19-018RESOLUTION NO. 19-018 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, LOCATED AT 1930 N. KIMBALL AVENUE, BEING DESCRIBED AS TRACT IF, FRANCES TROOP SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1511, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED SITE EXHIBIT ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "A" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for a Solar Energy System on residential property has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as "AG" Agricultural District; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 45.1 (45) and 45.17 of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for a Solar Energy System on residential property on 1930 N. Kimball Avenue being described as Tract 1F, Frances Troop Survey, Abstract 1511, an addition to the City of Southlake as depicted on the approved Site Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" and providing an effective date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. Resolution No. 19-018 SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 21st DAY OF MAY, 2019. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AKE, --By _0. ATTEST: .......... Amy Sl Te ey City Secretary -d"AIIK Laura Hill, Mayor EXHIBIT `A" Plans and Support Information Resolution No. 19-018 SHEETINDEX PLOT PLAN SOLAR LAYOUT PvT ATTACHMENT DIEU- ELECTRIM LINE DIAGRAM — "NOTES: SYSTENIF tLC­ANYIAJL11IWC-1_ SETSA0- MR CIRDINANCES OT THE .—H-AKE. - ALL PRCUECTS WILL COMPLY MTH THE OIRDINAJNDIES OF THE SOLITHILAI(E PRODUCT DATA SHEETS WILL BE N UDED ALL SIGRADE TO BE PLACED N ACCORDANCE WMH LOCAL BUHIXNG CODE ARFAnIF ARRAY 1M­ FT SCOPE OF WORK INSTALL A I M AW GRID -RED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM T.I.— 1.) DGELIL 0 All DlK)GS 325 SOLAR MODULES WITH(U) CWHASE 107PLUS-72—S MICRO4t4VERTERS, MUSH MMHTET) ON A METAL ROOF AND WrERCONNECTEDY. MAIN LOAD CENTER CODE COMPLIANCE ALL SURRLVEDEQUIPMEHT ISM LISTED 20;4 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE 2015 WTERNATIOIA RESIDENTIAL CODE 2015 NTERNATxY4AL BmDNC1 C_ 2015III17ERNATIONAI-FIRE (.)Sq�R ENPHASE, a m- SPAN 241 AN a K­ _o­ .1 SOIAR MODULES ANO (.) E­ 07RLn&F2-XAJ.S MIC—TERS -t 77ft I. 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Jr1 11056d Mm.ir nl. ]gH• F�nrr he F�i+^Iw IRONRIDGE XR100 RAIL TYP 5 Inch distance from roof -2x5 RAFTER surface to bottom of solar S-51 PROTEA @ 24. OC TYP modules BRACKET 1V/PLYWOOD 12 IRONRIDGE W/ S-5! ATTACHMENT MOUNTING SYSTEM r 1 SCALE 1•=1'.0• ^: Y. + x a ams QCe11QPNk DUOS 325 ealal Clwulb 2 1 —~ Ab011e Emch )2 Maa Brand) Af rRquiredmmluttarampxlry NalwwallYwMn U IL211t12R L2S1-0ISA RetadTowle 1FF 10141u 461 - - AWGR10. der —dam W Mn AC C"""I A I�1011071N081=22.72A @IIR V, IA E47T21, AC Va 24t1V NEAN 7 4,Y.s,121J _ Grpha+e Kl)oIUS))IURRAOY2_ - _ 2272A * %ISA . dwmbm AC wYe An 12vat Combined System AC,eq,.Ud IYUKJ ra RV UL111t,NEMA39 tM 64? Npm V 240 V Maa CUrmm IRA lLR112NIL251 =163A AWGIBderamd--Y (5511o.9A1 A = SaBSA _---'-_________-_--- - --- - SPAR WIXIE.WVEATEA NANUFALiIIPER ALaI WANTIiI .241 ODELL C Km DUO GS 321 SOLAR WWI 9 i)4I ENPHASE IO)PLu51: x US NICAO NSERTEPfi xH0-OVOL vG AFrtu. 120A DP8 ORA r. WDaLE� IUNGriray -__ 0 .. . rNDDuIEe . ___-. • • _ y nSF A— - IN FREE aIR ..0, L2 RED -na• G • 3REEN Y4' EM1 N ED, AsvG 169PREL'J AL20�4C\\' ti\ Xiu_4 a. rntl9p@R `QED —101E LIX.KABLE DD19LONNED: Tt> m ig OF - - 34dREG)IONAL OY BREAKER M A DR9 LOCAT THESt "- .,IN p15CIrNFC• ROM NSC EXi9)1NG 0 A RATED A IA51BBLE • .. . PANfLE• ^ JLE AULLED �y WN_iN nT'.A IF hV Bt. n +lecmoo= A�RF EEN NORTH TEXAS i SOLAR BLYNN MOCK s RESIDENCE 19N KIMBALL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 7W92 ESIDu 1-3nW02521a2 JURISDICTION W—LAKE x• I,,r 32 11 rwLvax .roan .. 24 . ay.rurs�a. _)BCN_X1Y w:•ram 1 STORY NORTH TEXAS SOLAR BLYNN MOCK RESIDENCE 1930N KIMBALLAVE SOUTIIIARE TK78N92 ES10 4 IM43T]UDB256112J JURISDICTION ..ha.r`xi..ar...v. `I E,oRY Resolution No. 19-018 Resolution No. 19-018 54 17 _.S s of:..a.# i 7 a �is,J r = M.- } N - V�.j ��' 1 • i i �� {T�.R.'� � � `���k idfd.�� .'fit PC �a.AL yF 40" r a - h StarmTelegram MEDIA Arlington Citizen -Journal I The Keller Citizen I La Estrella Mansfield News -Mirror I Star -Telegram Northeast I Weatherford Star -Telegram star-telegram.com 1808 Throckmorton St. I Ft Worth, Tx. 76102-6315 *** MEMO INVOICE *** Fed ID# 26-2674582 $149.16 SALES REP 24 ADVERTISER INFORMATION Christine zzLopez BILLING PERIOD =T 6 BILLED ACCOUNT NUMBER 7 ADVERTSERICUENTNIMIBER 2 ADVERTISERICUENT NAME 05/03/2019 600637 600637 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO Star -Telegram CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Star -Telegram -Advertising 1400 MAIN ST PO BOX 51847 Livonia, MI48151 f l� 2019 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Billing: Contact Sales Rep. 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C l n Attention: Brandi Garlock t Title CITY OF SOUTHLAKE e 1400 MAIN ST STE 440 g SOUTHLAKE, TX 760927604 —.... _S PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE U 7 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS G Notice is hereby given to ail inter- ested persons that the City of R Southlake, Texas, will consider tr the following items in the Coun- Z cil Chambers at Town Hall,1400 R Main Street, SovaAake, Texas N for: The City Council on Tuesday, May ' 21 2019r at 5:30 p.m. will hold a pearlreq and consider! pu611c • Resolution Mo. 19-018, (ZA19- 0023) specific Use Permit for a Resl ential Solar Energy Sys- tem described Ot on property as Tract if Frances Throop Sur- vey, AbsIract 1511, an addition to the City of Southlake, Irl Tarrant County Texas and lo- cated at 1930 �, Kimball Ave- nue, Southlake, Texas. Current al Zooinw "AG" Aoricttltural Dis- Th. The Planning & Zoning Commission on Thursday Maf� 23, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. will hole a pubilchear- ingp and consider: • ZA19.0027 Plat Revision for Lots 3R3Ri and 3R3R2, Block 1. Steward Addition on property described as Lot 3R3r Bieck i< Steward Addition an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and lo- cated at 551 E. Dove Rd.. (ad- trict) Southlake Texas. Curratt Zoning: 'SF -IA' Single Family Residential District. SPIN • • Neighborhood No 3 1219, (CP19- 0001), adopting the City of Southlake Health & Wellness Master Plan an element of the Southlake 2b35 Comprehensive Plan. • Ordinance No. 484-ZZZZ an amendment to the City of Southlake the Zoning Ordi- nance No. 4904, as amended, to ide provflexibility for residential accessory buildings and family T quarters, The City Council on Tuesday June 4, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. will Wd a • public hoaring and consider: • Ordinance No 480-761, (ZA19- 0024) Zoning Change and Site Plan for Cates Landing aka Ward Retail on property being described as Lot 34, F. Throop No. 1511 Addition, City of • Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas located at 1500 N. Kim- ball Avdr►aie Sdwthleke Texas. Current Zarr�nj "C-1- Nelgtrbor- hood Commercial District Pro- posed Zoning: 'IS-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District. SPIN Neigh- A borhoed $4, + Ordinance No, 460-515a, (ZA19- 0026) Zoning Change and Site Plan for Castle 114 ASC an rty described as Lot91210 Addition, an additlon6to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County Texas and located at 1110 State Highway 114, a wagram l�1`� Citizen I 64for CitiLa Estrella east I Weatherford Star -Telegram it. I Ft Worth, Tx. 76102-6315 IBLICATION 9, (Cp19- a City Of Inge t No. tl:ZZ2Z an il! a the Zooming ttyOrd[- No. as amended, to p flexlbl fly for rest Tory buildings and MWW rs. Council on Tuesdalr /Wle 1 9, at 5:30 p.m. ,will WW_ a for and a Of PO # 21900309 No. ;480-ZZZZ an to .the Cltx of t� Zoning. Ordl• A80` aS amtimdad, to �bllfiy for realdentlal >triidings and talnlly persons are twgadto ll SCOTT BEARD %C ry ID # 131768951 October 23, 2022 $149.16 1 1 1106.00 Li THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared VICTORIA RODELA, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star -Telegram, published by the Star -Telegram, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the attached clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the listed dates: 1 Insertion(s) Published On: May 03, 2019 LiLLZ (Principal Clerk) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS 3rd day of May in the year of 2019 - Noiaij 43 Extra charge for lost or duplicate affidavits. Legal document please do not destroy! b,mmaxe, iexas. torrent zon- ing; "S-9-11 detailed Site Plan sv p.m. and tor Of Plan. + Ordinance No. 4WZZZZ an amendment to the City of Southlake the Zoning Ordi- nance No, 480 as amended, to provide flexibility for residential accessory buildings and family quarters. All interested persons are urged to attend. City of Southlake Amy Shelley, TRMC City Secretary