
1400 Main Street, Suite 310
Southlake, TX 76092
Re: Zoning / Site Plan Revision – Castle 114 ASC
Dear Ms. Fletcher:
Please let this letter serve as the request to add the Ambula tory Surgery Center
Use to the property located at 1110 E State HWY 114. This property is also
known as Lot 18R, Oaks Addition. The existing building and facility will
remain with minimal changes. The north and east side of the property will be
remodeled to accommodate the ambulance loading zone and back up generator
locations. This will include the removal of the existing bank drive thru on the
north and east sides of the site. Additional parking will be added in this area.
The existing landscaping and hardscape will remain with minor modifications
for the revised parking.
Thank you and please call if you have any comments or need additional information.
Clay Cristy, PE